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How can I lower my blood pressure?

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Is there no way to lower your tension?

Is there no way to lower your blood pressure?

You have tried reducing salt and you have even taken medication for hypertension but nothing, your pressure still does not drop. It can be stress, lack of sleep, being overweight… There are many factors that can influence high blood pressure, but the good news is that tension can be controlled without resorting to drugs. We tell you how.

Sunbathing lowers blood pressure

Sunbathing lowers blood pressure

Did you know that the sun's rays help you synthesize vitamin D, and that it is very necessary to control blood pressure? In fact, researchers at the University of Michigan (USA) have concluded that women who reach menopause with vitamin D deficiency have a higher risk of developing hypertension.

Listen to soothing music

Listen to soothing music

A study by the American Hypertension Society found that listening to relaxing or quiet music, such as classical music, for at least 30 minutes while taking breaths improves mild hypertension values. So now you know, set aside 30 minutes a day, put on your favorite music, inhale, exhale and "open" your ears.



When we are stressed our heart rate accelerates, this is because the body releases adrenaline to keep us on guard. Practicing techniques that help to slow down like yoga, tai chi, can help you channel stress and reduce the values ​​of your tension. These are techniques that have been widely shown to lead to relaxation. Learn to beat stress in just 5 steps.

Sleeping well is very important

Sleeping well is very important

If your circumstances allow it, don't miss an hour of sleep. When you sleep, your pressure drops as the heart relaxes. What's more, according to researchers at the University of Chicago (USA), the risk of hypertension can increase by 37% if you sleep one hour less than you should, for five years in a row. Something similar happens to people who suffer from sleep apnea, their risk of hypertension increases by 30%.

Noise stresses a lot

Noise stresses a lot

Do you spend hours with background noise? It doesn't have to be a big noise. If every day you are exposed to traffic noise, the air conditioner, your computer fan, etc, it sure contributes to your stress. Even if you are not aware, the noise gets on you, stresses you and ends up having an effect on the tension. Avoid it as much as possible and, if necessary, wear earplugs to sleep.



If your hypertension has to do with stress, we suggest you try meditation, specifically transcendental meditation, which is based on the repetition of mantras, since it has proven to be useful against stress and its consequences.

Playing sports is key

Playing sports is key

We all know that exercise is essential to be healthy, but not everyone knows that it is essential to lower blood pressure without taking pills. In fact, it is estimated that doing aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, running) regularly lowers pressure by 4.6 mmHg, and taking less salt, 3.6 mmHg. And it also prevents it, since exercising can reduce the risk of hypertension by 70%.

More social life, less blood pressure

More social life, less blood pressure

Maintaining an active social life helps you control pressure. What's more, according to numerous studies, feeling lonely and having a low mood is linked to high blood pressure. If your friends always have little availability, expand your circle of friends and take your daily dose of vitamin S. You can sign up for workshops, courses, join groups that share your interests to meet new people.

Hypertension from being overweight

Hypertension from being overweight

It has been shown that those who are overweight and lose 5 kilos reduce their blood pressure by 4.4 / 3.6 mmHg. So now you know, try to shed the extra pounds.

Food: It is not only a matter of salt shaker

Food: It is not only a matter of salt shaker

Removing the salt is about the first thing your doctor recommends. However, only 2 out of 10 people are sensitive to salt and can improve with this measure. Recent studies recommend increasing the consumption of foods rich in potassium rather than drastically reducing salt. The richest are fruits (banana, custard apple) and vegetables (chard, spinach, cabbage). Others would be dairy, legumes, mushrooms (champignon) and nuts.

Should we stop taking Serrano ham?

Should we stop taking Serrano ham?

It is true that it is a very salty food, but you do not have to eliminate it from your diet if you eat it in moderate amounts and not every day. Of course, if it can be, better take the Iberian.

Sugar, more dangerous than salt

Sugar, more dangerous than salt

A study published in the journal Open Heart indicates that sugar may be more harmful than salt for blood pressure. And especially corn syrup (fructose) that is used in processed foods, industrial juices and soft drinks. According to this research, if 25% of the calories in the diet come from sugar, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease increases by three since it significantly increases tension. Here we leave you some of the foods that have more sugar than you think.

Take advantage of the watermelon season

Take advantage of the watermelon season

According to a study by Florida State University, watermelon is an essential fruit to keep hypertension at bay due to its richness in L-citrulline, which the body converts into L-arginine, an essential amino acid in the control of pressure.

Raise vitamin C, lower blood pressure

Raise vitamin C, lower blood pressure

Those with low levels of vitamin C usually have the highest blood pressure. Therefore, to prevent hypertension, it is worth including foods with a lot of vitamin C. Among them, the orange stands out since, in addition to being a source of this vitamin , it is rich in bioflavonoids, antioxidant pigments that improve permeability. of the venous capillaries, which improves hypertension.

"Abuse" green leaves

"Abuse" green leaves

Folic acid helps lower blood pressure according to American scientists. Therefore, your diet should not be missing green leafy vegetables, legumes and citrus fruits such as orange. Sometimes you have to resort to folic acid supplements.

Does coffee raise the tension?

Does coffee raise the tension?

If you are not used to taking it, yes. It is estimated that a person who does not usually drink coffee and for some reason drinks two cups, increases his pressure by about 5 mm Hg. On the other hand, if you are used to this drink, it seems that drinking coffee in a moderate way - 2 to 3 cups - would not influence the pressure since a certain tolerance is created.

