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20 tips to save on summer vacation

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1. Practice eco-driving

1. Practice eco-driving

Do not step on the accelerator when starting, it causes unnecessary consumption. Avoid low gears, as they burn more fuel. Don't run or accelerate until the engine has warmed up. And turn off the engine if you're going to stand still.

If you dread driving, don't miss Rafa Santandreu, our bedside psychologist, tips to lose your fear.

2. Fill the tank for less

2. Fill the tank for less

It is worth finding stations where the price is more advantageous on portals such as the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) and other price comparators. If the manufacturer does not explicitly indicate the use of 98 gasoline, it uses 95 unleaded gasoline. The price difference between one and the other in a standard tank is more than € 7.

3. Don't go overboard with the load

3. Don't go overboard with the load

Overloading the car with luggage ends up feeling in your pocket. For every 100 kg we load, fuel consumption increases by 5%. Get used to wearing only the essentials.

Find out how to get the most out of your trunk with these tricks.

4. Keep the wheels in perfect condition

4. Keep the wheels in perfect condition

Before setting off, check your car and make sure the wheels are properly inflated. At gas stations they have inflator and tables with the right pressure. According to the General Directorate of Traffic, driving with low pressure on the wheels can increase gasoline consumption by 4%.

5. Get around by bike

5. Get around by bike

Either in your own city or where you are doing tourism, it is the most economical and healthy option. Also, remember that frequent exercise increases the production of oxytocin, the "happiness hormone" in our brain.

6. Practice "couchsurfing"

6. Practice "couchsurfing"

It is a worldwide practice that consists of exchanging “sofa”. In other words, a way to get free accommodation, to make new friends and learn more about the way of life of others.

7. Trade your house

7. Trade your house

It is another formula to get free accommodation. It consists of giving your house to someone who is going to visit your city in exchange for lending you theirs.

8. Find the cheapest flights

8. Find the cheapest flights

Finding the most advantageous flights will not be difficult thanks to the myriad of internet comparators and portals. But be careful because many charge you management fees right at the end of the purchase.

9. Low cost accommodation

9. Low cost accommodation

Low cost fashion is also used in the world of hotels. More and more chains have tried to cut down on superfluous expenses (like vanity details) to offer competitive prices. Do not miss the advantages of rural tourism, in general, cheaper. Or stay in rooms in private houses that rent for days.

10. Don't make plans and let yourself go

10. Don't make plans and let yourself go

If you have not booked your vacation in advance, taking advantage of the discounts that this entails, we advise you to bet on last minute offers.

And learn how to pack the perfect suitcase in no time, here.

11. Make themed getaways

11. Make themed getaways

Sometimes the secret to enjoying a vacation is not to go as far as possible, but to discover or promote a hobby: photography, sports, massages …

12. Organize the party at home

12. Organize the party at home

Spaniards spend 32% of our budget eating out, spending most of that money on weekends. Make an agreement with your friends to alternate between houses and each bring a part of dinner. You will still have fun, and at the end of the month you will notice it.

13. Have fun without spending

13. Have fun without spending

More than half of Spaniards spend 48% of their budget on leisure, 10% more than the European average. To reduce this expense, the first step is to remember that having fun doesn't have to be synonymous with spending. Why not organize a picnic on the beach or in a park?

14. Eat healthier and for less

14. Eat healthier and for less

Always consume seasonal products, they are cheaper. Use the homemade recipes of a lifetime, they are usually the most balanced and simple. Avoid functional foods or foods with added properties if you don't really need them, they can cost twice as much as their conventional version. And do not abuse the light or precooked ones, which are expensive and expendable.

15. Save yourself the gym

15. Save yourself the gym

Summer is an ideal time for practicing water and outdoor sports. It is very possible that it will pay you to withdraw from the gym for a couple of months. But that does not mean that you stop taking care of yourself, on the contrary. The time has come to take walks along the seashore, swim, run …

It is a good time to combine the benefits of walking and running.

16. Buy basics in

16. Buy basics in

Bet on the basics, on the pieces that are always necessary, such as good shoes or a coat, and remember that in no time you will have to buy Christmas gifts.

If you want to know the clothes that you should keep in your closet for the next season, keep reading.

17. Put your hands to work

17. Put your hands to work

It's not about tackling tough jobs, but about taking the trouble to learn how to do certain home repairs like painting, fixing an outlet, hanging pictures … and saving yourself a fortune.

Don't miss the best tricks to become the queen of DIY.

18. Save on your water bill

18. Save on your water bill

In the taps, put sprays that reduce from 12 to 7 liters per minute and turn it off while you brush your teeth or lather yourself. Reduce pressure to avoid wasting many liters. Take quick showers since every five minutes you consume between 60 and 100 liters of water. And water early or late in the day to avoid evaporation.

