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How to cook tofu and that you like it: ideas for all tastes

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Yes, you can eat tofu and enjoy it. CLARA's word. If you are thinking of following a more vegetarian diet or simply want to eat less meat and fish, do not hesitate to incorporate this ingredient into your dishes. Because, in fact, the main reproach against tofu may be its greatest virtue. And it is that like tofu, by itself, it does not have much flavor, but it is very well impregnated with that of the other foods with which you accompany it, you just have to use your imagination and play with its enormous versatility so that it tastes like you like.

Yes, you can eat tofu and enjoy it. CLARA's word. If you are thinking of following a more vegetarian diet or simply want to eat less meat and fish, do not hesitate to incorporate this ingredient into your dishes. Because, in fact, the main reproach against tofu may be its greatest virtue. And it is that like tofu, by itself, it does not have much flavor, but it is very well impregnated with that of the other foods with which you accompany it, you just have to use your imagination and play with its enormous versatility so that it tastes like you like.

What tofu to choose

What tofu to choose

Beyond the texture, which can be firm or soft, when we talk about flavor, what we have to keep in mind is that it is usual to find a natural tofu, without flavor, and another to which herbs, spices have been added. or other ingredients such as soy sauce, etc.

This is important if you are going to use it as a cheese in salads for example and you don't want to waste time giving it your flavor. In this case, you can opt for tofus options already prepared with a flavor of fine herbs, with turmeric, with curry and mango, with olives, smoked, marinated in tamari sauce …

Marinate, the secret to flavor

Marinate, the secret to flavor

A basic tofu can have as many flavors as marinades you can imagine. It can have a spicy flavor if you leave it for a few hours in a mixture containing cayenne powder (for example, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic powder, cayenne and water…). Or give it a completely different flavor by marinating it in citrus juice and rice vinegar, for example.

What to do once you have it marinated. After draining it from the marinade, you can use it as a cheese in cold dishes, you can grill it as if it were a steak or you can sauté it and serve it in vegetable dishes, rice dishes….

Tofu goes best with stews and stews

Tofu goes best with stews and stews

From a stew with that typical paprika flavor to a red, yellow or green curry. The tofu will pick up the flavor of the liquid in the stew. You can adapt lifelong recipes such as stews, stew, chili, goulash, etc., just by changing the part of the meat or fish (even legumes) for the tofu.

And also in rolls, quiches, cannelloni, hamburgers …

And also in rolls, quiches, cannelloni, hamburgers …

If you decide to make homemade versions of vegetable burgers, the tofu serves as the base of this preparation and is impregnated with the flavor of the sauce and the vegetables, legumes or cereals, spices, aromatic herbs and other ingredients with which you accompany it. The same as if you use it to make quiches, cannelloni …

Why give tofu a try

Why give tofu a try

The coronavirus pandemic has made many of us aware that in order to take care of the planet and prevent situations like this from recurring, we must change some of our habits. One of them is our way of eating. And here comes the tofu - just like legumes - as alternatives to animal protein.

There is a report from the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences in the United States that assures that if we all became vegetarian, greenhouse gas emissions would drop by 63% and if we became vegan, by 70%, since the effects due to food production.

Do you want more ideas?

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