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Street harassment ends here: discover the stand up program


The data does not lie: 78% of women have suffered sexual harassment in public spaces. And only 25% claim to have received help … Harassment disparages women and men of any sexual orientation, culture and belief. Therefore, to interrupt this dynamic, on March 8, International Women's Day, L'Oréal Paris will present the STAND UP program Against Street Harassment in five countries, including Spain and later in another six, to raise awareness about this issue and with a global call to action.

The brand commissioned IPSOS (a global market study) to investigate the extent of harassment in public spaces and its impact from two points of view: as witnesses and as victims. In Spain, 82% of the women surveyed declared having experienced street harassment, a fact that for 36% of them had a strong impact on their confidence. On the other hand, 86% of the total respondents, men and women, declared that they did not know how to react if they were a witness or victim of a situation of harassment in public places.

For this reason, the firm wants to encourage and accompany women so that they can live according to their own rules, values ​​and desires and feel confident in themselves. In addition, she wants to break down those barriers that prevent her personal fulfillment, being street harassment one of the first that in a generalized way we find in today's society.

Therefore, in association with Hollaback! (International NGO expert in anti-bullying training), L'Oréal wants to support an international training program (face-to-face and online) to train one million people in intervention to tackle street bullying. In Spain, the implementation of the program will be carried out through Fundación Mujeres, expecting to train 50,000 people in two years. This training will prepare you to take action the next time you witness a bullying situation, or to react if it happens to you.