Find out how to save on fixed household expenses.

19. Save on your electricity bill

19. Save on your electricity bill

Moderate the use of air conditioning and regulate the temperature to reasonable levels. Install awnings and blinds that help keep your house temperature stable. And rescue the fan to avoid abusing the air at the minimum of change.

10 tricks to save on the electricity bill.

20. And save on your gas bill

20. And save on your gas bill

With the heat, the body asks for softer dishes and simpler preparations. Take the opportunity to lighten your diet and, incidentally, save on your gas bill. Make use of the barbecue or prepare gazpachos -such as cucumber, celery and basil or watermelon-, salads …

All the tranquility gained during the holidays could be ruined if when we return we discover that we are in the red. Take note of these tricks and other infallible strategies that we tell you below to save during these holidays …

Save when you travel …

Practice couchsurfing

The couchsurfing is a worldwide practice that consists of exchanging "sofa". That is, a way to get free accommodation, to make new friends and learn more directly about the way of life in other countries.

Exchange your house

It is another formula to get free accommodation. It consists of giving your house to someone who is going to visit your city in exchange for lending you theirs.

Enjoy free visits

Those who want to do tourism on their own and without it costing a euro have more and more options every day. In the main capitals of the world there are free guide services or audio guide services so that you can download them comfortably on your mobile.

Exchanging the sofa, the house or signing up for free visits are ways to travel at zero cost

Find the cheapest flights

Finding the most advantageous flights will not be difficult thanks to the myriad of internet comparators and portals. But be careful because many charge you management fees right at the end of the purchase.

Don't pay more for a souvenir

Find out before you start the trip where you can find the best markets or handicraft stores and try to solve your commitments at once. Lack of planning can lead you to end up buying quickly and running anything at the airport, where the offer is lower and the prices are higher.

Don't make plans and let yourself go

If you have not booked your vacation in advance, taking advantage of the discounts that this entails, we advise you to bet on last minute offers.

Keep in mind that many last minute and low cost offers add management fees at the end of the purchase

Travel with a 75% discount
This is the possibility offered by online auction portals. You just need to be a little aware of the offers, have some flexibility, and bid on the offer that interests you.

Book a hotel or low cost accommodation

The low cost fashion has also reached the world of hotels.

  • More and more chains have tried to cut down on superfluous expenses (like vanity details) to offer competitive prices.
  • Do not miss the advantages of rural tourism, in general, cheaper.
  • Or stay in rooms on the owners' apartments or rent one of yours to get extra money.

Themed getaways

Sometimes the secret to enjoying a vacation is not to go as far as possible, but to discover or promote a hobby: photography, sports, massage … Different organizations strive to offer "themed getaways". Another option is to visit your city and its museums with the eyes of a tourist.

And save also when you move …

Practice eco-driving

Did you know that following a series of rules behind the wheel you can save 15% on fuel and reduce car maintenance costs? The ecodriving or "ecodriving" widespread modality in other European countries, is very simple guidelines that you should implement as:

  • Do not step on the accelerator when starting, this gesture causes unnecessary consumption.
  • Avoid low gears, as they burn more fuel. On the road, try to maintain a constant speed.
  • Don't run or accelerate until the engine has warmed up. Driving at a moderate speed, over 90 km / h, is the most suitable. Increasing to 110 km / h means 20% more consumption, and 120 km / h, 44%.
  • Turn off the engine if you are going to be idle for more than three minutes, either in a traffic jam or waiting for someone.

Ecodriving means driving in a more ecological and economic way

Do not go overboard with the load

Overloading the car with luggage ends up feeling in your pocket. For every 100 kg we load, fuel consumption increases by 5%. Get used to carrying only the essentials and if you are not going to use the roof rack, remove it. Carrying it always, even if it is empty, increases spending by 2%. Find out how to get the most out of your trunk with these tricks.

Fill the tank for less

In Spain there is no tariff unit as far as gasoline is concerned, so it is worth locating stations where the price is more advantageous on portals such as the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) or service station comparators .

  • If the manufacturer does not explicitly indicate the use of 98 gasoline, it uses 95 unleaded gasoline. The price difference between one and the other in a standard tank is more than € 7.

Keep the wheels in perfect condition

Before setting off, check your car and make sure the wheels are properly inflated. At gas stations they have inflator and tables with the right pressure. According to the General Directorate of Traffic, driving with low pressure on the wheels can increase fuel consumption by 4%.

Plan the right route

By taking this hassle, you will avoid unnecessary laps. State- of-the-art GPS helps you calculate the shortest route, warn you of possible traffic jams or allow you to locate the closest car parks, thereby saving on fuel.

