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Download Clara magazine calendar November 2017

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The month of November is one of those months that you love or hate. There is no middle ground because we are already immersed in the middle of autumn and we have our eyes set on the winter that is stealthily approaching. We are definitely abandoning light garments and starting to dress in layers. We substitute sandals or ballerinas for ankle boots –we really love this part–, warmer boots or slippers and we take foulards, scarves, hats and gloves out of the closet. Come on, let's turn our wardrobe around and say goodbye to the warmth. And to make matters worse, we have changed the time!

But since not everything was going to be "bad news", we now bring you the clear calendar for the month of November. And also, a super special issue of the Clara Magazine because we are celebrating our 25th anniversary with Marta Torné on the cover … she's gorgeous!

Download the November calendar now!

Print it out and hang it on the fridge, give it to your co-worker, a friend or use it to organize and distribute household chores. It's time to reorganize your life and this calendar is a good way to start with it.

Also, to make your life a little easier, take note of these tips that we leave you below.

  • Better schedules, more vitality. Chaotic schedules influence us to feel more tired, nervous and in a worse mood. Try to eat meals and go to sleep at about the same times each day. And do not vary the schedules too much on the weekend.
  • Experiment with new ways of cooking. In the wok you can prepare sauteed in a few minutes. And with stackable bamboo or silicone steamers, cook more than one dish at a time. You dare?
  • Leave everything in its place. At the weekend we put the house in order, but as the days go by it begins to become a little chaos. If you spend just a few minutes a day putting everything in its place, you will save time on holidays.
  • Learn to disconnect. The body does not rest if the mind does not disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the day. Don't take work problems home with you. Try to visualize yourself as lowering the blind on a business. Works!
  • And find your moment. Prepare dinner, sleep, and go back to work … Thinking about it like that wears you down. Spend at least 30 minutes doing something you like and help you change your registration.
  • Take care of your hair and your skin. Brewer's yeast, rich in vitamins and minerals, takes care of your skin and hair, which usually show the change of season. Use it as if it were grated cheese. And having oat flakes for breakfast will give you silicon, necessary to produce collagen.
  • Dare with a change of look. Dyes, highlights, blondes, chestnut, redheads … This season you have many options to change your look and stomp this season.
  • Bundle up in style. Although it is difficult for you to recognize it, it is time to start thinking about the coat so discover how to choose the coat that best suits you according to the shape of your body.
  • And follow the trends. We will tell you what is still wearing in autumn / winter and what trends you should banish from your wardrobe to continue showing off your style, whatever the temperature.

The recipe of the month

sweet potato sweets

Roast the sweet potato 35 min in the oven at 200º and peel it. Mix the pulp with 200g of ground almonds and 150g of sugar. Knead and cut the dough into rectangles. Top with 50g of quince, roll up and cut into portions. Paint with egg and bake 10 min at 220º.

Download the November calendar now!