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Kidney pain, what could it be due to?

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If your kidneys hurt, you may think it is just low back pain, but it can be caused by other causes. It can appear as a discomfort on one side, in the lower back, and even in the upper part of the abdomen or on the side. It is important to go to a specialist to specify the reason why we suffer from this problem, since it is easy to confuse the symptoms. For example, sometimes we can think that it is something serious and the origin is muscular, especially if it calms down with rest or stretching. On the other hand, if it is only relieved with medication, the cause is most likely in a kidney condition.

Dr. Marta López Tomás, specialist in Family and Community Medicine and e-Health Medical Manager of Cigna Spain clarifies all doubts about what can cause kidney pain.

Causes of kidney pain

Although it will be the doctor who diagnoses what may be due to kidney pain, these symptoms can give you clues about the origin:

  • Renal colic . The most common cause of kidney pain is the existence of kidney stones, better known as kidney stones or nephritic colic. They are usually produced by accumulation of minerals that are retained in the kidney. Nephritic colic, derived from the existence of kidney stones, have a particular symptomatology. The existence of stones in the kidneys or renal lithiasis cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, fever, etc. in addition to the severe pain that occurs in the kidneys due to the obstruction of the ureter.
  • Urinary tract infection. The most common reason is due to bacteria that ascend to the kidney and that come from the lower urinary tract. Other symptoms such as fever, hematuria (blood in the urine) and even vomiting may appear. Women are more prone to these types of ailments.
  • Lumbago . Many people also confuse kidney pain with low back pain, pain in the lower back. This pathology usually has a muscular origin due, for example, to bad posture, repetitive movements or trauma. However, it can also occur the other way around, that is, a kidney disease, such as renal colic, produces reflex pain in the back, especially in the lower back, or pain in the pyramidal muscle and hip.
  • Other causes . Other less common causes of kidney problems include kidney cancer, acute kidney injury (AKI), which occurs when the kidneys suddenly stop working, or nephrotic syndrome, which means that the kidneys are not working as they should.

Kidney Pain: Warning Symptoms

Paying attention to the symptoms that accompany the pain can also guide the specialist as to what may be the reason for the problem. For example, it is known that renal colic is often accompanied by vomiting, blood in the urine, and even fever. Other pathologies often give face with other warning signs. For example:

  • Changes in urine
  • Fatigue
  • Disorientation
  • Abundant blood when urinating
  • Nausea and headache

For this reason, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to carry out the relevant tests and clarify what pathology it is.

How are kidney problems treated?

It will depend on the cause of the pain. For example, if it is colic, it is recommended to drink fluids, control pain with analgesics and anti-inflammatories and, if necessary, use a catheter. If there is also an infection, an antibiotic will be added to the treatment.

Acute kidney failure is treated with dialysis, in the case of kidney cancer chemotherapy or specialized treatments will be used.

The importance of a good diagnosis

  • Blood and urine tests . When you arrive at the hospital with severe pain in the kidney area, the first thing to be done is a blood and urine test to see if it is colic or another pathology. Depending on the results and the appearance of certain substances in the urine, the specialist will be able to determine what problem it is.

  • Radiograph . Another of the common tests that are done when a patient goes to a medical center for kidney pain is an X-ray to determine the degree of inflammation or an ultrasound that will see if there are stones (common in colic due to stones in the kidney).
  • More imaging tests. Depending on the results, complementary tests such as intravenous ureterography, which allows to see the path of the urinary tract from the kidney to the urethra, or a computerized axial tomography (CT) scan, will be considered.

This is how you should take care of your kidneys

Although not all kidney disease can be prevented, you can adopt some habits to take maximum care of kidney health:

  1. Be careful with proteins . High protein diets, without the advice of a nutritionist and without any justification, strain the kidneys and worsen their health.
  2. Less bad fats . Everything that damages your circulatory system, causes damage to the heart and kidneys. Therefore, balance your diet, increase the consumption of good fats and limit foods such as fried and ultra-processed foods as much as possible.
  3. Do not abuse drugs . Although nothing happens if you take them when your head hurts a lot or due to menstruation, you cannot abuse drugs as common as anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen since they generate toxicity and the kidneys suffer.
  4. Control your weight . Influences kidney health. According to the Spanish Society of Nephrology, being overweight and obese cause diseases such as diabetes and hypertension that, in turn, damage the kidneys.
  5. Don't neglect your oral health . Diseases such as periodontitis release substances that harm the kidney. In fact, they can double the risk of kidney disease.