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The mishap of alba diaz in paris that has entertained us all afternoon


Alba Díaz, our favorite trendsetter , has been living in Paris for a few weeks and is experiencing adventures of all kinds there. The last of them was this afternoon and it has become an odyssey that has kept her dedicated Instagram community in suspense for a long time.

It turns out that as a result of a confusion between the influencer and her roommate, they have left the keys inside the house and have had to do the impossible (and when we say the impossible is the impossible) in order to enter. Alba has shared with her Instagram followers the whole process, which fortunately has had a solution and will remain an anecdote that she can tell her grandchildren (and followers).

"My roommate left the keys in Navarra when it was last week, and we only had two keys, hers and mine," said Vicky Martín's daughter, who said that, of course, having only one key for two, her partner and she have been agreeing for three days "to see who enters first, who takes the keys, who locks …". And in one of those, they were wrong! "She had gone out before, I thought she was still asleep, and I left without the key."

Faced with this confusion, they have found themselves in the street without being able to enter the house, and they have had to figure out how to open the door, and in what way! “What we have done has been a pair of scissors, a bottle, we have cut the bottle, we have tried to open it… No way! Then we called the insurance and nobody caught us … ", said Alba. But there are more, they kept making calls, some yes, others no … In the end it turned out that a neighbor in an adjoining building was a friend from the owner and thanks to this they were able to re-enter their Parisian home.