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5 mistakes you make at night that spoil your hair (and the 5 solutions)

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Take care of your hair while you sleep

Take care of your hair while you sleep

Do you know that one of the most important moments for hair care is bedtime? While you sleep, you can take care of your hair more than you imagine and to achieve this we will give you some infallible tricks. Shall we start?

1. Use a synthetic pillowcase

1. Use a synthetic pillowcase

No, we haven't gone crazy. The fabric on which you support your hair during sleeping hours is very important to keep it beautiful. Ideally, your bedding, especially your pillowcase, should be made of fabrics as delicate and soft as silk or satin. Why? Well, because this fabric prevents friction and, therefore, hair breakage. Other materials such as cotton, for example, can favor the appearance of the dreaded frizz.

2. Dispense with brushing your hair before going to sleep

2. Dispense with brushing your hair before going to sleep

One of the routines that you have to follow before going to bed is brushing your hair. Just like you're used to brushing your teeth before sleeping, another of your pre-sleep rituals has to be brushing your hair . In this way, in addition to "cleaning" the hair - you will remove impurities and product residues -, you will leave it more polished, less frizzy and with much more shine. Also, by stimulating the circulation of the scalp, you will get a stronger mane. Of course, don't brush excessively either, detangling it will be enough, because otherwise you will end up damaging and breaking the hair fiber.

3. Sleeping with your hair down

3. Sleeping with your hair down

Whether you have straight hair or if you have wavy or curly hair, it is best to sleep with your hair up. After untangling it, we recommend that you tie yourself a loose bun. This way, your hair won't get so tangled or break. Of course, as soon as you get up, take off the collection and if you have gotten tangled up, undo it.

4. Give up specific products for your hair

4. Give up specific products for your hair

Hair has something in common with skin: at night, while we rest, it also regenerates . We recommend that you use a moisturizing mask at night to achieve a much better hair recovery. One night a week, with dry or slightly damp hair, apply a mask and let it work overnight. Discover 18 other habits that you do (without realizing it) that damage your hair.

5. Sleeping with wet hair

5. Sleeping with wet hair

If the hair is wet, it is much easier to break when combing it, so imagine if you go to bed with wet hair. We know it's lazy, but before going to sleep, use the dryer and remove any remaining moisture. Of course, avoid these mistakes that we all make when using the hair dryer.