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30 Snack Ideas Perfect for Weight Loss

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Kalamata olives + tomato

Kalamata olives + tomato

A delight for the palate and also for your figure! For those moments when hunger becomes unbearable, try a handful of kalamata olives (no more than 7) with a sliced ​​tomato garnished with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.

Edamame + raw fish

Edamame + raw fish

Do not panic! When we talk about raw fish we mean sashimi. If you combine it with edamame - that is, the soy in its pod - you will have an original and super satisfying snack. When you have it cooked, add a little flake salt to give it more flavor and to enjoy your oriental snack. You'll love it!

Cereals + milk

Cereals + milk

Surprise! Yes, you can have cereals as a snack. Choose whole wheat flakes with no added sugar and semi-skimmed milk. In addition to satisfying your appetite, a 30 g bowl of cereals and milk is a good dose of calcium and fiber.

Tahini + carrot = hummus

Tahini + carrot = hummus

Carrots are always a healthy snack but if you combine them with tahini, you will be taking a protein bomb and the protein takes away hunger. The tastiest way to include this sesame paste in your diet is hummus. Learn how to make it with our 100% guilt-free hummus recipe.

Nuts + figs

Nuts + figs

Delicious mix that will become your new favorite snack. Figs provide you with magnesium, which reduces anxiety about eating, when combined with a handful of walnuts (20 g, peeled), they leave you satiated until the next meal.

Spicy boiled egg

Spicy boiled egg

A hard-boiled egg is a hunger-quenching snack. A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition has shown its satiating power, so it is perfect in the afternoon. Add some fat burning spices like cayenne pepper or curry.

Avocado + egg

Avocado + egg

And if you have already boiled the eggs to make the previous snack, you will like to know that if you combine them with avocado, you will obtain a delicious and satisfying snack, since to the power of the egg you add that of the avocado, whose healthy fat is satiating. Of course, do not take more than 1/4 of an avocado, because although it is healthy and satiating, it is still caloric.

Tomato + Cucumber

Tomato + Cucumber

You may have already realized that the tomato has many benefits for our health and is that, among others, lycopene (responsible for its red color) helps in the prevention of cancer. In addition, if you prepare a salad with cucumber, your plate will be filled with vitamins C and A, magnesium, antioxidants and folic acid and thanks to its satiating effect, it is perfect for when you notice a hole in your stomach and it is not yet time to eat.

Nuts + yogurt

Nuts + yogurt

Nuts are a satisfying snack for their amount of dietary fiber, especially if you eat them raw with their skin. Accompany about 20-30 grams (a handful) of nuts with a skimmed yogurt, a food rich in protein, which also helps to relieve hunger.

Zucchini chips with paprika

Zucchini chips with paprika

Skip the potato chips and make your own chips but make them zucchini. If you sprinkle paprika on top, in addition to giving this snack a cheerful touch, you will activate your metabolism. Make them grilled or in the oven, you'll see how delicious!

Blueberries + yogurt

Blueberries + yogurt

For a change, instead of adding the blueberries to the yogurt, make yourself a smoothie. You will be drinking a delicious mix of antioxidants, calcium and protein, in addition to being a very filling snack. Why? Well, because blueberries provide you (for each cup) about 4 g of fiber and yogurt is a food rich in protein. If you feel like it, add oatmeal to the mix too. It contains 7% fiber, so it also has a laxative effect and protects your digestive system.

Tuna + avocado

Tuna + avocado

And here the avocado returns again. To satisfy you and also, while you are, keep cholesterol at bay and reduce inflammation, nothing better than the union of this fruit and tuna. 1/4 of avocado and 100 g of tuna will provide you with just over 200 calories and will leave you satisfied for a long time. We give you a super idea to take them together: Tuna skewer with avocado and sesame.

Turkey + avocado

Turkey + avocado

A delicious snack that you can take to the office without problem. If you find it too bland to eat turkey cold cuts with avocado, prepare a sandwich or a roll with a whole wheat tortilla. A satisfying snack thanks to the protein of the turkey and the fat of the avocado, so if you take it as a breakfast or a snack you will arrive at the next main meal with a moderate hunger and you will not destroy.

Apple + nuts + cinnamon

Apple + nuts + cinnamon

A study from the University of Maryland concluded that a teaspoon of cinnamon a day helps you lower your sugar intake and lower blood sugar, less desire to snack. If you want to have something different, discover the recipe for roasted apple with nuts. We love it because it combines this spice with apple - very rich in fiber - and nuts, which also have fiber and fat. A very satisfying recipe.

