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5 Habits to lose belly effortlessly and show off your great guy in summer


Losing a belly is possible if we are able to implement small tips that do not imply, far from it, starving or crushing ourselves (too much) with sport. Although everything adds up, logically, and a healthy life in all senses is essential, in the end we have the body we want, in our best version , is achieved by adding good habits to our routine , and with the happy fat and abdominal swelling we have to be quite applied.

We all want to have the rock-hard abdomen of Jennifer López and Kim Kardashian's wasp waist, and beyond our own genetics and the money we invest in 'tuning' our body, which also, we must never forget that we are all human and that in the end you have to work a LOT to keep your belly at bay. And it is that it is not only fat, it is also gas, for example , which makes us not feel light, painless and with less volume.

Lemon, girls, we have the summer just around the corner. Do you want to lose your belly just by changing your habits? Pay attention. Eating in a balanced way and doing sports at least 4 times a week are essential to lose weight healthily and reach our optimal physique for the summer, but if you still have more belly than you would like, these are the 5 things you have what to do.


Drinking water is good for everything, but especially to eliminate toxins and liquids. But not only that, the body can confuse thirst with hunger and that extra calorie intake will prevent you from losing weight. If you have trouble drinking water, become fond of infusions. Green tea is infallible to reduce belly, so a good trick is to make two or three sachets of green tea in 1 liter of water and drink it throughout the day.


Eliminating ultra-processed, battered or fried foods from your diet can mark a before and after when it comes to your belly (and in general, of course). And it is that their fats go directly to the abdominal area and then it is very difficult to eliminate them. Salt, for example, also swells and retains a lot or flours and carbohydrates. The solution, change the salt for spices or aromatic herbs, add hydrates such as rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta - all the options rich in fibers favor the intestinal tract - and also include daily foods that are diuretic such as pineapple, asparagus, cucumber … Many times we mistake extra kilos and fat for gas and bloating for liquids, so what you eat is essential. We leave you here other tricks and other foods that help you get a flat stomach.


And also how you eat it, of course. You may have read this many times but it is REAL. Focusing on food is key to losing weight the healthy way. Do not be distracted by your mobile or television and, above all, chew your food very well to avoid swallowing gas . Of course, don't eat fast so your brain has time to process and don't eat more than you need. This way you will feel much lighter and your belly will be flatter and flatter.


Sleeping little goes against our health and our beauty, and it is our duty to tell you that lack of sleep also causes you to accumulate fat , and in the belly area is where it is first noticed. A correct rest regulates our hormones and makes the metabolism work better so that we will avoid binges and that, when we need rest, the cortisol rises. Stress goes hand in hand with weight gain.


We love yoga or dance and they are physical activities with innumerable health benefits, in addition to toning and keeping us active and at a good weight, but they are insufficient to 'burn' that fat that accumulates in the belly.

A good habit that we can do is to walk or climb stairs to work on a cardiovascular level -or for example following Nieves Álvarez's trick- but complement it with functional or strength exercises.

With these 5 good habits we will not only get rid of our belly of fat, fluids and airs, which is so annoying, but also that our quality of life improves and that, hey, we look good in bikini.

Cover photo: Laddy Addict