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Benefits of eating an apple a day

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The famous English saying "an apple a day, the doctor keeps away", which we could translate as "an apple a day keeps the doctor away from your life" is totally true. There are many reasons to eat apples. We have chosen the 8 best and we encourage you to include this sweet temptation in your daily menus.

1. Take care of your heart

If you take it regularly - remember, one a day - take care of your arteries by reducing the absorption of fat from food. Therefore, it helps you keep cholesterol at bay. And this fruit contains flavonoids, substances that prevent cholesterol from adhering to the wall of blood vessels. And as it also provides potassium, it prevents fluid retention and fights hypertension. Do you take good care of your heart? Find out with our test.

2. Prevents cancer

Several studies show that the apple has anti-cancer properties due to its content in phytochemicals, such as polyphenols (quercetin, flavonoids), antioxidants that protect you from free radicals. In addition, its fiber helps prevent colon cancer. If you want to answer questions about this topic, you can take our test to find out what your risk of having cancer is.

3. It takes away your hunger

And not only does it help keep your appetite in check, but it also makes you eat fewer calories at the end of the day, which is why it is one of the best foods to burn fat. This is because it contains a type of fiber, called pectin, which forms a gel in the stomach that slows down your digestion. And of course, it takes longer to feel hungry again and you have less desire to snack. Of course, eat it with the skin, which is where there is more pectin. It also regulates. This fiber is indicated for both diarrhea and constipation, improving intestinal transit and facilitating digestion. And an apple only has between 50 and 80 kcal.

4. It is very purifying

Being rich in potassium and low in sodium, it is perfect as a detox food that eliminates liquids and toxins from your body. And this not only helps to take care of the line. Its purifying effect also makes it ideal for combating inflammatory diseases such as gout, arthritis and rheumatic diseases (one of the reasons why the hand or foot falls asleep can be rheumatoid arthritis). This is due, in addition to its potassium content, its organic acids and its tannins, substances that favor the elimination of uric acid.

5. Keeps you away from diabetes

It helps balance blood sugar and this is very important for people with diabetes or those at risk of diabetes. And is that its consumption delays the absorption of glucose in the intestine and this effect lasts much of the day. And if that wasn't enough, it satiates you. Because it doesn't allow glucose to rise quickly after meals.