Guacamole + crudités + (nachos)

Guacamole + crudités + (nachos)

When the body asks you for “something more”, dip some guacamole with nachos and crudités (carrot, zucchini, celery). Each tablespoon of guacamole has just under 30 calories, so you will not suffer for your figure and it will satiate you, because raw foods have fiber and avocado good fats.

Pineapple + lime juice

Pineapple + lime juice

Pineapple is low in calories and provides us with a lot of water and fiber, so it will fill you up. If you also add a splash of lime juice (ideal if you have heavy digestions) and a slice of ham, it will satisfy you even more thanks to the protein in this sausage.

Dark chocolate + milk

Dark chocolate + milk

The more you study, the more benefits are found in chocolate: antioxidant, heart-healthy, anti-aging, antidepressant … Of course, to obtain only its advantages and not its disadvantages, take it pure (minimum 70% cocoa) powder. Mix it with milk –source of protein– and, if you feel it too strong, sweeten with cinnamon, which controls blood sugar levels and helps you not peck so much.

Kale + Salt and pepper

Kale + Salt and pepper

This variety of kale has been crowned as one of the most desired superfoods . Here we leave you a quick and simple recipe so you can lick your fingers. Chop the leaves and add a drizzle of olive oil; season to taste and spread the leaves on the baking sheet. Leave them for about 20 minutes with the oven preheated to 120ºC. Ready!

Cucumber + Salmon

Cucumber + Salmon

Give your montaditos a twist by making the base with cucumber slices (yes, park the crackers ). This vegetable is 95% water, provides vitamin C and is super refreshing. Take a look at this recipe that is made in the blink of an eye, it is as simple as peeling and cutting a cucumber. Top each slice with a teaspoon of cream cheese, a taco of salmon with olive oil and a sprig of dill.

Ripe banana + oats

Ripe banana + oats

If you just realized that the bananas you bought the other day are already darker than you are, this muffin is the ideal dessert for you. Also, you can repeat! As you read it, having as a base ingredient ripe bananas, you just have to add sugar to the mixture, since the fruit already provides the sweet spot.

Frozen Yogurt + Strawberries

Frozen Yogurt + Strawberries

Bet on a natural yogurt (without sugar and without sweeteners). Remember that a factory sweetened one will always have more sugar than a natural one to which you add one - and even two - teaspoons of sugar. Add a cut strawberry or, if you prefer, crush it all. And now that the heat begins to tighten, you can freeze your snack . Psst, psst, yogurt is a holy hand for your digestive system thanks to its probiotic effect.

Sweet potato chips

Sweet potato chips

This tuber, also known as a sweet potato, is the potato's 'good' brother. And, despite the popularity of the latter in Spanish cuisine, the sweet potato has more fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamin C. Verdict: if you have a craving for French fries, bet on this healthier version. Ah! Swap the deep fryer for the oven and control yourself with the salt shaker.

Fit pancakes + Blueberries

Fit pancakes + Blueberries

They are ideal for the days when you are going to step on the gym thanks to its contribution of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Mix two egg whites with three tablespoons of oatmeal (you can also add a vanilla protein). Pour everything into a previously greased pan and make each pancake upside down. Garnish with blueberries (rich in antioxidants). Are you a sweet tooth? Add a teaspoon of honey or agave syrup.

Kefir + Fruit and cereals

Kefir + Fruit and cereals

This probiotic will do your body spectacularly well. The key is in the beneficial bacteria that have participated in the fermentation, which help your intestinal flora. It is becoming easier to find it in the supermarket, but you can also encourage yourself to create your own kefir! Try it with cereals and fruits, delicious!

Beetroot hummus

Beetroot hummus

Incorporate this vegetable into your traditional hummus recipe, and add some extra detox to the mix! This purifying power is due to the effect of the betalin pigments in beets, which help eliminate toxins. In addition, a recent study from the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) ensures that this food is a great ally to improve performance, marching a dose of energy!

Peanut Butter + Banana

Peanut Butter + Banana

This cream so yankee that you have surely seen in a thousand and one movies has landed on Spanish lands with force, and with good reason! We are talking about a food very rich in protein and fat (of the good ones, of course). Cut a banana into slices and top each one with a teaspoon of cream. Be careful: Don't overdo it, since - like everything that has great nutritional power - it is caloric.

