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Tricks to eat 300 fewer calories a day

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Make your soda!

Make your soda!

If you drink 2 soft drinks a day, you exceed 300 kcal and exceed your daily sugar quota. Make them without sugar, with water and lemon or orange juice or any blended fruit or fruit mix and a no-calorie sweetener. You will not exceed 30 kcal per glass.

A watch in your fatty tissue

A watch in your fatty tissue

According to the University of Murcia, we have an internal clock that influences our sensitivity to glucose and makes us accumulate fat when we eat sweets at night. Avoid them at the last minute, because a cake for dinner is 300 kcal that will not burn!

Taking cold pasta is more satisfying

Taking cold pasta is more satisfying

Cook it al dente and chill it. Thus, its hydrates are converted into resistant starch, a type of fiber that makes you feel full longer. And if you opt for whole wheat pasta, combine it with vegetables and avoid fatty sauces, you subtract more than 300 kcal. And if you miss the macaroni, spaghetti or noodles, here are recipes to lose weight by eating pasta!

Less fat

Less fat

Swap bacon (550 kcal / 100 g) for ham or turkey (105 kcal / 100 g). Find out how fat sausages are: ham, chorizo, turkey …

More vegetables

More vegetables

Replace part of the carbohydrates with vegetables; such as zucchini spaghetti (21 kcal per 100 g), or mashed cauliflower and potatoes.

Buy in the market

Buy in the market

Leave only the essentials for the supermarket (cleaning products, hygiene …) and opt for the traditional market, where you will find fresh and seasonal food. This visit will save you a lot of calories by not having ultra-processed foods full of fats and sugars at your fingertips.

If you eat at a buffet …

If you eat at a buffet …

First of all, watch. According to Cornell University (USA), this way you will choose dishes with fewer calories. Next, choose 2 small plates. Fill 3/4 of each with greens, salads, and greens, leaving the rest for fish, meat, rice, or pasta. And sit away from the buffet. In this way you will avoid temptations and you will not repeat.

The best open sandwich

The best open sandwich

A sandwich can be a bomb. That of tuna and mayonnaise can add up to 600 kcal. If you take it open and remove the top bread (–110 kcal), reduce the sauce by half and change it for yogurt sauce (–120 kcal) and put natural tuna instead of in oil (–65 kcal) , you subtract 300 kcal.

Not so harmless salads

Not so harmless salads

Do you know that a Caesar salad can have more than 500 kcal? Apart from lettuce, it has fried bread (70 kcal), fried chicken (200 kcal), cured cheese (75 kcal) and dressing (80 kcal). Opt for a mixed salad as a starter (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, olives, pepper, oil and vinegar) of only 165 kcal! See which are the salads with the most hidden calories.

Don't go overboard with the cheese

Don't go overboard with the cheese

It enhances the flavor of the dishes, but … it is added to a lot of dishes and you add calories without realizing it. Just by substituting fat-free cheeses you can save around 53 calories per serving. If you replace it 6 times a day (in gratins, pizza, salads, pasta, sandwiches …) it is 300 kcal.

You can eat pizza

You can eat pizza

Choose the ingredients well and make the dough yourself. Make it with thin dough, and cover it with natural tomato (15 kcal), 1/2 cup of mushrooms (8 kcal), 1/4 of chopped onion (10 kcal), 1 green pepper (8 kcal) and a pinch of low cheese in fat (35 kcal). The result: almost 300 kcal (270 kcal exactly). Another recipe for light pizza.

Change the fries

Change the fries

They provide about 300 kcal per 100 g serving (and not counting the calories in the tablespoon of mayonnaise they can carry!); and potato chips, more than 500 kcal. However, 100 g of boiled, roasted or steamed potatoes barely reaches 70 kcal (7 times less than chips).

Baked potato at the restaurant?

Baked potato at the restaurant?

A medium size homemade baked potato has only 160 kcal. But don't assume that baked potatoes are a light option on restaurant menus. They can be loaded with butter or au gratin with cheese, and other ingredients (bacon, etc.) that turn them into 400 kcal bombs and add quite a few grams of fat. If you like them with cheese, you'd better prepare them with a skimmed one and eat them with the skin to incorporate their fiber.

Water before eating

Water before eating

Drinking two glasses of water before a meal causes up to 90 kcal less to be consumed, according to research conducted by the American Chemical Society in Boston (USA). And if you do it in the three main meals, they will be almost 300 kcal less.

Iberian ham, very good option

Iberian ham, very good option

With half the bread, it does not reach 200 kcal, less than a vegetable with egg, tuna and mayonnaise (more than double the calories). By the way, do you know which is the healthiest ham?

Healthy snacking, it exists!

Healthy snacking, it exists!

Write down this light recipe because you are going to love it. Kale leaves with very little oil, pepper and salt, baked at 175 degrees, 8 min. They are only 50 kcal / 100 g. Here are more ideas for healthy snacks.

Are you going for tapas?

Are you going for tapas?

