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7 good ideas to eat more legumes

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As an aperitif, peanuts

As an aperitif, peanuts

Despite what is often believed, peanuts are not nuts, but a legume. They are ideal as an aperitif either raw or fried or toasted. An original and delicious idea is to roast them a little with a mixture of different spices: curry, cumin, paprika, turmeric … And you can also mix them with other nuts. Rich and healthy!

Cold or warm salads

Cold or warm salads

Legumes go perfectly with any type of salad, whether warm or cold. For example, we love them with vegetables, cheese and pita bread, but there are endless options; as many as your imagination can think of.

See recipe for Chickpea Salad with vegetables and fresh cheese.

In delicious cream

In delicious cream

It is an option that gives you a lot of play, since you can prepare it with a single legume, combine several and add vegetables - such as this one with chickpeas and carrots. It is also a way to take advantage of and transform leftover legumes from the previous day.

See recipe for Chickpea cream.

Hummus for dipping

Hummus for dipping

It's super easy: crush some cooked chickpeas with garlic, a pinch of cumin, a little lemon juice and, if you want, tahini. Sprinkle with paprika, drizzle with oil and serve with hot pitas. You can also try making it with lentils or beans.

See recipe for how to make hummus step by step.

Burgers and tortillas

Burgers and tortillas

You can mix legumes with vegetables, rice, rolled oats and make hamburgers with the mixture. To make the dough compact a bit, leave it in the fridge for a while before shaping it. And if not, you can incorporate them into an omelette like the typical pea tortilla, and make several hamburger-size ones.

See recipe for Paisana tortilla burgers.

Mexican tortillas

Mexican tortillas

The most common fillings are based on minced meat, chicken and vegetables. Why not add a handful of red or black beans? Or do you also do without meat and make them only with legumes and vegetables like our corn fajitas with beans and peppers. To save time, you can use the legumes that they sell already cooked.

See recipe for Corn Fajitas with beans and vegetables.

Combined with vegetables

Combined with vegetables

One formula that never fails is to combine legumes with vegetables. And if, in addition, you do it in an original way and with a party look, like this hummus and eggplant timpani, you will triumph, sure!

See recipe for Timbale with eggplant and hummus.

They are neither food for the poor nor fattening. Despite the bad reputation that has accompanied them for some time, legumes are so nutritionally rich that they cannot be lacking in a healthy diet . They satiate, provide fiber, reduce cholesterol … And, in addition, they are super versatile in the kitchen.

They don't have to be heavy

Traditional recipes can be somewhat indigestible because they are usually loaded with fat and meat. Perhaps they were ideal in times when hard physical work was carried out… But today we can prepare much lighter and more balanced legume dishes as in the 7 proposals in our gallery to incorporate more legumes into the diet.

Clara trick

At least three times a week

But better if there are four or five, since consumed frequently, in addition to proteins, they provide slow-absorbing carbohydrates, which provide energy for hours and avoid blood glucose peaks.

Therefore, they help prevent obesity and diabetes, apart from containing antioxidant compounds that prevent various diseases.

Gas is not a valid excuse

This effect may be because you are not used to digesting them. Do not discard them and increase their presence in your usual diet. However, to avoid gas, also keep the following tips in mind:

  • Eat small servings. At first, 30 g dry, and then increase, up to 80 g.
  • Let them soak, overnight is enough.
  • When cooking, add anise, fennel or cumin seeds to the water.
  • Use a pressure cooker, they will conserve nutrients better and you will save time and energy.
  • Another way to prepare them is in delicious purees or creams, which are easier to digest.
  • The red lentil, which lacks skin, is the most digestive.

A treasure of health in your pantry

They have been defined as the perfect food for its balance between proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Increasing its presence in the diet produces benefits for health and figure.

Winter is the ideal season to enjoy the gastronomic and healthy properties of legumes. Take the opportunity to enjoy them to the point of becoming fond of them all year round, because legumes are a staple food, protein, energy and, also, cheap.

They are also legumes!

  • Peanuts are both nuts and legumes. They contain a lot of vitamin B3 and also polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Lupins are found in brine and are a good source of high-quality protein.
  • Peas combine the properties of legumes and vegetables. Use them in recipes with potatoes and rice, and in stir-fries, stews and purees.
  • Tofu is made from soy, which is also a legume. Tofu is the most digestive way to consume this legume, which contains all the essential amino acids and promotes the endocrine balance of women.

Well cooked legumes

  • With the exception of chickpeas, all legumes should be cooked in cold water.
  • If water has to be added during cooking, it should always be cold. And remember that in the case of beans and to make them softer, it is advisable to cut the cooking three times by adding a splash of cold water, whether or not they need more liquid. It is what is known as "scaring them".
  • Another good tip is that you use, whenever you can, legumes of the year, which are softer and more tender.
  • Do not use the soaking water to cook the legumes. It could contain stones or skins and also darken the stew.