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Heart attack symptoms in women and how to identify them

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The symptoms of a heart attack are different in women than in men. In our case, they are not as acute and this makes the diagnosis difficult, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation. Furthermore, as stated in the last Congress of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, only 39% of women would be able to recognize that they have a heart attack , while they have an advantage over us with 57%. We tell you which are the most frequent symptoms that can help you identify it.

Heart attack symptoms

  • Shooting pain in the chest. It lasts a few minutes, or it comes and goes. You may feel uncomfortable pressure or really pain. Although the symptoms of a heart attack in women are different than in men, this continues to be the most typical symptom for us as well.
  • Pain in the arm. Pectoral pain can also radiate to one or both arms, but this is usually more typical in heart attacks suffered by men.
  • Sharp pain in the back and jaw. It can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, shoulders, neck, jaw, or upper stomach (above the navel, not below). It is a heart attack symptom much more common in women than in men.
  • An unusual fatigue. More than half of women who have a heart attack experience muscle fatigue or weakness that are not related to exercise or other types of activity. This sudden or unusual lack of energy is one of the most common heart attack symptoms in women and one of the least overlooked. And if it's not a heart attack, watch out, it could still be serious …
  • Shortness of breath. Shortness of breath can start before or at the same time as chest pain or discomfort, and it may even be your only symptom. eye! This symptom usually appears suddenly. Sudden anxiety may also be experienced.
  • Pain in the stomach. To the pressure and burning in the chest you can add discomfort in the stomach, in the upper part of the abdomen to be more exact. If more than pain, it is swelling, watch out, it could be ovarian cancer!
  • Cold sweats Unexplained or excessive sweating, or a sudden "cold sweat," can be signs of a heart attack. Unmistakable. This cold sweat is completely different from that caused by menopause, which produces heat. If you notice it, go to the doctor.
  • An unusual fatigue. More than half of women who have a heart attack experience muscle fatigue or weakness that are not related to exercise or other types of activity. This sudden or unusual lack of energy is one of the most common heart attack symptoms in women and one of the least overlooked.
  • Daze. When you start having a heart attack you can feel lightheaded, dizzy and this can increase. This symptom is usually accompanied by other warning signs such as chest pain, which we have already talked about. Imbalance and dizziness are also one of the symptoms of a stroke, read, read …
  • Nausea or vomiting Women are twice as likely as men to experience nausea, vomiting, or even indigestion during a heart attack. Often times, these sensations are ignored as if they were due to less serious causes such as simple indigestion, something that "has felt bad."

And if you want to know how your heart is, take our test and discover how to take care of it so that it is healthier.