Reducing the load on the car, checking the wheels and planning the route can save you a fortune

Share a car and split the price

It is the best formula to cut costs on long-haul trips. The "carpooling" or "carsharing" is an increasingly widespread practice among those who not only care about their pocket, but also for the environment.

Move on your bike and win in joy

Either in your own city or where you are doing tourism, it is the most economical and healthy option . Also, remember that frequent exercise increases the production of oxytocin, the "happiness" hormone , in our brain .

And if what you like are rural circuits, sign up for the Greenways, cycling routes drawn from disused railway infrastructures. In Spain there are more than 1,700 km.

Save when you stay at home …

Organize private parties

In Anglo-Saxon countries there is a long tradition in this regard. Spaniards, on the other hand, spend 32% of our budget eating out, spending most of that money on weekends.

Agree with your friends and make "suit" lunches and dinners ("I brought this, you brought the other …"). It consists of alternating from home, and each one bringing a part of dinner. You will still have fun, the expense will be distributed, and at the end of the month you will notice it.

Have a good time without spending

More than half of Spaniards spend 48% of their budget on leisure, 10% more than the European average. To reduce this expense, the first step is to remember that having fun doesn't have to be synonymous with spending.

Why not organize a picnic in a park, join one of the free activities promoted by your City Council or visit a museum on its free entry days?

Joint lunches and dinners at home, or picnics in the park or on the beach, are much cheaper than going to a restaurant

Eat healthier and for less

Betting on a healthier shopping basket can also be very advantageous if you follow a series of basic rules:

  • Always consume seasonal products, they are at their best and are cheaper. Also, summer is the best time to enjoy fruits and vegetables.
  • Use the homemade recipes of a lifetime, they are usually the most balanced and simple. Our grandmothers were experts at cutting costs.
  • Avoid functional foods or foods with added properties if you really don't need them. Are you sure you benefit from a special intake of calcium or omega 3? Can't you compensate with a more balanced diet? Think about it, this type of food can cost twice as much as its conventional version.
  • Do not abuse the light, it is better to moderate the consumption of foods that make you fatter. Low calorie versions are a good occasional fix, but never if you gorge yourself. In addition to not achieving the expected effect, you will be spending more money.
  • Cut down on precooked ones. If you cook your own recipes and freeze them, you can save 30% on your budget.

Save yourself the gym

It is an ideal time for the practice of water and outdoor sports. Be realistic and calculate how many times you are going to go to the gym while the good weather lasts, it is very possible that you will pay off for a few months. But that does not mean that you stop taking care of yourself, on the contrary. The time has come to:

  • Take walks along the seashore (250 kcal / h).
  • Swimming (500 kcal / h in the pool and 750 kcal / h in the sea).
  • Play tennis (380 kcal / h)
  • Running moderately during the evening hours (700 kcal / h)

Buy basics at

Take advantage of everything you foresee that you will need in a few months and, no matter how well it is priced, reject everything you do not need. Bet on the basics, on the pieces that are always necessary, such as good shoes or a coat, and remember that in no time you will have to buy Christmas gifts.

Put your hands to work

It's not about tackling complicated jobs, but about taking the time to learn how to do certain home repairs like painting, fixing an outlet, hanging pictures … and saving yourself a fortune.

Take advantage of promotions

Get free samples or discounts on products that you usually consume, receive direct gifts or find out about the most advantageous offers is what you can get on various promotion websites.

How to save on bills …

Of the water

In summer more than ever it is advisable to be moderate with the consumption of water. If you want to lower your bill by a few euros a month, follow these guidelines:

  • Quick showers. Every five minutes you consume between 60 and 100 liters of water. Do not linger under the tap. If you want to cool off, go to the sea or the pool.
  • Smart watered. Arrange the plants according to their water needs, so you'll waste less liquid when watering. Do it first thing in the morning, the water takes longer to evaporate and they can make better use of it.
  • Tap under control. Apply atomizers, which reduce from 12 to 7 liters per minute. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and use a double bucket to wash the dishes, you will save 100 liters.
  • Reduce pressure. Many times we do not need as much flow and many liters are wasted. Just closing the stopcock a little bit will solve this problem.

Air conditioning

The use of air conditioning has become common, but it was not so long ago that we survived the summer without it.

  • It moderates its use and regulates the temperature to reasonable levels, it is environmentally friendly and contributes to reducing the bill.
  • Install awnings and blinds that help keep the house temperature stable.
  • Rescue the fan. Using them will prevent you from turning the thermostat down. Another option is to install a ceiling fan, it uses the same energy as a 100 watt light bulb.

Of gas

With the heat, the body asks for softer dishes and simpler preparations. Take the opportunity to lighten your diet and, incidentally, save on your gas bill. Make use of the barbecue or prepare gazpachos, salads …