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How to lose belly: 18 infallible tricks to achieve it

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Drink green tea

Drink green tea

Green tea (in infusion or capsules) helps you lose weight. Its slimming properties are due to the high content of a group of antioxidants called catechins or polyphenols, which stimulate the body to burn fat faster, in addition to stimulating the release of the hormone norepinephrine, which suppresses the appetite.

Drink low mineralized water

Drink low mineralized water

Or if you drink from the tap, let it sit for at least a couple of hours to evaporate the chlorine, a great enemy of your intestinal flora. You can also purchase a water ionizer for your tap, which alkalizes and helps increase the probiotic flora.

Ginger and cinnamon infusion

Ginger and cinnamon infusion

An infallible infusion to combat swelling is one that contains ginger and cinnamon. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that also activates your metabolism. Cinnamon, for its part, helps to smooth digestions and is also an effective remedy for a bloated belly.

  • Do you want to download a free ebook with infusions to have a flat stomach?

Exercise in the morning

Exercise in the morning

According to a study carried out in Belgium, doing sports before breakfast has benefits for the figure and to reduce the risk of diabetes. First thing in the morning, the metabolism speeds up and more calories are consumed. In addition to losing weight, you won't develop insulin resistance as easily. Take a 30-minute walk or a 20-minute exercise bike before breakfast. You will notice the change!

Caffeine to lose belly

Caffeine to lose belly

Caffeine boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat. It is one of the most used active ingredients in reducing creams (the maximum concentration is 5%), but it is also effective orally. Of course, take caffeine in small doses so that it does not affect your nerves and sleep. You find it in coffee, tea, chocolate or guarana.

Brush your teeth…

Brush your teeth…

Did you know that brushing your teeth when you wake up helps you reduce localized fat? You eliminate bacterial plaque and, with it, toxins. If you also drink a couple of glasses of water on an empty stomach, the purification will be even more effective.

Take 5 nuts a day

Take 5 nuts a day

A study by the University of Barcelona, ​​published in the Journal of Proteome Research , has shown that eating 30 grams of walnuts daily for 12 weeks reduces hunger, blood sugar and localized fat in the abdomen. Wow, there are no excuses for you not to include them in your daily diet.

Take probiotics

Take probiotics

Foods that contain probiotics help improve digestion and any other intestinal problems. Its beneficial bacteria help to regenerate the intestinal flora. These “friendly” bacteria are found in fermented foods like sauerkraut (cabbage), kefir, and yogurt.

And prebiotics

And prebiotics

They complement the action of the previous ones, since they serve as "food" for these beneficial bacteria. They represent the basic food of the flora and stimulate its activity. Garlic, chicory, artichoke, onion, endive, leek, beet, asparagus, spinach, banana, honey and whole wheat provide prebiotics.

More stress, more belly

More stress, more belly

When you are nervous, your body secretes a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for the body to generate energy, increasing sugar levels and promoting the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. So if you want to show off a flat stomach, the first thing to do is avoid stress.

Eating slowly makes your belly slimmer

Eating slowly slims the belly

It is estimated that eating fast leads us to consume up to 200 more calories a day, hence the importance of chewing each bite well. Taking your time, at least half an hour, to eat, also helps you avoid the bloating that comes with chewing little and eating under stress. Also, eating fast makes you fatter. Take your time and digest your food well.

Avoid gases

Avoid gases

Something as everyday as chewing gum can end up puffing you up like a balloon. The same as eating foods rich in starch, such as bread, pasta, potatoes. Other foods such as legumes or cabbages are flatulent in themselves, but they provide so many good things that it is a shame to stop eating them. Take them together with anti-gas spices, like cumin, or pureed, like hummus: don't miss our delicious recipe.

Avoid constipation

Avoid constipation

If you have trouble going to the bathroom often, you may need to eat more fiber. This helps to regulate intestinal transit, thus improving constipation. To do this, you just have to eat more fruit and vegetables, switch to whole grains, and make friends with flax seeds.

