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How to spend less on vacations: mistakes in which you lose money

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1. The last minute improvisation

1. The last minute improvisation

In summer we want to make the most of our free time and we tend to get disorganized when shopping. Make a large purchase of non-perishable products at the beginning of the holidays, so you will have an essential supply at the best price. And when you get to your vacation spot, take a walk and don't choose the first supermarket you see.

2. Lack of planning

2. Lack of planning

The holidays are to forget a bit of everything and relax. But don't lose sight of the world either. Plan your expenses and establish a budget.

3. Not taking into account the super offers

3. Not taking into account the super offers

So that you do not miss any offer when filling the shopping cart, you can use internet price comparators. Or also opt for online purchases, which usually have very tight promotions and prices. We tell you how to save up to 1,000 euros a year in the shopping cart.

4. Extra expenses

4. Extra expenses

Having more free time also means more time to spend. Therefore, it is necessary to do a containment exercise. Avoid extras like popcorn at the movies or carry a bottle of water with you so you don't fall into the temptation of a soda.

5. Meals away from home

5. Meals away from home

Take advantage of online reservations, you can get discounts of up to 70%. Decántate by the menu of the day. In addition to being the most economical proposal, the raw materials are usually fresher. And be careful with the drinks, which is where they usually charge the highest prices. Although if you have to eat out, yes or yes, discover how to reduce (at least) calories in your dishes.

6. Air fares

6. Air fares

The first flight fare you find is not always the best. Do not jump to the purchase without first comparing all the possibilities. Many pages charge management fees at the end, extra charges for choosing a seat, luggage or for the type of card with which you make the purchase.

7. Forget travel packs

7. Forget travel packs

If you are organizing a trip, you should know that with packages that include air plus hotel you can save up to 30%. Another good tactic is to be flexible with the schedule, by moving the dates you can get more advantageous flight rates and accommodation.

8. Wait until the last moment

8. Wait until the last moment

If you wait until the last minute to purchase accommodation, flights and tickets, surely the cheapest rates are already sold out.

9. Limit yourself to hotels

9. Limit yourself to hotels

There are cheaper alternatives than the hotel to stay. You can exchange your house, rent rooms in private homes …

10. Bad driving

10. Bad driving

Driving above the established speed, not only makes you spend more but it can endanger your life, that of others and that you fall a fine that ruins your budget.

11. Wasting with the car

11. Wasting with the car

The price of gasoline and the increase in trips during the summer emphasize the convenience of controlling car expenses. Do not rush the gears, plan the route before, turn off the engine in prolonged stops, control the tire pressure, do not abuse the air conditioning or carry the trunk well organized (and without excess weight), these are measures that greatly reduce consumption made out of fuel.

12. Not keeping up with free entertainment

12. Not keeping up with free entertainment

We almost always associate leisure activities with paying, when it doesn't always have to be. Stay informed of the proposals of your City Council, find out about the free days of the museums or look for alternatives such as popular festivals, open-air cinemas or the free visits offered by some institutions.

13. Wasting water

13. Wasting water

Both the washing machine and the dishwasher put them only when they are full. Reduce the volume of discharge from the cisterns by introducing a bottle of water inside. Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth or lathering the dishes. If you want to save on the fixed expenses of your home, keep reading …

14. Wasting air conditioning

14. Wasting air conditioning

When the heat hits, the easiest thing is to lower the temperature of the thermostat and flush the air conditioning, but it is also the most expensive solution. For every degree we go down, we increase electricity consumption by 7%. Remember that you can control the heating of the house with blinds, awnings … Saving on the electricity bill is possible if you follow these tricks.

15. on a whim

15. on a whim

Many times we acquire things that were not in our plans (and that we do not need). Do not take out your wallet without asking yourself if the purchase responds to a real need or rather is a way to make up for a bad day or to combat boredom. Take advantage of the discounts and discounts of your favorite stores.

16. and do not use after

16. and do not use it after

A bicycle, a racket … With good weather the temptations to buy related to hobbies increase. Before acquiring it, think about whether you are really going to get the most out of it. And remember that you can also take rent, barter or second hand.

17. Throw away the things you no longer use

17. Throw away the things you no longer use

Before throwing anything away because it is out of date or you no longer use it, think about the option of reselling it. According to some studies, in our homes we accumulate on average about 53 objects that we do not use and that, in the case of selling them, could provide us with up to 2,000 euros.

18. Paying for NOT going to the gym

18. Paying for NOT going to the gym

If you don't go to the gym in the summer because you change schedules or move to town, save the fee and opt for outdoor activities such as walking along the seashore, swimming or cycling. You can exercise at home and get in shape thanks to our blog The gym at home.

19. Not taking advantage of collaborative networks

19. Not taking advantage of collaborative networks

On the internet there are infinite collaborative economy initiatives that allow car sharing, parking space, exchanging objects …

20. Forget that not everything is paid …

20. Forget that not everything is paid …

Often we do not remember that there are a lot of things we can do that do not cost a euro: meet friends, go for a walk, read a book that hooks you from the first page, meditate …

The holidays are to forget a bit of everything and relax. But beware, what we cannot do is lose sight of our economic reality. Sometimes, with the excuse that we deserve it, we commit excesses that then have to be paid for. In the image gallery you have the 20 most common mistakes we make, and below the tricks to counteract them.

