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Test to find out how healthy your heart is

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We will not surprise you by saying that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and low in salt and saturated fat lowers the risk of developing cholesterol and hypertension, two of the most dangerous disorders for the heart.

But going down to the realm of what you do every day, you may not have it so clear. For example, do you know how it influences that you watch more or less television? Therefore, this test can help you see if your habits take care of your heart or if you have to improve something.

Cholesterol and hypertension

Half of Spaniards have high cholesterol and up to 30% suffer from hypertension, according to data from the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC). And, what is worse, many of them do not know it and therefore do not take the appropriate measures to lower their rates. By not causing symptoms, hypertension and cholesterol gradually damage the blood vessels, and this increases the chances of suffering from circulation problems, a heart attack or a stroke.

A blood test takes you out of doubt

In addition to doing the test, it is also recommended that you take a blood test every year, as recommended by the Spanish Society of Hypertension (SEH-LELHA) for prevention. And you must control the tension from time to time.

How to know if you have cholesterol

Check the figures of your analytics. Ideally, total cholesterol is less than 200 mg / dL. The bad (LDL) should be below 100 mg / dL. And in women, the minimum of good (HDL) is at 50 mg / dL. See if your total cholesterol is over 240 or if your bad cholesterol is over 160.

How to know if your blood pressure is okay

The tension must not exceed 120/80. It is the ideal. A sustained high pressure forces the heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body. Above 140/90, visit your doctor.