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How is confinement affecting you? find out why and how to remedy it

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Our reality has changed. In fact, the reality of the entire planet has changed. It is normal for it to affect us in every way. We explain to you in what ways the coronavirus crisis is modifying our habits, and even dreams. And above all the possible solutions so that your physical and mental health does not suffer because of it.

Sleeping in times of coronavirus

Uncertainty and anxiety form an explosive cocktail that impairs rest. Whether you have a hard time falling asleep or you wake up a lot or you do it early, the total number of hours you sleep is not the same as before. And that lack of rest causes fatigue, irritability and even lower defenses.

Solution. Your brain needs a ritual to help it adjust its biorhythms again. To do this, following a fixed schedule is key. But also:

  1. Sunbathe. Close your eyes and let the sun touch your eyelids for a few minutes in the morning. It is the best way to tell your brain "it's daytime, let's get going", it also has an invigorating effect and a good mood.
  2. Exercise. Even if it's moderate. It will help your body to better regulate your wake and sleep rhythm.
  3. Mobile and tablet. Do not use them in your bedroom before sleeping because the light from these devices tricks your brain into believing that the day is beginning, which starts the "good morning" protocol , which does not go well with your rest.

"I have strange and very vivid dreams"

We have less stimuli during the day, we are living in a sense of unreality, there is a real threat outside and we are deprived of things that we have always taken for granted (human contact, being outside).

All of this has caused us to have very different dreams from our previous stage. Much more vivid, rare and intense. And it is something that is happening to almost everyone.

Solution. Write a dream journal and share them (if you feel like it) with your loved ones. Sometimes the simple act of verbalizing things orders your mind and with it, your world. If you don't usually remember dreams, try to keep your eyes closed when you wake up and remember what you have dreamed of. Write what you remember or draw or record a voice memo on your phone. You can learn a lot from your dreams asleep and awake.

Sex during confinement

Experts say that it is necessary to normalize that confinement can cause a lack of desire. The uncertainty, the fear, the daily news, the fact of being locked up without wanting to be locked up… There are many factors that are making sex not occupy the space it used to have in our lives.

Solution. If you feel like it, investigate your own pleasure and autoeroticism. The desire begins in your mind: toys, erotic novels, movies … And if you want to reconnect with your partner, try to have independent spaces at home for each one so that you can be separated throughout the day and later "meet" each other.

You are getting fat

You and the rest of confined humanity. The consumption of chocolate has grown by 60% and that of nuts and snacks by 61%, not to mention that of beers, by 42%. But the fact that we make the aperitif at home - almost daily - is not the only culprit for weight gain. The lack of movement, no matter how much sport you do at home, is also behind this weight gain.

Solution. Seek gratification in other activities (here you have 100 to choose from) and not just in the act of eating or making the appetizer. And of course, fill your shopping cart with real food and less fancy and ultra-processed food.

Does not give you life

Your mind, to avoid thinking about what is happening, jumps from one activity to another at a frantic pace, so you do not have hours in the day to do everything you set out to do. What causes you discomfort and discomfort when you do not do - or think you are not doing - everything that you "should".

Solution. Stop and connect with your mind. Try to observe and navigate those feelings of sadness or anxiety that you may have been avoiding with so much activity. Put yourself in the worst case scenario: what is it that scares you? Would you get over it if it happened? Sure you do, because the only inevitable thing is death. The rest you would face for sure. Convince yourself of your inner strength and allow yourself to put the brakes on.

Decay: you get up without wanting to do anything

The opposite case to the previous one. You have gone from doing a lot of things outside in your other life before confinement to "having nothing to do." You are sleeping poorly and you feel tired. That demotivation adds to the anxiety and sadness that the news that comes from abroad brings you.

Solution. Turn off the TV and isolate yourself from the news. Reconnect with your mind. Find activities that fill you but without forcing you to be productive. Give yourself permission to do nothing and just observe and learn from yourself. And again, face what is causing you sadness or fear. If that thing you fear happens, would it really be that terrible or could you get by in the end? You are very strong, more than you feel right now. Remember all the battles that you have already won throughout your life.