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How to make homemade mayonnaise and don't cut it!

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Essential ingredients

Essential ingredients

To make homemade mayonnaise you need olive or sunflower oil, a raw egg, a little lemon juice or vinegar, and a pinch of salt. In the traditional recipe, the yolk of the egg (or the whole egg), the salt and a few drops of vinegar or lemon were put in a mortar and worked with the pestle while adding oil little by little, and while continuing to mix. But today it is usually done with rods or with the mixer to facilitate the task of binding it.

How to make mayonnaise with sticks

How to make mayonnaise with sticks

The technique is the same, but with the help of some kitchen rods. Put the egg, salt and vinegar or lemon in a bowl and add the oil until all the ingredients are bound.

To prevent mayonnaise from cutting

To prevent mayonnaise from cutting

Mayonnaise tends to cut because the oil is added too quickly or because the ingredients are at different temperatures. To avoid this, take the egg out of the fridge a little earlier, this way you will avoid it being too cold. And when you are going to do it, go incorporating the oil in a very fine thread, and without stopping mixing in a constant way and in the same sense.

How to make mayonnaise with a mixer

How to make mayonnaise with a mixer

To make the mayonnaise with the help of a mixer, the first thing you have to do is crack the egg and put it in the mixer glass, add the salt, the lemon or vinegar drops, and about 200 ml of oil, and introduce the arm of the mixer until it comes in contact with the ingredients.

How to easily bind her

How to easily bind her

Once the ingredients and the mixer arm have been introduced, you can start it at slow speed and not move it practically a millimeter until it begins to emulsify. And when it begins to bind, just make slight up and down movements until it thickens and is homogeneous.

How to store it correctly

How to store it correctly

Once done, you must keep it in an airtight container, store it in the fridge and consume it within the same day. If you want to avoid possible poisoning, never save the homemade mayonnaise overnight.

Garlic Mayonnaise

Garlic Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is not only eaten as is, but can also be personalized or enriched with other ingredients. A classic combination is garlic mayonnaise, which consists of adding some chopped raw garlic to the mixture. And if you want to reduce the flavor a bit, you can use roasted or preserved garlic.

Mayonnaise with herbs

Mayonnaise with herbs

It is also delicious with spices and aromatic herbs, as in this case we have added a little chopped fresh parsley.

Mayonnaise with soy

Mayonnaise with soy

A newer combination is mayonnaise with soy sauce. It fits perfectly to accompany meat and fish.

Mayonnaise with mustard

Mayonnaise with mustard

In addition, you can enrich it and, at the same time, reduce its calories by mixing it with mustard or yogurt, which have much less calories and give it body and flavor.

Light mayonnaise

Light mayonnaise

And if you are looking for a light homemade mayonnaise, we have its secret formula, as well as other light sauces and vinaigrettes that are super easy to make!

As you have seen, making homemade mayonnaise has no mystery, but here are some more tips and everything you need to know about this rich, rich, rich sauce.

How to make mayonnaise

You need egg, oil, salt, vinegar or lemon. Calculate one egg for every quarter of a liter of oil.

  1. Put the egg with a little oil, a pinch of salt and vinegar or lemon in the blender glass.
  2. Insert the arm of the mixer, turn it on and keep it down and without moving until it begins to emulsify (the sound will change).
  3. When it starts to emulsify, add the rest of the oil in a thread while you move the mixer up and down very gently.
  • How to preserve mayonnaise . Store the landlady covered in the fridge and take it the day you make it. The packaged, opened, can last up to 1 month, but it must be kept tightly closed in the refrigerator and handled with clean utensils.

How to fix cut mayonnaise

It usually happens because the oil is added too quickly or because the ingredients are at different temperatures.

  • If when making the mayonnaise, you notice that the egg and the oil do not bind, add 2 tablespoons of cold water and beat again.
  • If it has been completely cut, beat a yolk and add the mayonnaise cut little by little. Or you can also beat a teaspoon of mustard with one of the cut. And then add the mayonnaise cut spoonful by spoonful, without stopping beating.

To make light mayonnaise

You can reduce it with yogurt or mustard, which are lighter. Or, you can substitute a good part of the oil for mineral water or skimmed milk, and just as you do with the oil, add it very slowly while you beat the egg with the mixer.

Differences between homemade and industrial mayonnaise

The mayonnaise they sell can be kept in good condition for months as long as it is kept unopened, at room temperature, and in a cool, dry place protected from light.

Thanks to the pasteurization process it undergoes, the risk of microbial contamination is minimized. And its degree of acidity creates a protective barrier that prevents microbial growth and toxin production, something very difficult to achieve with the homemade version.

In the home, on the other hand, raw egg is used , a food that can contain microorganisms that can cause food diseases such as salmonellosis, a disease caused by ingesting food or liquids contaminated with salmonella bacteria.

For this reason, it is very important to keep it correctly, especially in summer because this bacteria proliferates more easily, and consume it the same day.