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How to clean suede shoes: best products and tricks

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"Don't step on my blue suede shoes," Elvis Presley already said. Surely you also have suede shoes that you love but that usually give you a lot of headaches due to the problem of cleaning and maintenance. To stop this from being a problem, we tell you how to clean your suede shoes so that they always look like new. Ready to save your suede shoes?

"Don't step on my blue suede shoes," Elvis Presley already said. Surely you also have suede shoes that you love but that usually give you a lot of headaches due to the problem of cleaning and maintenance. To stop this from being a problem, we tell you how to clean your suede shoes so that they always look like new. Ready to save your suede shoes?

How to clean suede shoes

  • You should brush your shoes frequently. Ideally, do it every time you save them. Try to store the shoes in dark places, since the light degrades the colors in the suede, and well ventilated to prevent them from acquiring mold.
  • You need a special brush to clean your suede shoes. Of course, use it dry and ALWAYS in the same direction, so that the surface is very smooth. When they are clean, rub them with a clean towel to remove all layers of dust and dirt.
  • If you stain your muddy shoes, it is always best to let them dry and just brush the stained area. And if you see that the dirt does not come off in this way, try scraping it off with your nail file.

Of course, before using any cleansing technique, do it first in a small and inconspicuous area to see how the skin reacts.

What do you need to take care of your suede shoes

Now that you know how to clean your suede shoes, take note of the products you need to take care of your shoes and the tricks and techniques that will help you take care of them and keep them perfect day after day.

Special brush

This brush is perfect for your suede shoes. After use clean it with soap and hot water.


Protector against water

The worst enemy of suede shoes is rain. If you want to remove the water from the shoes, use paper or cloth towels and allow the shoes to dry. Of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry, so invest in a protective spray against water. This product acts as a liquid repellent, preventing the fabric from soaking up. This will prevent the footwear from spoiling! How to use it? Simply spray the spray on the surface of the shoes and wait for them to dry.

Hendlex spray, € 17.49. AVAILABLE HERE

Clean oil stains

If you stain your shoes with oil, press the area of ​​the stain with a cotton cloth. So it will be absorbed. Don't rub the shoes because the stain will spread! Apply talcum powder to the stain and let it work overnight. In the morning, brush your shoes gently and you're done.

Eudermin talc, € 3.33. AVAILABLE HERE

Delara brush, € 6.99. AVAILABLE HERE

Against moisture stains

If you've stored your shoes poorly, they may have moisture stains. To remove them, put a little soda on a cotton cloth and moisten the stained areas. Remove dirt with a dry cloth and allow the shoes to dry. Store them in a dry place and invest in anti-humidity bags.

50 LAPURETE'S anti-humidity sachets, € 10.98. AVAILABLE HERE

If you find that none of the tricks work , apply a little vinegar to a clean cloth and rub the shoes gently. Wait for them to dry and pass the brush. That easy! Or try to remove the most resistant stains using an eraser (yes, the one you used at school). Really!

Have your suede shoes lost color?

Do not worry! Clean your shoes well and apply a suede stain. Remember that the tint should always be a little darker than the color of the shoes.

Palc Color Renewal Spray, € 8.80. AVAILABLE HERE