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How to make roscón de reyes step by step

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The king of Christmas desserts

The king of Christmas desserts

The roscón de Reyes is the most Christmas dessert of all and much easier to make than it might seem at first. And if not, see for yourself by following this step by step.

Dissolve yeast

Dissolve yeast

To do this, the first thing you have to do is dissolve 5 g of baker's yeast in the warm milk. And on the other, mix the flour with 100 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and the zest of the orange and lemon peel in a large bowl.

Prepare the dough

Prepare the dough

Then, make a hole in the center of the flour mixture, like a volcano, and add the milk, water, and a beaten egg and yolk. Knead, let stand 10 minutes, add the melted butter and knead again.

Let rest

Let rest

Once the dough is made, keep it covered in a warm place for 1 hour until it doubles in volume. After this time, knead again for a few minutes to eliminate the air bubbles inside.

Shaping a roscón

Shaping a roscón

Make a ball with the dough, flatten it with your hands until you get a rather thick disk and make a hole in the center to give it the shape of a roscón de Reyes.

Paint with egg

Paint with egg

On a plate lined with parchment paper, place the roscón, make a hole underneath, hide the surprise, and brush the entire surface with the remaining beaten egg.

Decorate with the fruits

Decorate with the fruits

Take the candied fruits and distribute them on the surface, dipping them slightly so that they join with the dough, and sprinkle with a little sugar.

Bake and cut

Bake and cut

Put it in the oven at 50º, first, and leave it for 1 hour to increase in size. And then, bake it for about 20-25 min in the oven preheated to 180º with heat up and down. Remove, let cool. And when it has lost the heat, cut it in half.

Fill with cream

Fill with cream

Whip the cream, very cold, with 50 g of sugar. Fill a pastry bag with a wide and ribbed nozzle with the cream, distribute it forming eses on the bottom base of the roscón and cover with the other half.

Other fillings and coatings

Other fillings and coatings

Apart from whipped cream, you can also fill it with truffle or cream, like our light pastry cream. And in addition to candied or candied fruits, you can also decorate it with rolled almonds or pine nuts.

Most current decorations

Most current decorations

You can also update the decoration with holly leaves, for example. You just have to dye fondant with green food coloring, and shape it into holly leaves.

And why not a roscón de queens?

And why not a roscón de queens?

Why? Well, because we are worth it. To do it, you just have to use the same fondant dyeing technique from the previous step, but in this case with lilac and white coloring to make flowers. And complete it with slices of almonds and anise balls. The future is female!

It is one of the most traditional sweets of the Christmas holidays and much less difficult to make than it might seem at first. And if not, check it out for yourself by following our instructions on how to make roscón de Reyes step by step.

Ingredients to make roscón de Reyes:

  • 320 g of strength flour
  • Bakery yeast
  • 125 ml milk
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs and 1 yolk
  • 75g butter
  • 160 g white sugar
  • Orange and lemon zest
  • 10 ml of orange blossom water
  • Candied fruit
  • 300 ml of cream

What can not be missing …

  • Strength flour. The normal one is not worth it, nor the pastry one, nor the one with yeast. You can find it in most supermarkets. And on the package you have to put "force flour".
  • Bakery yeast. Fresh or instant, never chemistry. You can find it in bakeries or in the dairy area of ​​most supermarkets, generally where the butters are.
  • Water. Inside the oven, put a saucepan suitable for baking with an amount of water equivalent to about a glass. This creates moisture and prevents the roscón (which should be in the middle of the oven) from drying out.

Step by step reminder:

  1. Dissolve the yeast. On the one hand, dissolve 5 g of baker's yeast in the warm milk. And on the other, mix the flour with 100 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and the zest of the orange and lemon peel in a large bowl.
  2. Make the dough. Make a hole in the center of the flour mixture, like a volcano, and add the milk, water, and a beaten egg and yolk. Knead, let stand 10 minutes, add the melted butter and knead again.
  3. Let rest. Reserve the dough covered in a warm place for 1 hour until it doubles in volume. Once this time has elapsed, knead again for a few minutes to eliminate any air bubbles inside.
  4. Shape into a roscón. Make a ball with the dough, flatten it with your hands until you get a rather thick disc and make a hole in the center to shape it into a kingsize cake.
  5. Paint with egg. On a plate lined with parchment paper, place the roscón, make a hole underneath, hide the surprise, and brush the entire surface with the remaining beaten egg.
  6. Decorate with the fruits. Take the candied fruits and distribute them on the surface, dipping them slightly so that they join with the dough, and sprinkle with a little sugar.
  7. Baking in two phases. Put it in the oven at 50º, first, and leave it for 1 hour to increase in size. Then, bake it for another 20-25 min in the oven preheated to 180º with heat up and down. Remove, and let cool.
  8. Fill with cream. Once cool, cut it in half. Whip the cream, very cold, with 50 g of sugar. Fill a pastry bag with a wide and fluted nozzle with the cream, distribute it in an S-shape over the bottom base of the roscón and cover with the other half.

Clara trick

If you don't have a piping bag …

You can improvise one by taking a freezer bag and cutting one of the corners.

Different presentations

  • Alternative coverage. In addition to candied or candied fruits, you can also decorate it with rolled almonds or pine nuts.
  • Other fillers. Apart from whipped cream, you can also fill it with truffle or cream, like our light pastry cream.
  • Most current decorations. With holly leaves or with flowers for a more chic touch. You just have to dye fondant with green and lilac food coloring, and shape it into holly leaves or flowers, for example.
  • Sugar drawings. Cut out stencils with the shape of a crown, letters, etc., and draw them with icing sugar.

Discover all our dessert recipes.