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The secret to having the most beautiful and instagrammable indoor plants

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Indoor Plants x @tamara_st_

Indoor Plants x @tamara_st_

Tamara's secret to caring for indoor plants is simple but effective: "Water them and give them lots of love."

Image by @tamara_st_

Indoor plants x @sofiaparapluie

Indoor plants x @sofiaparapluie

Sofia has one of the most beautiful deco Instagram accounts and also a good collection of enviable houseplants. She has shared with us her secrets:

"I discovered quite late how to take care of plants, I never managed to see them beautiful until I fell in love with a Pilea and did everything to get it. With the Pilea I learned that they like different parts of the house and it is important to observe and change them, they normally like them Very bright places but without direct sunlight. The family of little plants grew and it is for me a moment of relaxation to take care of them, you cannot imagine my joy when there are baby plants at home. I like to do a review twice a week and see how they are Take the opportunity to water them, remove any dead leaves, change the pot when they need to grow. I recommend starting with a plant that is easy to care for and then gradually increasing the family. "

Thanks for your advice Sofia! We promise to put them into practice.

Image by @sofiaparapluie

Indoor Plants x @bohodeco_

Indoor Plants x @bohodeco_

Inés Torres' secret to having the most instagrammable indoor plants is natural light. "Put them in a place where they don't get direct sunlight, but they do have a natural light source. I have a corner in my house that I forget until I have plants and it doesn't even die from shots." And seeing her corner, we will follow her advice to the letter.

Image by @bohodeco_

Indoor Plants x @floritismo

Indoor Plants x @floritismo

Anna is an expert in flowers and plants, so we were especially interested in hearing her secrets for caring for indoor plants:

"Observe and know them, especially the first days. If you see that it is not right, you have to change its location immediately. When they find their place, you just have to be aware of when the soil is dry and then water."

Simple and very educational, thank you Anna!

Image by @floritismo

Indoor Plants x @martahouse_s

Indoor Plants x @martahouse_s

The decoration Instagramer has it clear, the best secret to take care of your indoor plants is resistant plants. Jokes aside, Marta tells us that "each plant is particular and you have to worry about knowing what it needs specifically. I think we fail at that, sometimes we put the ones that don't need much light precisely where it gives more light because we think it looks good there … ". So now you know, less to look at the aesthetics of our houses and more for the needs of our indoor plants.

Image by @martahouse_s

Indoor Plants x @roser_home_

Indoor Plants x @roser_home_

The advice that Roser gives us is short but we love: "clean the leaves of large plants with a damp cloth and spray water on the vast majority." What were you not doing yet?

Image by @roser_home_

Indoor Plants x @mariomasmel

Indoor Plants x @mariomasmel

If you do not know this Instagram account we invite you to visit it: plants, decoration and family life in its purest form. As for her tips for having the most beautiful indoor plants:

"In these years caring for our plants, I have discovered that they feel great being together. So if you want to fill your house with plants, I advise you to start by grouping them by species with similar needs."

Image by @mariomasmel

Indoor Plants x @marionacb

Indoor Plants x @marionacb

Plant lover, in Mariona's account you will find a lot of tips to take care of your indoor plants and also outdoor ones, like this hanging garden of aromatic plants that the Instagramer has at home.

Image by @marionacb