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How to remove shoelaces: effective tips to relieve them

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It has given you strength for the sport! You are getting so much cane since they have given free rein to go out to exercise that you have terrible laces. Even your eyelashes hurt! You are “on fire” and you don't want to lower your guard (you still haven't lost hope of showing off your palm on the beach), but you don't know what to do to end them. Take note of coach Noe Todea's advice  . Pilar Rubio's physical trainer offers some infallible tips to keep them at bay. 

High heels: What are they and why are they produced?

Stiffness is a late-onset muscle pain that occurs as a result of physical activity of a certain intensity to which we are not used. Muscle tension, tenderness, loss of strength and a feeling of numbness are some of the most representative symptoms of this discomfort.

They usually appear after 12 to 24 hours of activity and their intensity peak is at 48 hours. Hence the typical comment of "today they hurt more than yesterday." In addition, they can last up to 3 and 7 days.

And what can you do to prevent and treat them? These are Noe Todea's tips to remove shoelaces.

It has given you strength for the sport! You are getting so much cane since they have given free rein to go out to exercise that you have terrible laces. Even your eyelashes hurt! You are “on fire” and you don't want to lower your guard (you still haven't lost hope of showing off your palm on the beach), but you don't know what to do to end them. Take note of coach Noe Todea's advice  . Pilar Rubio's physical trainer offers some infallible tips to keep them at bay. 

High heels: What are they and why are they produced?

Stiffness is a late-onset muscle pain that occurs as a result of physical activity of a certain intensity to which we are not used. Muscle tension, tenderness, loss of strength and a feeling of numbness are some of the most representative symptoms of this discomfort.

They usually appear after 12 to 24 hours of activity and their intensity peak is at 48 hours. Hence the typical comment of "today they hurt more than yesterday." In addition, they can last up to 3 and 7 days.

And what can you do to prevent and treat them? These are Noe Todea's tips to remove shoelaces.

Cold water baths

Cold water baths

There is nothing that feels better after sports than taking a good shower. If you want to tone up and that the pains do not bring you down the street of bitterness, do it with cold water. “A trick that will work great for you is to take a shower with cold water or with a temperature contrast. Do not do it suddenly, but little by little. These showers have a vasoconstrictor effect and, therefore, help to reduce inflammation of the tissues . You will notice a feeling of relief that, although it may seem subjective to you, it is very beneficial ”, he explains.

Start with a good warm-up

Start with a good warm-up

You can't expect your body to kick-start in seconds. You must warm up well so that the muscles wake up little by little and the temperature of your body increases progressively. A good warm-up will help you to perform much more and you will put less pressure on your body and you will be preventing stiffness, muscle overloads and more complicated injuries.

Do not overload

Do not overload

Try not to go overboard. Try not to make the most common mistakes when training. It is not a question of doing everything at once . To avoid the stiffness (and to achieve better results) it is preferable to dose: “If things are done well and without anxiety, there will be an equitable distribution of the training loads (or physical activity) and the stiffness will send 2-3 days ”, says the coach.

Take a look at the most common mistakes you can make when you return to training … and avoid them!

Combine cardio and strength

Combine cardio and strength

As Noe Todea explains, to avoid stiffness or untimely injuries, " the most intelligent combination is that of strength exercises and cardiovascular exercises , either inside or outside the home. According to the physical trainer “it is about the optimal training in general terms, mainly because strength is a component that keeps the skeletal system healthy. It improves bone mineral density, which prevents injuries in many eminently aerobic sports (such as running) and is the basis for maintaining a young and capable muscular system, both in activities of daily life and in sports activities. For its part, aerobic work keeps the cardio-metabolic system healthy ”.

Rest well

Rest well

Sometimes mashing yourself too much can have the opposite effect as desired. Not only will it leave you with terrible soreness, it can lead to injury. A good rest is as important as following a training adapted to your particular needs. “Allow your body the minimum rest to improve and all the effort you make in training pays off. Take care of yourself and give it more years and a better quality of life ”, concludes the athlete.

Take a look at the best tips and tricks for a good night's sleep.

Drink water

Drink water

Forget the old belief of drinking sugar water and stuff like that. It has no foundation… and it doesn't work! Numerous studies have shown that this is not the case. What is important to prevent soreness (and for many other things) is to be well hydrated before, during and after exercising. Drinking water will facilitate muscle recovery and prevent cramps and injuries.

If it's hard for you too, we give you 10 tips to drink more water without realizing it!