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Does avocado make you fat?

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To the eternal question of whether avocado makes you fat or not, the answer is that, in principle, no. And according to some studies it even helps to keep the line.

Take advantage of its properties

  • An ally to lose weight. Yes, yes, as you read it. According to a study published in the Nutritional Journal, adding half an avocado to your daily diet can help you keep the pounds at bay. The reason? Well, being very satiating, it reduces the desire to snack by 40% in the next 3-5 hours.
  • Very healthy. In addition to helping you lose weight thanks to its satiating power, other research published in Internal Medicine Review concluded that all those who eat avocados regularly tend to follow a healthier diet, weigh less and have better health.

  • The key is not to go overboard. Keep in mind that an avocado provides about 200 kcal, so to lose weight consume between 1/4 and 1/2 a day, depending on your diet as a whole.
  • Does the avocado light exist? What is sold as avocado "light" is not a revolutionary product or another planet. It is simply about avocado varieties (reed, strong …) that have less fat than the hass variety, which is the one that is sold the most in Spain.
  • Eat the bone, yes or no. Although according to some studies, it has many antioxidants and fiber, do not rush to crush it and consume it without more; there is no evidence yet that it is safe in humans.
  • Make the most of it. In addition to guacamole, the avocado can be used instead of butter and added directly to the bread, crushing it with a fork or sliced, seasoning it to taste and completing it with other vegetables (tomato, pepper, onion …) or proteins (salmon , egg, cheese …). And if you want more ideas to incorporate them into your menus, take a look at our avocado recipes, easy and … delicious!

Did you know…

A medium avocado …

It provides 17 g of fats, most of them monounsaturated, and 196 kcal.