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20 Tricks to save at home

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Saving a few euros in the kitchen may seem impossible, but it doesn't have to be this way if you follow the simple cooking, order and maintenance tricks that we tell you below. Take note … they don't fail!

1. The secret is planning

Planning a weekly menu is the best way to adjust the purchase to a real consumption. Only if you know what you are going to cook will you avoid overselling and the risk of food spoiling. Remember that a balanced menu should have 5 daily servings of fruit and vegetables, between 2 and 4 weekly servings of legumes, and 3 or 4 of fish and meat.

2. Be careful with the expiration date

Al, we don't always look at the expiration date and products spoil without realizing it. Do not forget the difference between expiration and preferential consumption. In the first case, the product begins to spoil from the date indicated. In the second, it only loses properties, but it is not bad. In many stores, they put products that are going to expire earlier, so grab the ones that are further down the shelf.

3. Homemade pizzas, much better

If you are one of those who order pizza at home from time to time, remember that it is much cheaper, and even healthy, if you make them at home. The homemade ones have less fat, salt and preservatives. The trick so that you do not get lazy to make them is to have ready-made dough in the refrigerator, the kind they sell in supermarkets, or frozen bases. You just have to add the ingredients you like the most, or reuse some leftover meals, and bake them while you watch, for example, your favorite series.

4. Keeping the freezer in order

Freeze the food in small or individual portions so that you only have to defrost as many as you need according to the number of diners. Do not forget to indicate the freezing date so as not to keep the food forever. And remember that the freezer consumes much less energy if you prevent ice from accumulating on the walls and remove dust from the back.

5. The container does matter

To preserve food for longer, store it in containers that close tightly. Keep in mind that the more you fill them, the lower the presence of air and, therefore, the risk of oxidation. A vacuum sealer is a good option to preserve food for longer and in perfect condition.

6. Don't store too much

The abuse of specific offers such as 3 x 2 or family-size containers and containers can lead us to more food than we actually need. Try to maintain a balanced pantry, in which essential ingredients such as flour, sugar, salt, oil, pasta, legumes and some basic preserves, such as tomato sauce or tuna , are not lacking .

7. Check your pantry periodically

If you don't periodically check your pantry, you run the risk that some of the products will be passed without you noticing. A good idea is to review it every week, putting the foods that have to be used first in the first place, those that still have a long life in the background, and noting what needs to be replaced.

8. Make good use of the refrigerator

Ordering the refrigerator helps you extend the life of your food. The ideal temperature is between one or to 5 or . Remember that every time you open the door, 7% of the energy is lost.

  • Meat and fish should be placed in the coldest area.
  • Cover the meat with aluminum foil or store it in a container with a wire rack so that the juices it releases do not come into contact with the rest of the food.
  • The fish is better to keep it clean.
  • The fruit and vegetables can be in a cool place protected from humidity or in the refrigerator, but open the plastic bags so that the pieces can breathe.
  • And the cut sausage will last longer if you keep it in closed containers. The right place is the central shelves.

9. Make better use of vegetables

Often times, we waste parts of the vegetable that retain all their nutrients. The trunks of the artichokes can be served boiled - they must be peeled well so they do not turn bitter. With the outer leaves of broccoli and cauliflower you can make broth. And if you have vegetables left over or they are about to go over, you can prepare a cream and store it in portions.

10. Save when cooking

When cooking, you can also save a lot if you choose the most suitable cooking system. Replace the conventional pot with the express one: you will save time and use half the energy. And take advantage of the microwave, since it requires less energy than the oven and thus you can reduce energy consumption by up to 70%.

11. Long live bread and pastries

If you have leftover bread you can make a soup (adding garlic, oil and white wine), some crumbs or some French toast. You can also give it a new life by grating it. Or fry some croutons to add to soups or creams. And with the pastries, cooked in a double boiler with milk and egg, you can cook a delicious pudding.

12. Get the ideal pantry

An organized pantry is the best strategy to get the most out of our purchase:

  • Find a cool, dry place. Moisture spoils food sooner. But they should not be next to the oven or in the sun.
  • Label well all those foods or containers that do not include an expiration date.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging when storing the products.
  • Sort the shelves by food groups, so it will be easier for you to find what you are looking for and see what you are missing.
  • Reserve a dark, dry and ventilated place for the three basics: garlic, onions and potatoes.
  • And put the last purchase in the farthest place. The rush sometimes leads us to do it the other way around.

13. Fruit, don't let it go to you

If you have fruit about to go overboard, prepare a fruit salad or a cake (with a base of flour, egg and sugar). If you bought a lot because it was well priced, you can keep it in syrup (boil each kilo in 1/2 l of water and 1/4 of sugar), or you can also make compotes and jams.

14. Recycling based on croquettes

Still don't know how to make croquettes? Learning is an investment. They are ideal for giving out all kinds of leftovers: leftover stew, chicken, ham, cheese … You only need bechamel and a little sautéed onion. They will get you out of more than one hurry, you can freeze them without problems and fry them when you want.

15. Broths, an ideal wild card

With leftover vegetables, fish or chicken you can prepare broths, to which you just need to add pasta, rice or, for example, sautéed onion with a little cheese to have a dish. To make them, you just have to place the ingredients in cold water (you can flavor with bay leaf and parsley) and bring it to a boil over low heat for an hour.

16. Team up with tapas

Covering the pots during cooking can save you up to 30% energy. It is also important to adapt the saucepan to the size of the burner so that the flame does not go out of the diameter and heat is wasted, which increases consumption by 20%. To heat water, it is more efficient to microwave it.

17. Cook a lot at once

Preparing more quantity in each session saves time and energy (you spend the same cooking for four than for six). If you prepare more servings you can freeze the leftovers and consume them when you are in a hurry for time, avoiding the temptation of precooked, 30% more expensive.

18. Eat rationally

Spending on food is sometimes triggered by unnecessary products that are also often less healthy. Come up with a diet based on staples (seasonal fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains, fish, and lean meat) and cut out expendable treats like pastries or sugary sodas. Find out why it can help you lose weight.

19. Using residual heat

When it comes to cooking, you can reduce energy consumption by up to 20% if you turn off the heat a few minutes before. The residual heat is enough to finish cooking. When using the oven, cook several dishes at the same time and remember that you do not need to preheat it if you are going to have it running for more than an hour.

20. Gardening a balcony

Thyme, rosemary, oregano, parsley, mint … Growing aromatic plants does not need much care, a planter and a corner with lots of light is enough. And if you have a terrace, go for a grow table. In just a meter and a half you can grow your own lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines …