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5 party hairstyles that you can do in 5 minutes

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Gala mane with hairpins

Gala mane with hairpins

What do you need? Some curling irons or tweezers, several jewel hairpins of different designs and fixing spray or lacquer.

A little trick. To make the strand in front of your ear look natural, put some hairspray on your index finger, roll the strand over it, and release it.

Make the waves. Separate the hair into strands and roll them on the iron, sliding it downwards. Put it horizontally: the hair will gain in volume.

Attach the bobby pins. Bring all the hair to one side and place the hairpins in a "fan" above the ear, leaving different distance between them.

You can wear your hair with the part in the middle and put on a headband, it gives a very fashionable bohemian touch. Take a look at the most beautiful hair ornaments and accessories of the season.

Low collected with a chic touch

Low collected with a chic touch

What do you need? Some flat irons, texturizing spray or dry shampoo, a large bobby pin and several jeweled hairpins or the same hair color.

A little trick. After washing your hair and before drying it and straightening it, you can apply a texturizing spray to obtain more volume.

Make a low tail. And put a rubber band, not too tight, at the nape of the neck. Do not leave the hair too tight and release two fine strands so that they fall to the sides of the face.

Twist the hair. Go twisting it around the rubber band and fix the strands with the help of bow pins. Hollow out to make it "scruffy" and with an XXL effect

Pigtail with wavy hair

Pigtail with wavy hair

What do you need? Some plates, a mild spray fixative, a large pin (the one that goes in the center and has more prominence), and four smaller ones to put two and two on each side.

A little trick. Before starting, steam the hair a few inches away with the setting spray so that no floating hair remains. The hairstyle should be very polished.

Make the ponytail. Collect the hair in a ponytail at the level of the ears. Pull a strand from the bottom and roll it over the rubber to cover it.

Wave your hair. You only need to curl some strands from the top, leaving the iron for a while longer so that they become more marked.

Garnish with bobby pins. Put a large pin in the center (this one with stars is very Christmas) and others diagonally on the sides (the pearls are very popular).

The simplest high bun

The simplest high bun

What do you need? Volume spray or dry shampoo, some flat irons and decorative hairpins.

A little trick. When you do a collection, do not use conditioner the same day, it gives weight to the hair, when what interests us is the opposite, to get volume so that the collected is more beautiful.

Pick up the hair. Make a high tail, not too tight, and leave a few loose strands at the nape. Use dry shampoo or texturizing spray to add volume.

And now, the bun. Divide the tail in two and twist half of the hair to one side, fixing it with bobby pins and the other half, to the other. This is how you compensate for the collected one.

The final touch. A very cool option is to place the hairpins clearly visible under the bun. Have you seen how good these "precious stones" are?

Loose hair with message clips

Loose hair with message clips

What do you need? Some flat irons, hairspray, glitter spray, hair-colored bobby pins and large barrettes. If you want to go to the last, the ones that include messages are succeeding.

A little trick. Do you have very fine hair? If you dry it with the head upside down, the hair acquires more volume in the part of the roots and you get that the hair looks with more body.

Take a strand from the side. Make sure that it is quite wide and take it, more or less, to the middle of the head, holding it with a pair of hairpins.

Overlap the other strand. Take another strand from the opposite side and pass it over the one that is already attached, covering it. Wave and run your fingers to break the curl.

Attach the pins. Put one or more bobby pins on the crossed strands, depending on the length of the hair, and apply a little shine spray all over the hair.

Semi-collected bubble

Semi-collected bubble

Pull your hair back. Take a large strand and pin it up high. Raise the hair so it does not get in the way and gather some hair from both sides.

Join with a rubber band. Tie the hair with a tiny hair tie and loosen the top to cover it. Join the two strands and put another barrette in the center.

The bubble effect. To achieve this, repeat the operation, but taking very little hair on each side in the last section and placing a smaller barrette at the end. We tell you how to make the bubble ponytail step by step.