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Bad breath: the surprising foods and habits that cause it

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You're talking to that 'nice' boy at the gym, you let out your most seductive laugh when … HORROR, what is that smell? OMG, you could swear it came from your mouth! Aha , let's face it, who has not experienced something like that? Maybe it was not with muscleman , but surely that episode with that 'someone' taught you to always carry a packet of gum or a dental kit. Who is free from sin, cast the first stone … or show the mini bag from the bag! According to a study by the Spanish Federation of Sexology Societies, halitosis is the main physical inhibitor of libido (yes, ahead of lack of erection and premature ejaculation).

Causes of bad breath

Surely in your moments of land swallow me, you have remembered those delicious prawns with garlic or the rush that made you leave home without brushing your teeth. Garlic and poor hygiene are treacherous and can end up stinking to anyone you speak to, but you already knew that, right? However, there are many other treacherous foods and habits that can ruin any conversation that we never would have said. We spoke with Raúl Pascual Campanario, dentist and Doctoralia expert, to tell us what could be behind that stench …

  • Beyond the mouth. "There are many people who suffer from halitosis or bad breath and come to the consultation with concern and doubts, and the first thing to bear in mind is that in many cases it DOES have oral origin, but there is a small percentage in which it causes it hides behind stomach or other problems ”, explains Dr. Pascual.
  • Language. The source of that unpleasant stench can be a lady, very distinguished, who always drives and is always wet … Yes, her tongue! A study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology affirms that this is the main culprit of bad breath. Brush it off with a flat tongue scraper. Indeed, brushing your teeth is not enough. Psst, psst, don't forget to floss either.
  • Dry mouth. The lack of saliva causes dead cells to accumulate in the mouth and bacteria appear. Hence, when you wake up or after doing sports your breath is so 'strong'. The solution? Hydrate yourself Drink water and, if it doesn't fit, make yourself a tea or juice. Here are more tricks to drink more water without realizing it.
  • Garlic. Due to the volatile sulfur compounds it contains, it is one of the foods with the worst - and stinkiest - fame (and not only among vampires …). You know what to do, eliminate it from your diet? No, it is rich in antioxidants! Better neutralize its effect with other foods that help you have fresh breath.
  • Fats High-fat foods also cause bad breath. This is because they cause heavy digestions. If like the singer, you have not been able to resist the temptation either, here are some of the most powerful natural remedies to have fresh breath: chew parsley, cinnamon, lime, an infusion of mint or green tea.
  • Smoke. There are a thousand and one reasons to quit smoking once and for all. And the risk of becoming a walking ashtray that stinks in its wake is another. And is that smoke affects the flow of saliva, which causes dry mouth. In addition, harmful chemicals in cigarettes cause a lack of oxygenation of the gums, which translates into an increased risk of gingivitis.
  • Respiratory problems. If you have a cold or suffer from allergies or sinusitis, your breath may 'sing'. This is because your sinuses produce more mucus and phlegm, which attracts bacteria and, when they reach the throat, cause the bad smell. So be careful with the sneezes that the cat of your new date produces …
  • Stress. That urgent report, taking Lucas to the football game, picking up the car from the garage, giving your mother the birthday present, doing the weekly shopping … If the stress comes out of your ears … maybe because of your mouth is coming out a stench! This is because the salivary glands in situations of stress or anxiety, cause a decrease in salivary secretion, something that, as we have already seen, calls bacteria, ergo, bad breath.
  • Coffee. Despite popular belief, coffee does NOT cause bad breath, on the contrary! As you read it, this drink not only saves us from ending up sleeping soundly in early Monday meetings, it is also infallible against the bacteria that may be behind halitosis, as stated by an investigation from the University of Tel Aviv (Israel). Coffee lover , have we made your day? Well, here you have more benefits of coffee …
  • Prosthesis. As Raúl Pascual Campanario, dentist and Doctoralia expert, explains: “When the origin of bad breath is in the oral cavity, it is usually due to poorly fitting prostheses, such as veneers or crowns, through which bacteria and food debris leak ”.
  • Internal affairs “The periodontium is another possible oral origin of bad breath. This is the tissue that supports and surrounds the tooth. If tartar accumulates, the gums will become inflamed and an unpleasant smell will be caused ”, warns the dentist.

How to remove bad breath?

  • Xylitol gum. This problem is much more widespread than you might imagine. Four out of ten people suffer from bad breath. And to combat it, one of the most popular tricks is … chewing gum !: “Opt for xylitol and sugar-free ones, which help reduce the acidic pH that occurs after meals. In addition, they have a mechanical sweeping function that also cleans the teeth ”, advises Pascual.
  • Change the toothbrush. We are not going to tell you that you have to brush your teeth after every meal and that it is advisable to use a mouthwash, but we are going to ask you when was the last time you changed your toothbrush. If you have been using it for more than three months, ERROR! We are talking about one of the favorite corners of bacteria.
  • Consult the dentist. Perhaps what your mouth is asking for is a simple cleaning, a more thorough cleaning or curettage, or it is a sign of something worse … "If it is the periodontium, it is best to perform an oral cleaning or, in more serious cases , a curettage, which is like a cleaning but in depth, with anesthesia and by quadrants to remove the tartar that is below the gum and that with conventional cleaning cannot be removed, ”says Pascual.

By María Gijón Moreno