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How to remove the veins on the legs

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The sun, better first thing in the morning

The sun, better first thing in the morning

Sunbathing is good because you synthesize vitamin D, which stimulates circulation, but heat has the opposite effect. So in summer take it early or late in the day. And if you're in the sun, soak your legs to keep them cool.

Take evening primrose pearls

Take evening primrose pearls

Blue veins are one of the first signs of a circulatory problem. To prevent it from going to more you can take evening primrose pearls if your doctor considers it appropriate. They contain gamma-linolenic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Yes to grape seeds

Yes to grape seeds

Grape seeds are high in flavonoids and antioxidants, which strengthen the walls of your veins and improve your blood flow. You can take them as fresh fruit or in pills, as a food supplement.

Beware of impact sports

Beware of impact sports

It has always been said that sports that imply an impact of the foot against the ground (running, steps, tennis, basketball …) should be avoided because they hinder the return of blood to the heart, favoring it to remain stagnant and begin to stand out the veins of the legs. However, there are experts like Dr. Roche, specialist in Vascular Surgery and Angiology, who do not believe that they should be avoided because it depends on other factors. Discover more myths about varicose veins and circulation.

The moisturizer, to the fridge

The moisturizer, to the fridge

With the cold cream, do an upward massage, you will see how you feel much fresher and relieved by stimulating the return circulation. You can also use cold gels, which have the same effect but enhanced by their ingredients.

Go for the wheat germ

Go for the wheat germ

Wheat germ improves your circulation and blood pressure because it is rich in potassium. In addition, it helps to eliminate liquids and prevents sagging.

Try the algae

Try the algae

Many people are put off by its taste, but seaweed contains vitamin K, which makes the blood more fluid. Also calcium, which is responsible for the elimination of fluids along with potassium. Find out what foods give you or steal calcium from you, and that maybe you didn't know!

Dare with the spicy

Dare with the spicy

In moderation, since taking it in excess can damage your stomach. But capsaicin, the substance that makes your tongue burn when you drink spicy, fights inflammation in the arteries. In addition, the spicy contains vitamins A and C, which help to strengthen the walls of your blood vessels.

Some spices also have a fat burning effect.

Disguise them with a couple of tricks

Disguise them with a couple of tricks

You can use a makeup for legs that goes with the shower to hide them. They are easy to apply and are usually spread with a spray. In summer, the tan itself already helps you camouflage them.

Heavy legs? Varicose veins? Discover everything about them

Heavy legs? Varicose veins? Discover everything about them

The summer heat favors vasodilation, so heaviness in the legs, swelling or varicose veins are more common things than we think. Discover all the tricks to keep your legs light and fit even in summer.

In summer we all like to show off beautiful and well-tanned legs, but surely many hide their legs behind a skirt or long pants to prevent the dreaded little veins from coming out. They are also known as vascular varicose veins and are dilatations of the minor capillaries and superficial vessels. Its appearance does not usually cause pain and is often associated with varicose veins.

Why do veins appear?

There are many possible causes of the appearance of veins, but the main one is genetics. Also a sudden breast enlargement, a recent pregnancy or a change in lifestyle can be triggers for its appearance. The variation in hormonal levels during the pregnancy period can hinder proper blood circulation and contribute to the development of unwanted veins.

There are people who are also forced to stand or sit for a long time, which favors pressure on the walls of their veins and, consequently, the appearance of these signs.

Another important factor, and that must be taken into account especially now in summer, is that excessive sun exposure can contribute to the problem, as well as chronic constipation or certain medications. On the other hand, the use of very tight clothing and high-heeled shoes favor its appearance.

In the gallery you will find easy and practical tricks that will allow you to fight against the veins.

The best treatments for blue veins

  • Pharmacological. Phlebotonic anti-varicose medications can help you tone the walls of your veins and improve your circulation, but they do not prevent the subsequent appearance of varicose veins. They must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Sclerotherapy. It consists of injecting a substance into the varicose veins that causes them to be reabsorbed without having to remove them. It is an outpatient intervention and recovery is quick, but it may require several sessions.
  • Percutaneous laser. This laser is applied from the outside and penetrates through the skin to remove small veins. It is a simple technique but it is not usually recommended if you have poor healing.
  • Laser + foams. They are also treated by injecting polidocanol photosensitizing foams and using a dynamic laser that heats them up and then coagulates them.

And if you bruise or bruise without bumps, discover the possible causes here.