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The work horoscope: this is how going back to school will go according to your sign

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Aries March 21 - April 19

Aries March 21 - April 19

You will be super motivated for "back to school". The people around you at work, and your superiors in particular, will be aware of all that you are capable of and how much you are worth. But the key to everything going smoothly is to be more patient and realistic. Discover the rest of your prediction for the return to work

Photo: Sarah Jessica Parker in Divorce.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Taurus April 20 - May 20

The powerful influence of Mars will gradually start to bear fruit all that you have been sowing throughout the year, but from the start you will start off quite calm and relaxed and wanting to make many changes. Here the rest of your prediction for the job.

Photo: Cate Blanchett in Manifesto.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Gemini May 21 - June 20

You are in a time of change and of rethinking many things at all levels, and especially at work. For this reason, your return to school will not be a bed of roses. Your own doubts and rethinking will make you somewhat scattered, distant, and even dry. If you want to know more, keep reading the rest of your work horoscope.

Photo: Nicole Kidman in The Interpreter .

Cancer June 21 - July 22

Cancer June 21 - July 22

After a vacation in which you have begun to rethink many things about your professional career, you will face a very decisive "back to school" in which you will have to choose where you want to direct your steps. More details of your prediction for the return to work, here …

Photo: Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Leo July 23 - August 22

After the well-deserved holidays, you will have to put order at work and in all the plans you have in hand, which are not few. Keep in mind that good planning and organization are the secret to much of the success of any successful initiative. Everything that your horoscope holds for work, here.

Photo: Amy Adams in Nocturnal Animals.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Your return will be marked by a great challenge that you have had in mind for a long time: claiming the place and the recognition you deserve for all the work done. You have every right to claim it and not only that, but you also have plenty of reasons and weighty arguments to defend your claims. Find out more details of your prediction for the job.

Photo: Evan Rachel Wood at Westworld.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Libra September 23 - October 22

Be very careful this back to school with the way you relate to your co-workers and, especially, with your superiors or the people you depend on professionally. If you don't lose your temper and negotiate with them in a respectful and super positive way, you will get their favors right away. Don't miss all the details of your prediction for the job.

Photo: Gwyneth Paltrow at Ironman.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Make the most of this "back to school" because you have very good prospects in everything related to your professional projection. Thanks to the good astral conjuncture you will be much more awake and inspired to plan your projects and defend your positions and your ideas in the negotiations that you have to carry out. Find out the entire prediction of your sign.

Photo: Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Get ready for a very fruitful back to school. According to the stars, you have many possibilities of obtaining many benefits, both financially and professional recognition or projection, thanks to your good work at work. Here is the rest of your prediction for your return to work.

Photo: Julianne Moore in Non stop (nonstop).

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

Rested and with the battery recharged, you will face the "back to school" in the best possible way. And it is that from now until the end of the year you will find yourself much stronger and more sure of yourself to face everything that is coming your way, which is not little. More on your prediction for the job, here.

Photo: Marta Hazas in Velvet collection.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

After these vacations that have helped you to strengthen ties with your loved ones and put your ideas in order, it's time to get down to work again. According to the stars, this "return" to school you will have to rethink the way you relate to your bosses or your professional colleagues. Read the rest of your prediction for the job.

Pictured: Jennifer Aniston in Tangles on Broadway.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Little by little, the ideas you had in mind to develop your full professional potential are taking shape. However, you will have to be very patient because they will go sooo much slower than you would like. Meanwhile, take the opportunity to solve tangles, problems or conflicts. Keep reading here to know more about yourself.

Photo: Glen Close in Damages.

Aries March 21 - April 19

After the holidays, you will be super motivated to focus again on achieving your goals. The key for everything to go well, according to the stars, is that you learn to be more patient and realistic. Precisely this will be one of the most important challenges that you have had to face this 2019. Instead of acting impulsively and without thinking about the consequences of your actions (as you often do), you should think things over before moving tab and make more mature and thoughtful decisions. Something that, even if it costs you, you will end up thanking yourself.

People who were born under the sign of Aries are leaders by nature. For this reason, you prefer to send to be sent. If you have a choice, you prefer to work on your own or in small teams than under someone else's command or in large corporations. And what you hate the most at work is getting bored.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Going back to work after the summer break will be quite calm and relaxed, but you will also have the opportunity to make big changes if you wish. You will still have to make a considerable effort to get to where you set out. But the payoff will be worth it. In this final stretch of the year, you have a good chance to see how many of your dreams come true. And although your responsibilities will increase, so will your income or the motivation you craved so much to give the best of yourself.

Patience and tenacity are two of the virtues of the people who belong to the sign of Taurus. For this reason, you perform wonderfully in jobs that require perseverance and dedication and are not afraid of any obstacles. And since you also have a lot of character, you can both be a solid and reliable partner and a very good boss.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

After the holidays, some problems or obstacles could arise that destabilize you. But if you are clear about your goals and are not distracted, you can safely save them. Thanks to your talent and your adaptability, little by little, you will reap all the fruits of the work that you have been doing with great effort. And thanks to your sense of humor and your gift of people, you will solve any conflict that appears unexpectedly. In this way, you will arrive at the end of 2019 with a lot of accumulated experience and satisfaction for the work done.

