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Marie kondo method to organize the closet

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You can!

You can!

Putting order in the closet (or the dressing room) and keeping it at bay can be very complicated unless you pull a trick like those proposed by Marie Kondo , star of the Netflix reality show, Order with Marie Kondo! and author of the acclaimed book The Magic of Order.

Keys to the KonMari method

Photo: @airykarock

Keys to the KonMari method

You can apply the same keys that Marie Kondo uses to order the house. Gather all the clothes and sort them by categories, get rid of the ones that you are not going to use, start sorting in the easiest group of clothes, and do it all in one go.

Gather the clothes and group them

Photo: @konmari_and_me

Gather the clothes and group them

Gather all the clothes you have scattered around the house (in closets, dressers, drawers …) and group them by type (bedding, household linen, underwear, towels, pants …). That allows you to know what you really have, and to decide what you want to keep and what to throw away.

Get rid of the one you won't use

Photo: Marie Kondo

Get rid of the one you won't use

Once you have gathered it and, before ordering it, get rid of all the one that you do not use. Distribute the clothes in 3 piles: one with what you are sure you want to keep, another with things to throw away directly, and a third with what you would need to fix. Then, focus your attention on the pile of what you want to fix and re-evaluate if it really is worth that effort, or if it is better that you pass those clothes to the pile to throw away.

Start with the easiest

Start with the easiest

Once you know what clothes are essential for you, you just have to get to work. And the best way is to start with the easiest thing so as not to get discouraged. That is, start with the largest or home clothes, continue with the ones you wear every day and the clothes you wear, and leave underwear, shoes and accessories (bags, scarves and beads, handkerchiefs for last). ..), which is what usually costs more.

Do it in one go

Photo: Marie Kondo

Do it in one go

I mean, once you get into it, don't leave it halfway. It is the same if it takes more than one day, but they are followed. This way you will have immediate results and that will motivate you to do it in a radical way.

Group by colors

Photo: @justanothermummyblog

Group by colors

One of the tricks he proposes is to store your garments grouped by color and from darker to lighter, so that the darkest and heaviest garments are on the left, and the lighter and lighter ones on the right. This way it is much lighter visually, it gives you a greater sense of order, and you find what you are looking for and with what to combine it much more quickly.

Fold clothes in three folds

Photo: @annelieseroose

Fold clothes in three folds

It is the famous trick of Marie Kondo so that the clothes remain visible, wrinkle less (both in the closet and in the suitcase) and it is easier to take them without messing up the rest of the clothes next to which the one you want to wear is stored . You just have to fold it in three folds and store it vertically. Find out how to fold clothes with the konmari method step by step.

To reach

To reach

The third trick is to leave the clothes and accessories that you use the most within easy reach, and everything that you do not use regularly in the least accessible places.

Hangers, hooks and multipurpose hangers

Hangers, hooks and multipurpose hangers

Team up with these elements to keep belts, foulards, ties in order … You can create your own multipurpose hanger by adding some shower curtain rings, for example, to the hanging rail of a normal hanger.

Take advantage of every last millimeter

Take advantage of every last millimeter

Instead of leaving the bags placed next to each other, you can put them inside each other, for example, and thus you will save a lot of space.

Still more room!

More room still!

While not in use, travel suitcases can act as extra storage boxes to store duvets and bed linen, seasonal clothing, shoes …

Bed linen in order

Bed linen in order

Also, don't forget to group bedding, tablecloths and towels by color and using the three-fold method. So that the sets of sheets are not unpaired, you can put each one inside one of its cushions as if it were a bag.

Better safe than … order

Better safe than … order

If the night before you think about the clothes you are going to wear the next day, you will save time and you will not be tempted to try on endless combinations and leave everything in the rush.

Avoid piles of clothes

Avoid piles of clothes

Another of the enemies of order in the closet is the clothes that we pile on chairs and corners when we undress. If you wear a suit jacket at night, it will be easier for you to leave the clothes on and thus avoid clumping and spoiling.

A solution for necklaces

A solution for necklaces

Necklaces and pendants, as well as other ornaments and jewelry, can become a headache if you do not allocate a place to leave them in order. One option is to put small pendants on the inside of the closet door to hang them there neatly.

Well located shoes

Well located shoes

If you don't have a specific place to store your shoes in an orderly and accessible way, you can store them in boxes. To find them quickly without having to open all the boxes, you can place an identification label on the outside, or a photo or drawing of the footwear in question.

Organizing the closet and keeping it in order can seem like a truly impossible mission unless you have some infallible tactic or a strategic ally, like the Japanese Marie Kondo.

And it is that the protagonist of To order with Marie Kondo! and author of the world best seller The Magic of Order has some of the most effective keys to stand up to disorder. And if not, take note of all these infallible tricks to organize the closet and keep it in order.

All the keys of Marie Kondo to order the closet

  • Relaxing visual effect. Store all your clothes following a color gradient (start with white and finish with darker colored garments). It will be more visually ordered and it will be easier for you to find what you are looking for without having to spend hours and hours searching.
  • Heavy and light. The clothes hanging in the closet place them according to their color and lightness. The heaviest and dark on the left, and the lighter and lighter on the right.
  • Bet on ease. Place the most commonly used things in an accessible place and within easy reach, and those that you do not use daily, in a more hidden place.
  • Multipurpose hangers. If they have a bar, you can hang your glasses collection on it. You can also hook shower curtain rings on it and hang your scarves and scarves there.
  • The best place for the bag? Inside another! They take up less space and keep their shape better.
  • A suitcase is a box. Don't spend a fortune on organizers and boxes. They take away space (and money). A suitcase, in addition to being used to store another, can be used to put clothes from another season or duvets and bedding inside it.
  • Sheets, for games. If you keep the complete set inside its pillowcase it will be neater and will not be uneven.
  • The clothes of the next day. Each night choose what you are going to wear the next day. It will prevent you from leaving all sleeve for shoulder in the rush.
  • Galán at night. Prevent a mountain of clothes from appearing in your bedroom by putting a t-shirt in the corner.
  • Necklaces Nail small hooks on the inside of your closet door and hang your necklaces, bracelets and other accessories on them.
  • Shoes. If you keep them in boxes, take a photo of each pair of shoes (or if you prefer, a drawing) and stick it on the outside of the box where you keep them; so it won't cost you anything to locate them.

The secret is in the placement

In many countries, clothes are usually folded horizontally, putting one garment on top of another. So to remove a garment from the bottom you have to move the top ones, and in the end you end up disorganizing the entire stack of the shelf or the drawer where you keep it.

To avoid this, Marie Kondo proposes to fold the garments with three folds and place them vertically, one next to the other, as we show you in this simple step by step. In this way, the clothes wrinkle much less, you see them clearly, and they fit much more!

Clara trick

multiply the space with three folds

One of Marie Kondo's magic tricks is to fold the garments with no more than 3 folds so that they do not crease. And then place them with the rounded part facing up, so that it is much easier for you to take them and not mess up the rest.