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16 natural remedies to improve digestion

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1. Dandelion

1. Dandelion

Dishes rich in salt and preservatives promote fluid retention by making you feel bloated. Dandelion facilitates the elimination of toxins through the urine, it is considered an excellent liver and kidney purifier. Have a couple of cups a day. You can mix it with mint or fennel to hide its bitterness. If you take drugs for high blood pressure, see your doctor.

2. Pu-erh with cinnamon

2. Pu-erh with cinnamon

Its purifying virtues are the best ally against excesses. It will help you improve digestion and on top of that it will strengthen your immune system. Take it with cloves and cinnamon, which will also help you reduce anxiety about eating and avoid gas.

3. Mu tea

3. Mu tea

It is not as well known as Pu-erh, but it can become a great ally after excesses thanks to its digestive and purifying effect. It also has no caffeine, so it will not affect your sleep, and its taste is most pleasant. To consume it, boil a tablespoon in a liter of water and drink it throughout the day.

4. Green anise and out of gases

4. Green anise and out of gases

An anise tea is the best remedy against stomach heaviness, bloating, gas and bad taste in the mouth. You can take it as a simple infusion or combining it with other plants such as fennel, rock tea, caraway, marshmallow … If you have digestive discomfort, take a cup after each meal.

5. Elderberry

5. Elderberry

This unique plant helps you sweat and eliminate fluids. In this case we are interested in its detox virtues. How to take it? Elderflowers are usually consumed together with plantain. Two to three hot cups a day are recommended. This infusion has a slightly sweet taste that almost everyone loves.

6. Burdock for your skin

6. Burdock for your skin

The excesses at the table are also noticeable on the skin and one of the most common forms is through pimples and acne. The infusion of burdock - which you can combine with dandelion and sarsaparilla - can help prevent them because, in addition to exerting an antiseptic and antibacterial action, it is also purifying.

7. Boldo to lighten digestion

7. Boldo to lighten digestion

It is a very useful digestive remedy for treating heavy digestion and indulgence. It is a natural stimulant of bile production and helps protect the liver, an organ that suffers greatly from excess food and drink. You can take it in a simple infusion or with green anise and other plants such as barberry, fumaria and gentian.

8. Gentian, the best dessert

8. Gentian, the best dessert

We recommend an infusion of gentian with chamomile and lemon to drink instead of coffee after a meal. It will give you energy to face the afternoon, just like coffee, but it will also relieve you of all the digestive discomforts derived from a glut.

9. Fucus and goodbye to constipation

9. Fucus and goodbye to constipation

This seaweed is very rich in fiber and, taken in capsules on a regular basis, it can help prevent constipation. In addition, it is satiating. If you have thyroid problems, see your doctor.

10. Swab

10. Swab

It is one of the most traditional digestive balms against heavy digestions, bloating and gas and flatulence. The most common is to take it as an infusion, because it has a pleasant but quite intense flavor. It can also be used in the kitchen. In fact, hyssop is one of the plants that is included in the so-called Provencal herbs, such as sage or thyme.

11. Feverfew

11. Feverfew

Its flowers are reminiscent of the daisy and, although it is found in rocky soils, it also grows well in a pot. It is used primarily to combat headaches, but it also helps against gastrointestinal upset and menstrual pain. You can take it as an infusion. Better if you mix it with lemon balm or mint, as it is somewhat bitter.

12. Horsetail

12. Horsetail

Its infusion is one of the most effective natural diuretics, since it can increase urine production by up to 30%. That makes it very purifying and prevents toxins from accumulating and making our skin appear dull, gray, dehydrated or with pimples.

13. In the morning, a green tea

13. In the morning, a green tea

When staying up late, it is normal that we need a stimulus to be able to keep up the next day. Instead of turning to coffee to get your batteries going, opt for green tea. It has a softer stimulating effect than coffee, but longer lasting. In addition, it is diuretic, purifying and accelerates the burning of fats.

14. Ginger, lightens digestion

14. Ginger, lightens digestion

Ginger stimulates the pancreas, which leads to increased production of digestive enzymes. The result is that, if you take it after a binge, you will not feel heavy and it will seem that you ate hours ago. If the food is at home, you can add it to an infusion; if you eat out, turn to capsules.

15. Better digestion with pepper

15. Better digestion with pepper

While the salt shaker should be set aside (the salt would make you feel more bloated), the pepper will be your ally at the table. It contains piperine, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juices that facilitate digestion. And it is also rich in capsaicin, a substance that increases caloric expenditure by up to 25%.

16. Gases? Taste the fennel

16. Gases? Taste the fennel

It is the ideal finishing touch for a great feast, especially if you usually have flatulence problems, since fennel considerably reduces the risk of gas appearing. So do not hesitate to take a bag of this infusion with you and take it after dessert. Or better, take it in juice.

Help your body to purify itself so that it can eliminate toxins accumulated during the holidays and the cold months and face the set-up with more energy, lightness and vitality. And for this we are going to look for allies in the best place: nature.

Goodbye to heaviness

At Christmas you ate more than necessary (admit it!); At Easter, the torrijas were too good, right ?; And now that it's time to start taking off layers and layers of coat and show skin, surprise! you feel swollen, with a feeling that everything has become "stuck" and to top it all, located in the abdomen. The clothes seem not to fit and that feeling generates bad mood and unease. The solution is not to start a diet, but to find allies to balance your body.

After the excesses, the body needs a cleansing, not dieting.

Plants are your allies

In nature there are a large number of plants that can help you reduce that annoying feeling of heaviness. Some promote digestion, others contain enzymes that help to better assimilate food; others help purify the body and eliminate fluids, such as dandelion; others provide carminative properties that hinder gas formation, abdominal bloating and flatulence, such as fennel. Others act as natural antacids, such as ginger, or as mild laxatives, such as fucus. So that you can take advantage of all its virtues to your advantage, we have compiled the best ones in our gallery. So you can combat excesses in the most natural way.

If you need to purify yourself, do not miss these infusions to lose weight.