If you were born under the sign of Gemini you will need to work in new and stimulating environments where the word boredom has no place. If there is something you detest above all things, it is anchoring yourself in the work routine. And what you like the most: learning and experimenting.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

You will feel the need to weigh the pros and cons of everything that happened throughout the year. It will be a time of reflection to decide where you want to direct your professional career from now on. If you are thinking about a job change or a new business adventure, fall will be a good time to get down to business. The stars will be on your side and you will find a way to overcome all the obstacles that you encounter on the way, that there will be, be sure. But you are already used to not being given anything …

People born under the sign of Cancer are much more sensitive and attentive than people think. But it betrays the fact that you always end up taking over jobs dedicated to serving or helping others, in many cases, or in artistic and cultural environments.

Leo July 23 - August 22

With the return to routine, your personal situation will improve and that will have a positive impact on your work. But still you will have to put the batteries to get rid of all the accumulated work. As a consequence, it is likely that you have the odd brush with one of your superiors or co-workers. So that it does not go to more, avoid confrontations at all costs by keeping your pride in a safe place and persisting in your efforts to catch up as soon as possible. This will be the best argument when it comes to defending your worth and accessing the stadium that you have marked.

Showing off and being the center of attention are two of the weaknesses of people who were born under the sign of Leo. However, not only do you perform well as artists, public relations and business, you can also be great leaders in business, politics or education.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Returning to work (or looking for it if you are not employed) will not be easy as some external problems related to personal relationships threaten to destabilize you and you may be distracted from your tasks. So that this does not happen, you will have to concentrate on the little things and gradually move forward . This way, everything will seem more bearable and you will not run the risk of being overburdened or making serious mistakes due to lack of attention. If you do so and try not to lag behind on any issue, you have nothing to fear.

The people who belong to the sign of Virgo are the most methodical and perfectionists at work. For this reason, you are reliable and very suitable for all those jobs that involve detail and precision. In return, you sin of being somewhat insecure, since nothing seems right to you at all, neither from others nor from yourself …

Libra September 23 - October 22

When you return from vacation, you will have to put all your energy at the service of the work and the projects you have in hand if you do not want them to end up twisted. It will be quite stressful months, really, but very enriching too. On the one hand, you will have the opportunity to bring out your most creative side, something that will make you feel deeply fulfilled. And on the other, you will gain confidence in yourself to achieve all the goals you have set for yourself. It will be like an anticipated gift from Kings: a final stretch of the year full of successes and recognition for your good work.

Ruled by Venus, people who were born under the sign of Libra are very sociable, diplomatic and with a very accentuated artistic sensitivity. As a consequence, you tend to be very good at any profession related to mediation, justice and art.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Little by little and as autumn approaches, your professional situation will stabilize more and more. Although there may still be changes, you will be very focused and prepared, and you will not be caught off guard. And you will even have more free time to enjoy it with your partner or friends thanks to good planning. In the event that you have your own business, it is very possible that you will obtain great benefits for your wise decisions. However, whether you are your own boss or working for others, do not relax completely at work.

The ability to reach the depths and the facility to be reborn from its own ashes make people who belong to the sign of Scorpio develop with great ease in everything related to psychology, research, medicine and even religion.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Everything that you will have learned and reaped throughout the year will make, after the summer holidays, feel that the time has come to drop anchor and stabilize. If you already have a job and it makes you feel fulfilled, you will fight to consolidate your position. While if you want to change jobs or do not have it yet, you will focus on those jobs that take advantage of your full potential. It is a good time to draw on your friends and activate that network of contacts that can facilitate the job you are looking for.

The sign of Sagittarius is the sign of idealism and travel, which is why its natives can be great explorers, defenders of lost causes and religious. Your weak point: that you do not tolerate the rules very well; you almost never follow them to the letter (you always go to your ball …).

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

If they have not already done so, it is likely that you will be assigned new projects or responsibilities at work that you will not have any qualms about facing, but quite the opposite: you will feel that you needed this stimulus and you will throw yourself completely. As you head into the fall, you will feel super comfortable and confident in all the tasks that you have to perform. However, it is likely that they will make you an interesting offer, or new and tempting projects will appear. But, although they can be very positive for the development of your professional career, they will require much more time and dedication than you are willing to invest.

Ambition and perseverance are common denominators of people who were born under the sign of Capricorn. Like the goat, the animal that represents you, you can reach the highest place by climbing patiently. The downside is that you can become workaholics.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

If you have not yet started that project or business you had in mind, now is a good time to do it. Everything indicates that you will have facilities and help to start it up. However, you don't want to go too fast. The stars advise you to go step by step, making the relevant decisions at all times and without anticipating events. The key is to take charge of your plans without pause, but above all without haste, because if you do not you could take a wrong step and have to return to the starting square due to impatience and haste.

Intelligent, innovative and creative, the people who belong to the sign of Aquarius are used to being free spirits who love to work independently and without ties. Anything that is novel or exhilarating will immediately catch you.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

After the summer holidays, you will have no choice but to be honest with yourself and clarify your vital priorities from a practical and rational point of view. That is, establish where you place all the interests of your life: love, family, friendships, work, health, your hobbies … And draw up a plan to dedicate space and space to each of them. time needed. If you do, you will face the final stretch of the year with very clear ideas and highly motivated to take on any challenge, both professional and personal.

Thanks to their hypersensitivity and empathy, people born under the sign of Pisces can be very good in professions that require intuition, compassion, understanding and sensitivity, both in the field of art, education or attention to others.

Cover photo: Big little lies.