Carrot + Oats

Carrot + Oats

These muffins look good, right? Well, they taste even better! The mix of carrots and oats is super sanciating. But not only will it keep your appetite at bay, it will also help you get your best face. Your password? The beta-carotenes in vegetables, which are antioxidants and promote the production of vitamin A. They will also help you show off your tan more quickly.

Fruit pizza

Fruit pizza

Yes, you read that correctly, who said that the terms 'pizza' and 'lose weight' were incompatible? Change the industrial dough (and XL!) For a homemade base and the cheese for some cut fruits. Kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and peaches are usually safe bets, as they loosen their game in the heat. If you are more salty, try creating your own vegetable pizza playing with your favorite vegetables (do not miss the eggplant, zucchini, onion and pepper).

Buddha bowl

Buddha bowl

Have you still not joined the foodie trend that has parked the dishes in the back of the closet? As the expert Silvia Riolobos explains, “these combined dishes in a healthy key are very complete. The Buddha Bowl is so called because being filled to the top of foods such as fruits, vegetables and superfoods visually reminds of Buddha's happy belly. Attentive to his proposal for broccoli falafel. Photo: Isolda Delgado

Chia seeds + Vegetable drink

Chia seeds + Vegetable drink

The Puddin of chia seeds has been crowned breakfast healthy fashion. These seeds are part of the GREAT family of superfoods thanks to their nutritional wealth. Take note: Pour two tablespoons of seeds into a glass, pour almond milk up to the middle of the glass and let the mixture rest overnight (or a minimum of 15 min) so that the seeds hydrate. Top your breakfast with berries.

Want more snack ideas?

Want more snack ideas?

Discover 15 delicious snacks that are tasty and very easy to prepare.

Surely your daily menus include the right amount of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates - following the famous plate method - but inexplicably in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon you get an uncontrollable fit of hunger. So that snacking stops being an ordeal, we have prepared the best combination of foods that will help you lose weight once and for all.

Objective: satiate you

Nerves, skipping meals, hormonal swings, sleeping little … There are many factors that make us peck between meals. Whatever the reason that pushes you to snack, we have selected some ideas that will serve you to drink at mid-morning or for a snack and thus get to the next meal less hungry.

Without sacrifices

Simple gestures that will help you stay at your weight without losing your brain:

  • Hydrate yourself Before you pounce on the refrigerator and dock it, drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes, your voracious hunger may simply be … thirsty!
  • Identify how you feel. If just before that important meeting, you have a craving for something sweet, put down that candy bar and put your hands where we can see them! It really is about psychological appetite. Yes, feelings like anxiety & co can be to blame for those extra inches on your waist.
  • Everything in sight. Put everything you are going to eat on a plate. Often we take a handful of almonds, then another, and 5 minutes later another! Surprise, when you want to realize you have eaten the whole bag … glups . Control the amount you eat by putting food in a container.
  • The key ingredients? The satiating ones. Infallible against hunger!
  • Bet on superfoods. As their name suggests they have very 'super' properties. This is due to its nutritional power. Kale, for example, is rich in calcium, but its benefits do not stop there, it is said that it is more easily assimilated than milk … Almost nothing!

Ideas to snack without getting fat

There are foods that fill up on their own but that, combined with others, become real satiating bombs. In the gallery you will find easy ideas to prepare and that will serve you both as a mid-morning snack and for breakfast.

  • Edamame. We are not going to tell you to go overboard with the salt, but once you have this cooked soybean pod, sprinkle a little sea salt over it and have it with raw sashimi-type fish. You will have an original, delicious and super healthy snack.
  • Hummus. It is common to accompany this chickpea puree with pita bread, but if you try to take it with vegetable and vegetable sticks, you will love it.
  • Boiled egg The hard-boiled egg is an ideal snack to calm the appetite, and if you also take it with cayenne pepper, paprika or curry, you will be helping your body burn fat. You can also take it with avocado to give your heart the dose of omega 3 it needs.
  • Tomato. The lycopene in tomatoes - the cause of their striking red color - helps reduce the risk of cancer, but this vegetable has great satiating power and provides you with few calories, so it should be a regular on your menus.
  • Nuts. They provide calcium, fiber (if you take them with skin) and are great friends of your heart.
  • Cereals and legumes. Cereals are deficient in lysine (amino acid present in legumes); and legumes lack methionine (very rich in cereals). In other words, if we combine them, we compensate for individual deficiencies by forming a high-quality protein. Take it to practice with a quinoa and chickpea salad.

And if you want to know more, discover our satisfying diet to lose weight without starving.