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Coronavirus: this is how our celebrities are organizing with their children at home

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The coronavirus forces us to stay at home and the machinery to reconcile telework and family life is already in place . Which is not easy at all, and therefore all help is little. So not so bad all the ideas that our celebrities are leaving us through social networks about what to do, ideas and plans to entertain the little ones in so many days at home. It may well be cooking, painting, playing, doing crafts …

The situation is complicated in Spain due to COVID-19 infections and the measures to combat the virus are increasingly extreme. From all this, we can take as a positive the possibility of being with our family all the time that sometimes it is not impossible to dedicate to them. And if we lack ideas for that there are our famous ones, to enlighten us.

The coronavirus forces us to stay at home and the machinery to reconcile telework and family life is already in place . Which is not easy at all, and therefore all help is little. So not so bad all the ideas that our celebrities are leaving us through social networks about what to do, ideas and plans to entertain the little ones in so many days at home. It may well be cooking, painting, playing, doing crafts …

The situation is complicated in Spain due to COVID-19 infections and the measures to combat the virus are increasingly extreme. From all this, we can take as a positive the possibility of being with our family all the time that sometimes it is not impossible to dedicate to them. And if we lack ideas for that there are our famous ones, to enlighten us.

The 'muffins' Pilar Rubio

The 'muffins' Pilar Rubio

Pilar Rubio has been giving us many ideas since her isolation at home began with her children and her husband, Sergio Ramos. "A very productive way to spend the afternoon at home", he has written next to a photograph in which he appears with his little ones making delicious muffins for a snack. In addition, she has also dedicated time to reading, "A book is always a good plan," she wrote in her Instagram stories this Saturday.

Photo: @pilarrubio_oficial

Sara Sálamo's ball pool

Sara Sálamo's ball pool

Sara Sálamo has decided to have a ball battle with her little Theo. Nothing better than playing with your baby and being a girl for a while - despite the fact that you have to continue with your obligations from home - so that isolation at home in the midst of the coronavirus crisis is more bearable.

Photo: @sarasalamo

Vanesa Lorenzo's 'planning'

Vanesa Lorenzo's 'planning'

A great idea, organizing our days, hour by hour, to have control over what we are going to do from morning to night , and thus avoid upsets. During the days at Vanesa Lorenzo's house with her daughters, they do not forget their duties and the most basic points of their routines, but they also have time for leisure such as painting or going to the garden. "I do not think that we will be able to fulfill the agenda in full but at least it will help us as a guide from next Monday. #ShareEsVivir" , wrote Carles Puyol's wife.

Photo: @vanesalorenzo_

Costumes at Sara Carbonero's house

Costumes at Sara Carbonero's house

One of the most effective ways to entertain the little ones is to spend a few minutes with them and invite them to let their imagination run wild. For that, taking out the costume box is one of the best options. The children of the journalist and Iker Casillas have had a blast dressed up as the Dragon Ball characters.

Photo: IG stories by @saracarbonero

Games in the garden

Games in the garden

Eva González has been encouraged to set up a kind of puppet in the backyard, where little Cayetano has had a great time.

Photo: @evagonzalezoficial

Laura Escanes does sports

Laura Escanes does sports

Laura Escanes has decided to practice a little sport at home with a very special spectator: little Rome! "I am sure that soon we will be able to go sunbathing, have a drink on a terrace and watch the children play in the parks. But now is not the time. Responsibility. The official recommendations are clear and we can all do something, even if it is a small gesture (…) They are not vacations. They will not be easy weeks. The organization of each family will not be either, but we have to be responsible and remain calm. We must listen and heed the official recommendations. #YoMeQuedoEnCasa ", has written the influencer.

Photo: @lauraescanes

Educational drawings at Malena Costa's house

Educational drawings at Malena Costa's house

The little ones of Malena Costa are learning a lot with educational cartoons. They are a good option to entertain children at some point of the day, and a great resource for them to have fun while learning concepts and vocabulary in these days without school . Like Malena, always choose them according to their age so they don't get bored and lose their attention.

Photo: @ malenacosta7