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The posado of india martínez and her sisters who is "breaking" instagram


Everyone is talking about India Martínez. The singer is on vacation in Almería and has uploaded a photo with her sisters, Jenny and Dessi. "I always look for a reason to take you with me … ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ @wanted.martinez @laura_martinezfz," wrote the singer. Her last posing in a bikini already accumulates almost 60,000 'likes' and almost a thousand comments. And the truth is that we are not surprised because the three of them boast of being a great guy on Instagram and we have to say that they are gorgeous. In addition, it should be noted that the resemblance between them is very surprising. There are already those who compare them to the Spanish Kardashians!

Without a doubt, one of the most viral summer poses so far. "The Andalusian Kardashian", "The most beautiful on the planet", "Beautiful", "Spectacular", we read in the comments on the social network. We hope we can see another posed by the sisters before the summer is over.

The three sisters became a true viral hit three weeks ago, thanks to a brilliant response to an indiscreet follower. In case you did not know, India introduced her impressive sisters on Instagram and one of the users of the social network wrote: "I thought you dedicated to singing … not to do the same as the brainless fools." But the singer did not take long to answer him with a full-blown 'zasca'. "Excuse me, with a profile picture without a shirt, on vacation I don't sing, I wear a bikini like everyone else," the singer wrote next to an emoticon of a kiss.