Do you know how to take your blood pressure correctly?

Do you know how to take your blood pressure correctly?

Arm blood pressure monitors are the most reliable. If you want to keep track of your blood pressure, it is best to take it 3 times a week, in a "normal" state. Don't do it after sleeping, eating, or exercising. It is recommended that you take it again in half an hour.

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 1

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 1

You can always go down to the pharmacy, but you can also do it at home with blood pressure monitors like these.

Digital arm blood pressure monitor, € 24.99

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 2

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 2

Digital arm blood pressure monitor, € 43.61

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 3

Taking your blood pressure at home: option 3

Digital travel blood pressure monitor, € 13.99

Do you want to take care of your heart?

Do you want to take care of your heart?

In addition to lowering tension, it is good that you control your cholesterol levels, these foods will help you achieve it.

You have already taken antihypertensive drugs but your pressure still does not drop. Have you thought that maybe it is because of the stress you suffer? Or maybe you don't sleep well or are overweight. Do you recognize these symptoms? Many factors can play a role in high blood pressure, but the good news is that blood pressure can be controlled without resorting to drugs. By changing your diet and your lifestyle you can make your blood pressure drop and return to normal.

1. Relax to control pressure

Yoga, Tai Chi, etc., are relaxation techniques. Choose the one that best suits you, because they can really help you channel stress and reduce your tension values. And it is that when we are stressed our heart rate accelerates, since our body releases adrenaline to keep us on guard. Learn to beat stress in just 5 steps.

2. Meditating lowers tension

In cases of hypertension caused by stress, transcendental meditation, that is, based on the repetition of mantras, has proven to be effective.

3. Listen to relaxing music

Inhale, exhale and "open" your ears. A study conducted by the American Hypertension Society concluded that listening to relaxing music for at least 30 minutes, such as classical music, while taking breaths helps improve mild hypertension values.

4. Hypertension due to obesity

Hypertension is two and three times more common in obese people than in those who are at their ideal weight. It has been proven that people who are overweight and manage to lose 5 kilos also reduce their blood pressure by 4.4 / 3.6 mmHg. So … shed those extra pounds! Do it easily with our #Clara Challenge.

5. Noise stresses

Do you spend hours with background noise? If every day you are exposed to traffic noise, the air conditioner, your computer fan, etc, it sure contributes to your stress. Even if you are not aware, the noise gets on you, stresses you and ends up having an effect on the tension. Avoid it as much as possible and, if necessary, wear earplugs to sleep.

6. Not sleeping favors hypertension

Sleeping well is very important. When you sleep, your heart relaxes and your blood pressure drops, so don't miss an hour of sleep. A study conducted by the University of Chicago (USA) confirms that the risk of hypertension can increase by 37% if you sleep one hour less for five years in a row. And something similar happens to people who suffer from sleep apnea - brief interruption of breathing while sleeping - their risk of suffering from high blood pressure increases by 30%. Find out if your sleeping problems are temporary or chronic by taking our test.

7. Foods that lower blood pressure

Through various studies it has been shown that people who have low levels of vitamin C tend to have the highest blood pressure. The orange, in addition to being a source of vitamin C, is rich in bioflavonoids, antioxidant pigments that improve the permeability of venous capillaries, which improves hypertension.

8. Physical exercise for hypertensive

Playing sports is key. Exercise can reduce the risk of hypertension by 70%. As you move, even if it is moderate walking, your blood vessels widen and your heart rate improves. It is estimated that doing aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, running) on ​​a regular basis lowers pressure 4.6 mmHg, and taking less salt, 3.6 mmHg. Get in shape without hitting the gym by following these routines.

9. Sunbathing, a natural remedy

The sun's rays help you synthesize vitamin D, which is very necessary to control blood pressure. A study from the University of Michigan (USA) showed that women who reached menopause with vitamin D deficiency had a higher risk of developing hypertension.

10. Mood influences health

And in blood pressure. According to different studies, feeling lonely can lead to anxiety and depression and a low mood is linked to high blood pressure. Keep an active social life, it will help you control the pressure. If your friends of always have little availability, expand your circle of friends. You can sign up for workshops, courses, join groups that share your interests to meet new people.

11. Foods for hypertensive

Eat without salt. Almost the first thing that a doctor recommends to patients with high blood pressure is to remove salt from meals. However, only 2 out of 10 people are sensitive to salt and can improve with this measure. Discover some foods with hidden salt … and avoid them! Potassium benefits. 
Recent studies recommend increasing the consumption of foods rich in potassium rather than drastically reducing salt. The richest in potassium are fruits (banana, custard apple) and vegetables (chard, spinach, cabbage). Others would be dairy, legumes, mushrooms (mushrooms) and nuts.


  • Optimal Systolic or "high" is less than 120 mmHg and diastolic or "low" is less than 80 mmHg
  • Normal. The high is between 120 - 129 / The low is between 80 - 84
  • Normal-high. The high is between 130 - 139 / The low is between 85 - 89
  • Grade 1 hypertension. High is between 140 - 159 / Low is between 90 - 99
  • Grade 2 hypertension. High is between 160 - 179 / Low is between 100 -109
  • Grade 3 hypertension. High is 180 or more / Low is 110 or more