We encourage you to enjoy them. But not all of them suit you. Squid a la Romana are delicious, but 100 g provide 550 kcal, in addition to a large amount of saturated fat. Opt better for steamed cockles and lemon, they barely reach 80 kcal per 100 g. Another healthy alternative to reduce calories is pickled mussels: a 50g can provides 68 kcal.

Pass the brush

Pass the brush

Reduce the amount of oil you add to the pan. Think that a tablespoon of oil is about 119 kcal. However, if you use a silicone brush, a few drops are enough that will spread evenly in the pan (it better be non-stick). You will save about 100 kcal for each use.

Be careful with the snack

Be careful with the snack

For a snack it is better to choose lighter and more satisfying options. Only the croissant can reach 300 kcal, to which are added those of milk and coffee sugar (66 kcal). Change it, for example, for a 0% yogurt with red fruits (65 kcal) and an infusion; you will save 300 kcal and saturated fat. Here are 30 healthy and filling snack ideas.

Ice creams, better than ice

Ice creams, better than ice

If we like something in summer it is ice cream, but it can exceed 350 kcal. Especially the industrial and creamy ones. The least caloric and equally refreshing option is ice cream (60-80 kcal). You can prepare them with fresh fruits.

Lighter aubergines

Lighter aubergines

Eggplants absorb a lot of oil and reach 300 kcal. To avoid this, leave them in salted water for 30 minutes and drain them well before cooking them in a non-stick pan with little oil, and if you want add a little olive oil at the end. Thus they barely reach 70 kcal.

Stop! Creams and creams

Stop! Creams and creams

Each tablespoon of heavy cream is 52 kcal. If you use it regularly to thicken stews, make soups or accompany desserts, you can quickly add 300 kcal without realizing it. Avoid this by swapping it for skimmed yogurt or non-dairy milk.

More volume with fewer calories

More volume with fewer calories

When we see a full plate, we feel more satisfied and eat less. Fill it with low-calorie foods (such as vegetable leaves); or with no kcal, like gelatin. For example, a mango and strawberry gelatin dessert has 36 calories, compared to 250 kcal for ice cream with these fruits.

Coconut milk: don't abuse

Coconut milk: don't abuse

If you want to lose weight, do not exceed 60 ml per day, since a glass of coconut milk provides about 500 calories due to its fat content (57%). And although it is about healthy fats, an excess will make you gain weight. Combine it with other plant milks: oats, almonds or soy, 30-40 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie Burning Drinks

Calorie Burning Drinks

-Green Tea. It has no calories and speeds up the metabolism. Drinking 4 cups a day makes you burn fat.
-Pineapple + ginger. Prepare an infusion with the ginger root and add the juice of two pineapple slices. It also speeds up the metabolism and is purifying.
-Cinnamon + chamomile. An infusion of chamomile with stevia and half a teaspoon of cinnamon burns calories and relaxes you.

There are small gestures and habits that we do not notice that can make the calories in a plate skyrocket. Snacking, snacking between meals or the weekend snack do not have to be incompatible with following a diet to lose weight . There are foods and foods with fewer calories that we must incorporate into our day to day to reduce calories without giving up the pleasure of eating.

Tricks to subtract 300 calories a day

  • Snack. Forget the croissant and coffee with milk, and go for healthy options like yogurt with fruits or crudités with hummus. And if you want more ideas, here are ideas for super healthy and filling snacks.
  • Sandwiches An easy way to save calories is to eat only one half of the bread. In addition, it is important not to abuse sauces such as mayonnaise. A good option to fill a sandwich is Iberian ham.
  • Cheese. This food is one of the bans of many people. In all its versions it is great, but be careful, because it adds many calories. Try to use defatted cheeses in your dishes. Do you want to know how many calories your favorite cheese has?
  • Salads Not all are healthy, there are treacherous salads that hide a lot of calories. If you are on a diet, park for a type of Caesar type salads and bet on mixed salads and in which the main ingredients are vegetables.
  • Pecking. Say goodbye to French fries or squid a la romana and incorporate steamed cockles, baked kale chips or seasoned cherry tomatoes into your diet. They are some of the snacks that will help you lose weight once and for all.
  • Pizza. Yes, you can eat it! But you have to make your dough, put a little cheese and fill it with vegetables. No cold cuts like bacon. Check out this super light pizza recipe.
  • Fittings. Again we have to forget about the french fries. Much better roasted or steamed. You can also accompany your fish and meat with any baked or grilled vegetables.
  • Oil. A trick to use less oil in your dishes is to add it to the pan with a silicone brush or spray. You will save a lot of calories without almost realizing it.
  • Sauces Cream or heavy cream are forbidden if you are on a diet. Use the yogurt to make your sauces.
  • Vegetable milks. Do not abuse coconut milk as it is one of the most caloric. Those made from oats, almonds or soybeans are much lighter.

Foods with less than 30 kcal

  • Zucchini (17 kcal). Take it in creams, grilled or in an omelette for a light dinner.
  • Watermelon (29 kcal). Ideal for times of heat, refreshing and hydrating. Good option to take between meals.
  • Leek (23 kcal). Star ingredient of vichyssoise and many other summer and winter creams.