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8 detox shakes to purify and lose weight

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The detox smoothies and fruit shakes -usually diuréticas- vegetables prepared with blender, so take advantage of all the properties of the pulp and skin of vegetables.

Although our body already knows how to eliminate toxins it does not need, it does not hurt to help it with these homemade detox shakes, which serve to combat bloating and fluid retention.

The detox smoothies and fruit shakes -usually diuréticas- vegetables prepared with blender, so take advantage of all the properties of the pulp and skin of vegetables.

Although our body already knows how to eliminate toxins it does not need, it does not hurt to help it with these homemade detox shakes, which serve to combat bloating and fluid retention.

Detox shakes for all tastes

Detox shakes for all tastes

To make these vegetable and fruit detox shakes that will purify you, keep in mind:

  • If they are very consistent, add water or a vegetable drink.
  • Tune them to your liking with sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax or chia seeds and the spices you like best, for example, cinnamon, coriander, turmeric or ginger.
  • To preserve all the fiber and nutrients in the fruit and vegetables, do not use a blender, use a hand mixer, an American mixer or a special mixer for smoothies.

Pineapple detox shake

Pineapple detox shake

The diuretic power of pineapple and parsley will help you deflate and purify your body.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 250 g pineapple
  • 1 handful of parsley leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric or a small piece of turmeric root

Green leaf detox shake

Green leaf detox shake

This shake contains a good shot of vitamins A, K and C and also in folic acid thanks to the green leafy vegetables. The apple (with skin) will come in handy to improve your intestinal transit.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 1 handful of lamb's lettuce or watercress
  • 1/2 peeled lemon or the juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • 1 piece of celery

Beet detox shake

Beet detox shake

This detox shake has a very sweet flavor thanks to beets, a vegetable that contains a significant amount of phosphorus and hardly provides calories (41 per 100 g).

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 3 tablespoons of beet pulp
  • 1/2 pear
  • 1/4 avocado

Apple and spinach detox smoothie

Apple and spinach detox smoothie

This detox shake is an explosion of flavors that will serve your defenses in the months when colds and flu lurk.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 1/2 red apple
  • 1 piece of celery
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • Mint leaves

Kale detox shake

Kale detox shake

The kale or kale has purifying and remineralizing properties. Chia seeds will help you fight constipation.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 6 kale leaves, stems removed
  • 1 branch of celery with the leaves
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 7 coriander leaves

Papaya detox shake

Papaya detox shake

Papaya and pineapple contain proteolytic enzymes - they break down proteins - that improve digestion and reduce stomach acidity.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 1/2 papaya
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal

Grape and pear detox smoothie

Grape and pear detox smoothie

This detox shake is a perfect breakfast if you complement it with a toast of bread with a little protein (egg, fresh cheese, tuna, Iberian ham, hummus …).

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 1 handful of black grapes
  • 1 pear
  • 3 large kale leaves

Tangerine detox shake

Tangerine detox shake

A perfect detox shake for the cold months when the mandarin is at its best.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 2 tangerines
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 cup of green tea
  • 1 piece of ginger

Do you prefer detox juices?

Do you prefer detox juices?

If you don't like finding fruit and vegetable sprinkles in your smoothie then you have to see these detox juices made with a blender.

The detox smoothies are prepared with vegetables and fruits that have diuretic properties. They are the perfect complement if what you want is to lose weight as they serve to combat swelling and fluid retention.

" We can take them on a regular basis, but never as a replacement for important meals ," says dietitian-nutritionist Aitor Sánchez. Ana Amengual, from the College of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Catalonia also warns that it is better not to try to take the 5 servings of fruit and vegetables at once in a smoothie . First, because "the body will not have the capacity to absorb all the nutrients." Also, if you add three pieces of fruit at once, its fructose will skyrocket your blood sugar level.

The shakes that we propose you can take as a first course or as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. They also work great for breakfast if you wake up not very hungry.

What are detox shakes for?

These shakes help us to eat foods that we would not consume otherwise and to reach the five recommended servings of vegetables and fruit. In addition, they are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The fiber acts like a sponge, absorbing toxins, especially from the colon, and eliminating them.

How to combine the ingredients

We propose 8 recipes for homemade detox shakes, but you can encourage yourself to make your own combinations of vegetables and fruits. It is better that they contain more vegetables than fruit, so we avoid going overboard with sugar. Choose two vegetables that are rich in fiber and diuretic - cucumber, celery, broccoli, zucchini, artichoke, spinach, watercress, lamb's lettuce, kale, arugula … - and some fruit to soften the flavor of the detox shake - pineapple, apple, pear, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, orange, tangerine, melon, watermelon …–. You can complement your detox shake with turmeric, cinnamon or ginger, for example, and add extra fiber with flax seeds, chia or oats.

Homemade detox shakes to purify and lose weight

  • Pineapple, parsley and turmeric
  • Lambs, lemon, apple and celery
  • Tangerine, avocado, green tea and ginger
  • Beet, pear and avocado
  • Apple, celery, spinach, lemon juice, avocado, ginger and mint
  • Kale, celery, avocado, lemon, chia, and coriander
  • Papaya, pineapple and oatmeal
  • Grapes, pear and kale

How to make a detox shake

  1. Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season.
  2. Add more vegetables than fruit to reduce the calorie and sugar content.
  3. Make them with the skin so they have more fiber.
  4. Prepare them with a mixer
  5. Enrich it with seeds, spices, or nuts.
  6. Add a few drops of lemon and keep it in the fridge to preserve it better.
  7. If it is too consistent, add water, ice or a little vegetable drink.

If you found these detox shakes too "green", check out these slimming shakes, you will surely like them more!

  • If you liked this article, you will love the 7-day detox plan course.