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The solution for the 9 most common health problems in women

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1. Pelvic pain

Why happens? There are various causes that can cause pain, since our reproductive system, the bladder, the rectum and even part of the intestines are located in the pelvic area. Fibroids, vaginal or urine infections, endometriosis - an abnormal growth of the tissue that lines the uterus - or premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are the most common causes.

What can you do? Go to the doctor to find out the cause and to give you the most appropriate treatment (antibiotics, antifungals …). If you suffer from PMS, a hot water bottle can provide relief, because heat above 40 degrees blocks pain receptors.

2. Urine leaks

Why do they occur? It is a frequent problem but only 2 out of 10 women consult. It is produced by the loss of tonicity of the pelvic floor after childbirth and menopause.

What can you do? Strengthen the pelvic floor using Chinese balls, cones, or Kegel exercises. They consist of contracting the anal sphincter (as if you were repressing a gas); the urethral sphincter (as if you were holding urine), and vaginal (as if you were holding a tampon). Do each one about 10 times and repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

Avoid discomfort. As the physiotherapist Ixchel Montserrat Raich explains, hypopressive abdominal gymnastics (GAH) “improves the tone of the abdominal girdle and the pelvic floor, in addition, posture redefines the waist and improves sexual function. Other abdominal exercises damage the pelvic floor or only work strength, but do not protect against an effort, cough or sneeze ”.

3. Constipation

Why happens? The most common causes are a low fiber diet and sedentary lifestyle. But other problems like hemorrhoids or even cancer can be behind constipation.

What can you do? Avoid foods that make transit difficult: sugar, refined foods such as flour or white rice, or eating a lot of meat. Go for whole foods and increase the consumption of legumes, fruits and vegetables.

More magnesium. Monitor the magnesium intake in your diet, as this mineral helps to soften the stool and facilitate its evacuation. Green leafy vegetables, artichokes, and nuts contain it.

It will also help you … Water, as it is another essential ingredient to combat constipation. Don't wait until you're thirsty and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Physical exercise should also be part of your daily routine. Avoid taking laxatives if they are not prescribed by a doctor.

When should I see the doctor? If you have fewer than three bowel movements a week and if it appears suddenly without a justifiable cause, such as holidays.

4. Those pesky pimples

Why happens? Hormones, stress, excessively greasy creams, not removing makeup or not maintaining good hygiene can be behind acne, blackheads or milium cysts.

If it is from acne. Make an appointment with the dermatologist because you may need cream and pharmacological treatment. At home, gently cleanse the skin, use micellar water, and non-comedogenic cosmetics.

Control blackheads. They are formed because pores become clogged by dirt. Cleanse your face at least twice a day and remove makeup with high tolerance makeup remover milk.

Avoid white dots. They are formed by keratin blockage and can also be prevented with good hygiene and exfoliation once a week.

And above all, laugh a lot. With stress, adrenaline and more skin oil are released, and the possibility of pores clogging increases. Histamine, which is also released through the nerves, can cause eczema and hives. The University of Kansas (USA) points out that laughter, even if forced, drives away stress.

5. Lack of sexual desire

When does it happen? Physiologically, you feel sexual desire thanks to estrogens and testosterone. If the levels are low, you may experience a lack of desire. Some medications, traumatic experiences, or pain during intercourse can also cause it.

What can you do? If the cause is pain during intercourse, see your doctor to find out what causes it, for example, if it is endometriosis, that is, an abnormal growth of the tissue that lines the uterus. If it is due to lack of lubrication, use products that simulate vaginal discharge to prevent penetration from being painful.

Time for intimacy. Communication with your partner is essential for both of you to enjoy a full sex life. Routine and stress decrease desire. Reserve a few hours for privacy and do not wait for it to arise spontaneously.

6. Excess sweat

Why happens? 3% of the population sweat even when the body does not need to cool down, or it does so excessively due to an exaggerated response of the vegetative nervous system. This problem is called hyperhidrosis and it is mainly reflected in the armpits, hands, feet and on the face.

What can you do? Maintain good hygiene to prevent bacteria, the cause of bad odor, from proliferating. Wear cotton or linen clothing. Try to avoid stress by controlling your breathing and diet. Cut back on sugar, stimulant drinks, and spicy foods, and drink a sage infusion to decrease the activity of your sweat glands.

When to go to the doctor? If the above does not work, go as soon as possible. With Botox injections, hyperhidrosis is controlled for half a year. The surgery is definitive and does not require hospital admission.

7. Hot flashes

Why do they occur? With the hormonal fluctuation that occurs in menopause, these episodes appear that are characterized by sudden and intense heat in the face and neck.

What can you do? Dress in natural fabrics and wear several layers. Avoid spicy foods and alcohol. The North American Menopause Society also recommends relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

What can a doctor do? You can consider hormonal treatment. Some antidepressant drugs can also work. Check it out.

8. Gases

Why do they occur? In general, gas is the cause of the annoying bloating in the belly. They are produced by eating fast, by stress, by poor digestion, by consuming flatulent foods (cabbage, legumes …), due to constipation, which produces greater putrefaction, or by swallowing air when chewing.

What can you do? Chew slowly and eat calmly. Take infusions of anise or fennel, artichoke or milk thistle. Probiotics balance the intestinal flora and thus the food is better digested. They are found in yogurt, although you can also take them in capsules, powders, or vials.

Should I go to the doctor? Yes, if you have abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, bleeding between periods or unexplained fatigue.

9. Asymmetrical breasts

Why happens? We all have one breast larger than the other. But in some women the difference is noticeable, and the cup of both varies and it is difficult to find a suitable bra. Asymmetry may be due to the presence of benign cysts, pregnancy, excessive tissue growth, breast cancer, or an embryonic problem.

What I can do? Play with the bra straps and tighten the one with the largest bust. If that's not enough, go to a corset store and ask for removable padded bras. They also sell fillers or push-ups that will enhance the difference. If it is very serious and causes you a lot of aesthetic concern, you can consider reconstructive surgery.