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Waste is over: how to save on fixed expenses

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Poor planning of fixed expenses can cause you to lose money without realizing it. But you have a remedy if you follow these simple tricks to save and not waste.

In the telephone and internet rate

  • Don't change on impulse. Accepting telephone rate offers on an impulse leads to inappropriate changes. Always weigh what your consumption pattern is and do not be guided by the bait, for example, the gift of a mobile.
  • Compare and group. On the other hand, compare rates and group services. Maybe an internet pack, fixed and mobile, is more convenient for you than having them all separated in different companies.

On the water bill

  • The central pipe. The dampness from leaks in your house is detected quickly, but if they are in the garden or in communal areas, perhaps no one will notice it soon. A simple check such as closing the entrance stopcock to the house and checking if the meter has stopped can stop bleeding.
  • The purifier. The water particle filters (the osmosis system) have a very high water consumption. If you do not reuse the waste water for other non-potable uses, it is likely that the investment will be more expensive than bottled water. If you want to check, use a liter of water from the appliance, and first put a container in the drain of the purifier. Look at all the water that is wasted.
  • The jet of water. There are accessories for the taps called diffusers that make water and air combine in the flow. Put them on all the taps, they are inexpensive and can save you a fortune in the long run.
  • Better shower than bathtub. On average, a bathtub requires about 200 liters of water, while a short shower would use around 100.
  • And close the tap. While you're cleaning the dishes, brushing your teeth, or lathering up in the shower. It is water that goes directly to the drain …

A bathtub requires about 200 liters of water, compared to 100 for a shower

In electricity consumption

  • Hire the right power. By default, most companies give us a higher power than we really need.
  • Use LED bulbs. They require much less energy to produce the same amount of light, last much longer, and achieve 100% of their performance from the moment you turn them on.
  • Be careful with having everything on standby. Lights on because we come back right away, equipment idle, old appliances, device chargers connected all day. Do an experiment: look at the consumption of the meter on a normal day and repeat another in which you have taken the trouble to unplug everything that is not working.
  • Choose your appliances well. It is important to choose those with the highest energy efficiency (A, A +, A ++), which consume an average of 55% less energy. When you have to renew one, opt for the most efficient ones. They may be a bit more expensive, but they come out cheaper in the long run.

Appliances A, A + and A ++ consume 55% less energy on average

On gas and heating

  • Update the system. Old systems, bad insulation … they end up making new heating equipment “pay for itself”. Simply due to its higher performance and modernity, the savings in household supplies (water, gas, electricity) pay off the appliance in a short time.
  • Adjust the heating in each room. In the living room, it is enough to set it to 20 o C. In the kitchen, to 17-18 o C, since we are in motion and there we cook, there are fires lit, etc. And in rooms that are hardly entered, it can be left completely unplugged.

In insurance

  • Duplication of coverage. There are things that we already have covered by mortgage, Visa or car insurance, such as theft. Review them and dispense with those that you already have covered with other policies.
  • Do you call when it touches? With small claims, such as a break in a table or glass, it is common not to think that insurance can cover it and, in many cases, they will take care of it without too much effort.
  • Compare and claim. Review your rates along with those of your competition a couple of months before they expire, and claim or change companies if necessary. But do not leave it until the last day because many companies can charge you the same if you do not respect the deadlines set to change.

Duplication of insurance and vehicles is an expense that can be avoided

In transport

  • Are you on the right path? You would be surprised how many people, by simple inertia, have poor planning of their usual route. Since trips are repeated day by day, small changes bring big savings. Take some time to try alternative routes.
  • Don't you come out too fair? Plan to avoid rush hours. Both on weekends and on weekdays. If you're thinking you don't have a choice, getting up earlier is one. In addition to saving you money, it will reduce your stress and give you some time to yourself before starting the workday.
  • How many times do you use the car? Every time you take it, you have expenses that you normally do not have in mind: parking, tires (at the official dealer they can cost up to 50% more than in a workshop), insurance, gasoline … In the city it is always cheaper to go by bike or by public transport.

In household consumption

  • Cleaning products. Try washing with a little less soap. Almost all of us go through the dose without going to clean better for it.
  • Waste of food. Leftover bread and food is money straight into the garbage; In addition to its price, it has consumed us time, electricity from the refrigerator and even gas if it was already cooked. The belief of "better than over than missing" is totally wrong.

And planning and reviewing the expenses that come

  • Monthly classes. We all start the year really wanting to go to the gym, to the language school… Be honest with yourself and establish what purposes you are really willing to carry out and see that you fulfill them one by one, instead of all at once. So you have more guarantees of success and fewer simultaneous expenses.
  • Anticipating purchases or ticket reservations for getaways (such as Christmas, Easter or long weekends), can save you significant money. So don't leave it for last.