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Tricks to eliminate localized fat in thighs and abdomen

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Do sports

Do sports

To combat localized fat, alternate cardio sessions with toning. By exercising the muscle, the fat and toxins that surround it are mobilized and we prevent them from accumulating again. For a double fat burning effect, you can wear a waist training corset or reducing leggings during your workout.

Hydrate your body

Hydrate your body

Drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day we help our body to release toxins. Don't wait until you're thirsty to hydrate, try to do it every 30-40 minutes and preferably with low mineralized water. They are not worth sodas or sugary drinks! And if you have trouble drinking water, take note of these tips.

Use an anti-cellulite

Use an anti-cellulite

Mandatory that it contains an active caffeine, preferably between 3 and 5%, which is the highest concentration. Apply it morning and night, massaging upward on the legs and in circles on the abdomen.

Drink coffee

Drink coffee

But without going over, or you will cause the opposite effect. Coffee acts as a good drainer, although if you don't like it, green tea and yerba mate infusions are an ideal alternative to activate the metabolism. Discover some curiosities about coffee that maybe you did not know.



While you lather in the shower or when you apply moisturizer, take the opportunity to activate the circulation of the body with upward movements. A trick: use the knuckles of the hand! They have the ideal shape to unblock accumulated fat nodules.

The stairs, better than the elevator

The stairs, better than the elevator

Climbing stairs has an effect on our legs and glutes similar to that of squats. Use them when you go with a couple of shopping bags, but be careful! It is not so recommended when we have to lower them, as we can damage our joints.

Localized fat is a set of adipocytes and toxins that our body accumulates in the belly or cartridge belts and that we translate as "difficult areas". It is that tummy that, although we take care of our diet and even go on a diet, continues to resist disappearing. The truth is that they are places where fat is stored and it is more difficult to eliminate, but not for that reason impossible. We just have to review some customs and modify our daily habits a little so that little by little we can break with those fat nodules that have been bothering us for so long.

How to eliminate localized fat?

Getting rid of localized fat is not an issue that we can solve from one week to another (hopefully!). In addition to being there due to the practice of certain daily habits, there is a genetic factor that also contributes to its accumulation. Try to apply the advice we give you little by little and without causing unnecessary stress or suffering. Remember that it is about feeling better about yourself and leading a healthier lifestyle, so do not look at yourself every day in the mirror to check if we are more or less swollen. That will only bring you a feeling of frustration that will make you throw in the towel, so cheer up!

Complement with other treatments

When we have been with groups of adipocytes accumulated in our belly or hips for a few years, we may need external help that acts against localized fat . In addition to reducing and anti-cellulite creams, there are many personalized treatments in the cabin that can help us eliminate unwanted fat and toxins. Cavitation, endermology (LPG®) or radio frequency systems give very good results when it comes to localized fat. If in addition to this we have a fluid retention problem, draining massages and seaweed wraps will contribute to an improvement in microcirculation and, therefore, to a better elimination of toxins from the body.