Beware of extra expenses

Having more free time also means more time to spend. Therefore, it is necessary to do a containment exercise.

The children go home merendados, avoid extras like popcorn at the movies, or bring a bottle of water on top to avoid falling into the temptation of soda are as simple as effective measures.

On vacation we have more time to spend, so more containment is advisable

When you eat out …

  • Take advantage of online reservations. You can get discounts of up to 70%.
  • Decántate by the menu of the day. In addition to being the cheapest proposition, the raw materials are usually fresher.
  • Consider the option of not having dessert. It makes the bill more expensive and it can ruin your diet. If possible, substitute coffee.
  • Select beverages wisely. If they demand too much of you for a normal wine, remember that water is the healthiest option.

If you travel by car …

  • Exceeding the speed limits or having an uncivil attitude behind the wheel pays dearly. Having a good attitude, in addition to protecting your life and that of others, you safeguard your wallet. A traffic ticket can ruin your budget. In the car your allies are prudence and tranquility.
  • Control car expenses. The price of gasoline and the increase in trips during the summer accentuate the convenience of doing so. Not rushing the gears, planning the route in advance, turning off the engine in long stops, checking the tire pressure and not abusing the air conditioning are measures that greatly reduce fuel consumption.

When it comes to traveling …

  • Air fares. The first flight fare we find is not always the best. Do not go shopping without first comparing all the possibilities, always taking into account what the true final price is after paying commissions and baggage surcharges.
  • The travel packs. With packages that include plane plus hotel you can save up to 30%. Another good tactic is to be flexible with the schedule, moving the dates you can get more advantageous flight rates.
  • Alternatives to the hotel. There are cheaper options than the hotel to stay. You can exchange your home, contact individuals who rent rooms, or opt for apartments, which by including a kitchen help you reduce spending.
  • Collaborative networks. From carpooling to parking space, to offering a sofa to sleep in or non-profit guided tours.

Improvisation pays dearly

Try to establish an initial budget and try to respect it. In summer we want to make the most of free time and we tend to get disorganized when shopping. The problem is that improvisations are expensive and we end up spending up to 40% more.

  • Make a large purchase of non-perishable products at the beginning of the holidays, so you will have an essential supply assured at the best price.
  • Super offers, well at hand. So that you do not miss any offer, you can consult both the offers pages and the price comparators on the internet.

Don't waste water, a constant drip on the receipt

Spain is, along with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy, the European Union country that consumes the most water, which in addition to moving away from a sustainability model, also hurts us if we want to control our economy. Having a responsible attitude is an obligation in the face of an increasingly scarce resource and a smart measure:

  • Run both the washing machine and the dishwasher only when they are full.
  • Reduce the volume of discharge from the cisterns by introducing a bottle of water inside. 32% of household consumption goes to the toilet.
  • Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth or lathering the dishes. An open tap means a loss of about 10 liters per minute.
  • Take advantage of the water that you let run in the shower until it reaches temperature to water the plants or scrub.
  • Place garden plants according to their water needs , that facilitates smarter watering. Remember that the best hours are first in the morning or late in the afternoon, to avoid evaporation.

The consumption of water, gasoline and the use of air conditioning increase these days

Relieve heat the smart way

When the heat hits, the easiest thing is to lower the temperature of the thermostat and flush the air conditioning, but it is also the most expensive solution. For every grade we drop, we increase electricity consumption by 7%. Be a little proactive and avoid heating the house with awnings and blinds.

  • The custom in many hot places to keep the blinds down during the day and raise them when it cools down in the evening is a simple, inexpensive and very effective measure.
  • In front of the air conditioning, you can also enhance the feeling of freshness by installing a ceiling fan, which consumes less energy than air conditioning.
  • And, as a last resort, remember that a short cold shower activates circulation and tones your body.

The danger of, use and throw away

When shopping, we often behave like capricious children and acquire things that were not in our plans. Do not take out your wallet without asking yourself if the purchase responds to a real need or rather is a way to make up for a bad day or to combat boredom.

  • Look for alternatives. With good weather the temptations to buy related to hobbies increase: a bicycle, a racket … Before buying them, think about whether you are really going to get the most out of them. Think that you can also opt for renting, bartering or second-hand purchases, which are much cheaper.
  • Don't throw things away, resell them. According to some studies, in our homes we accumulate an average of 53 objects that we do not use and that, in the case of selling them, could provide us with up to 2,000 euros. A figure to dare to empty the storage room!

Leisure possibilities at a good price

We usually associate leisure activities with paying, when it doesn't have to be that way.

  • Stay informed of the proposals of your City Council, find out about the free days of the museums or look for alternatives such as popular festivals, open-air cinemas …
  • Make a party list. Paellas, popular ribs … There are many popular meals that are organized in summer.
  • Don't wait for the last minute. If you like music festivals and leave it until the last minute, the cheapest tickets are probably already sold out.
  • Pay for the gym and don't go. If you don't go to the gym in summer because you change schedules or move to town, save the fee and opt for outdoor activities, such as walking along the seashore, swimming or cycling. You can also take advantage of the free aerobics classes held on many beaches.