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The 12 best tricks to organize yourself and give you time for everything

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Multitasking … Stop!

Multitasking … Stop!

Although socially it seems that the ability to perform more than one task at the same time is rewarded, in the end it is counterproductive! This is stated by a study from Harvard University (USA), which assures that being a 'single task' is much more productive. Your grandmother already said it: “You can't be at mass and ringing!”. Focus on a single activity, not only will you be able to complete it much faster, you will also do it without errors. Ahem , stop preparing that sandwich while you are reading this…

Learn to say "no"

Learn to say "no"

We often put the needs of others before our own. This is because we feel selfish and bad people if we cannot fulfill everything that is asked of us. The problem appears when sacrificing ourselves becomes habitual. As the psychologist Patricia Ramírez points out: "Knowing when to say 'no' will allow you to decide and choose what to do with your time". Repeat with us: "NO", and discover how liberating this word can be! Is it hard for you to say? We give you 20 phrases and ideas to say 'no' without feeling guilty.

What is not written is forgotten

What is not written is forgotten

Strip agenda and post-its! It's the easiest way to keep things from forgetting. No matter how much faith you have in your memory, in the end it is inevitable that you will forget that Pablito had a dentist, that it is your mother-in-law's birthday and that at 12 noon you have a meeting with a client. In addition, Ramírez recommends taking into account the trips and the margin of error of your tasks when scheduling.

Organize your life with one click

Organize your life with one click

If taking paper and a pen for you is something from the last century … We have what you need: Take your mobile and register in Google Keep or download applications like Todoist.

The power to delegate

The power to delegate

Let's face it, we can't (and we don't want to!) Be superheroines who reconcile their family, personal and professional life to perfection and with almost no mess. Ask for help when you need it and stop being Mrs. "I'll take care of it." "Delegation educates your people in responsibility", explains Ramírez. The change of roles and co-responsibility are key, educate the new generations from equity!

Conciliation, a utopia

Conciliation, a utopia

There is still a long way to go towards reaching conciliation in Spain. And it is that being a woman, growing professionally and enjoying your children is still a utopia. The figures speak for themselves: eight out of 10 women have difficulties combining work and family and personal life, according to a study carried out by Yo No Quit. The conciliation measures are insufficient and badly planned!



"I'm late, I'm late" sounds familiar, right? If you feel that you have been possessed by the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and you are always against the clock, pay attention to another of the conciliation measures that must be promoted now! The flexible goal-based shift. Because gentlemen entrepreneurs, productivity is not linked to schedules!

Prioritize and make room

Prioritize and make room

Write what you do in your day to day and what you would like to do. Analyze both lists and create a third in which you define your ideal mix between obligations and activities that inspire you. Do not be frustrated if you do not comply, but having a reference of your ideal day will be of great help. Remember: having time for yourself is not optional. Maybe it's time to get back to your passion for photography …

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

Wanting everything to be impeccable can sometimes subtract more than add. You have to learn to distinguish between those moments when something must be there for now! and those in which quality prevails over speed. Ramírez advises defining a time for your work to be good (not perfect), and then do not review it again. As much as you do, you will not avoid failure, it is true that you minimize it, but sometimes it is at the cost of time that can be much more valuable than a possible mistake.

No procrastination

No procrastination

Every time you've gotten down to business with that urgent report, have you ended up being super productive in tasks like analyzing the latest from Zara? Get out of the quicksand of procrastination and stop procrastinating. To do this, the best thing is to make a list with everything you have to do and start with the one that gives you the most laziness. By having other more appetizing activities 'in line', you will have an extra motivation to complete the boring one.

Disconnect from work

Disconnect from work

Technology can be a double-edged sword. Tools such as email make it possible for us to be connected to our work wherever we are and at any time. Do you really think you have to go with your work phone even to your yoga class? Set limits and, unless you have agreed otherwise with your superiors, leave work matters at the office. You can't imagine the time they make you waste beyond your working day …

Your most fit break

Your most fit break

Take advantage of the downtime. If you have plenty of time to eat at work, why not take the opportunity to go to the gym at noon? So you already fulfill your duties fit ! Discover this one and 14 more tips from busy women who (really!) Don't have time to play sports.

All up to you

All up to you

Less doubts and more assertiveness. Have more confidence in yourself and do not be afraid to make decisions, it is normal not to want to give up certain things, but it is something that you have to assume when deciding on an option.

Enough! Stop going against the clock. Sit quietly and finish reading this article that will mark a before and after in your life (at least in its rhythm).

"I DON'T HAVE TIME" … lie!

The psychologist Patricia Ramírez, who has just presented If you were to live … , proposes a series of habits to have a full life and, obviously, time management is one of the most important points. To the question, why don't I have time? She responds: “ The time for everyone is the same, 24 hours a day. The problem is generally not lack of time, but disorganization, lack of planning and not knowing how to set priorities, ”explains the psychologist. You can say higher, but not clearer.

USE THE TIME like this!

  • Organization, planning and prioritizing. This is the trio of aces that will lead you to victory and to say goodbye to stress and rush.
  • Avoid procrastinating. Don't put it off until tomorrow … and the day after tomorrow, and next week … get out of the loop!
  • Be more assertive. Don't be afraid to say what you think (without hurting or belittling anyone, of course).
  • Buy yourself an agenda. It is the best investment you can make. Although if you are more digital, you can always opt for a mobile app.
  • Learn to say "no." This word can be most liberating.

By María Gijón Moreno