Lose belly in 1 minute

Lose belly in 1 minute

Roll your shoulders back, lift your chin, and align your back. Your body stretches and you visually lose belly volume in less than a minute! It is a very good habit, since, if you are hunched over, your abdominal area relaxes. On the other hand, if you stay straight and tuck in your tummy a bit, you will be able to tone it.

Talk about yourself positively

Talk about yourself positively

Negative emotions cause your body to secrete cortisol - the "stress hormone" - and which is responsible for accumulating abdominal fat, according to a study from University College London. Therefore, learn to value yourself and your body and forget phrases like "I have a lot of love handles" or "I don't like my belly"

The cream you need

The cream you need

If you have stubborn fat, the caffeine + carnitine duo is ideal for you. The fat-breaking effect is more powerful when both active ingredients are together in the same formula. If in addition to fat you have flaccidity, you need firming assets such as silicon, sparkle and retinol. And for localized fat coupled with fluid retention, better creams with active ingredients that improve microcirculation, such as ginseng and draining agents, such as horsetail and ivy.

Hipopressive abs

Hipopressive abs

Hypopressive abs have been shown to reduce the tummy without affecting the pelvic floor. They are exercises that are performed in apnea (holding your breath) and that do not exert pressure on the pelvic floor like traditional abdominals. They require prior knowledge and the advice of an expert to start doing them. Ask at your gym or at your health center.

Each cream, at its own time

Each cream, at its own time

You already know that it is important to use your reducing cream every day, but do you know that it works best if you apply it between 6 and 8 in the morning? At that time the hormones "empty" the fat cells to meet the body's energy needs, and caffeine favors this mobilization of fats. For this reason, if you can get up a little earlier to apply the cream in this period of time, much better.

Massage the skin to gain firmness

Massage the skin to gain firmness

If you apply the cream through a massage, you help to penetrate its assets, improve lymphatic drainage and eliminate toxins. On the belly, make circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction.

Creams with heat effect

Creams with heat effect

The heat helps to break down the fat nodules and stimulates the blood circulation, which drains the accumulated lipids. So if you want to increase the temperature of the skin in a specific area, in this case the abdomen, apply a body cream with a heat effect, but avoid it if your skin is sensitive or you have varicose veins.

And while you put these tips into practice …

And while you put these tips into practice …

Since everything takes time, as your abdomen flattens out, these fashion tricks can help you hide your belly.

The belly is, without a doubt, one of the parts of our body that we give more importance to. Having a flat stomach is difficult to maintain and not only depends on metabolism and physical exercise (which too). We have selected 20 tips that will help you get rid of the stubborn fat that accumulates in your abdomen, so that you can enjoy your body and feel good about yourself again.

Do you have 5 minutes a day?

If the answer is "yes", invert them to your "flat stomach goal." It is the time you need to do 3 sets of 10 sit-ups better if they are hypopressive. And also what it will take you to follow the tricks that we give you in our image gallery.

Only 30% of accumulated abdominal fat is due to a genetic predisposition

Take detox broths

Every 2 days prepare a broth with turnip, leek, onion and carrot. Take it when you feel like it and after heavy meals.

Self-massage of belly

After showering, insist on applying the cream giving your abdomen a massage that will promote drainage and the elimination of liquids and toxins. The beautician Felicidad Carrera advises you a couple of techniques that are very effective , especially if you apply them one after the other:

  • Put one hand on each side of the lower abdomen and rise with small pressure, while drawing circles. Descend gently and start over. Do 10 reps.
  • With one hand and palm extended, circle around the navel in a clockwise direction.

The gut, the second brain

To these tips to pamper your tummy, you must add a change in attitude. You will be surprised to hear it, but the human body has two "brains." One of them, although many do not know it, is located in the intestine. That would explain the reason for some disorders, for example, an episode of diarrhea just before taking an exam. Anxiety, depression, ulcers, irritable bowel … this and other pathologies derive from that close connection between the brain and the intestine. Therefore, from today you must start sending positive messages to your brain and your belly. And it is scientifically proven that these negative emotions –which we all feel at some time– "inflate" the stomach. This happens because cortisol (stress hormone) contributes to increase abdominal fat. And according to a recent study by University College London,optimistic people have much lower cortisol levels than negative people.

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