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15 infallible tricks to make ends meet

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1. Reduce the cost of your bills

1. Reduce the cost of your bills

Electricity. Use LED devices or low consumption light bulbs.
Water. Opt for double-filled cisterns and install water diffusers on the taps.
Telephone. Get a pack that includes a flat rate for internet, landline and mobile.

2. Try to do without the car

2. Try to do without the car

We often take the car for trips that we could do on foot, by bicycle or by public transport. Leave the car at home and you will save on gas and parking. And if you have no choice but to take it, share it with other people.

3. Control the temperature

3. Control the temperature

A smart use of heating can save up to 40%. In winter it is enough to keep the thermostat at about 20º. At night, lower it to 15 or 17 degrees, or turn off the heat. And keep the radiators purged.

Save up to 571 euros a year with these tricks.

4. Disconnect completely and save 50 euros

4. Disconnect completely and save 50 euros

According to a study by the International Energy Agency, not turning off electrical appliances completely, leaving them on standby, generates an expense of up to 10% of our bill. It is estimated that a typical family of four in a 90 square meter apartment wastes more than 50 euros a year.

5. Sell what you no longer use

5. Sell what you no longer use

According to a study, every year we throw away at least 10 products that we could have sold, generating a profit of up to 600 euros. Search your closet and give a second life to what you no longer need by reselling it on portals like Ebay or applications like Wallapop.

6. In the supermarket, nothing to improvise

6. In the supermarket, nothing to improvise

Going into the supermarket without being clear about what we need is expensive, because it makes us victims of marketing techniques. Before leaving home, come up with a weekly menu and make a shopping list based on what you need.

7. Follow a healthier and cheaper diet

7. Follow a healthier and cheaper diet

A very healthy way to save is to acquire good eating habits. Eat fruits and vegetables in season, healthier and cheaper, reduce meat consumption in favor of legumes, and forget about precooked ones, which make your basket more expensive by up to 30%.

8. Buy more for less

8. Buy more for less

According to a study by the Organization of Consumers and Users, a family can save more than 1,000 euros a year by choosing well the establishment where they buy. So search, compare and decide on the establishment that suits you best.

9. Better lunch box than eating from the menu

9. Better lunch box than eating from the menu

If you have the habit of eating breakfast or eating out, keep in mind that you are losing a lot of money. A coffee and a sandwich during the 20 working days of the month cost about 50 euros. If you also usually eat out, you are spending 200 euros more, counting an average menu of 10 euros.

10. Beware of misleading offers

10. Beware of misleading offers

That an item is on sale does not mean that it has the best price among those in its range. Other brands not promoted may be more profitable. Before deciding, compare all the prices, especially if the product has been placed in a separate area, which makes comparison difficult. And look at the price per kilo, not per unit.

11. Extend the life of your preserves

11. Extend the life of your preserves

It is estimated that we waste an average of 18% of the food we buy, which is equivalent to 250 euros per year. You can avoid this by displaying foods that have less time to live. And before they spoil, prepare broths, purees, compotes or salads with them, for example.

12. Get only what you need

12. Get only what you need

According to the latest consumer habits studies, only 45% of what we buy we really need. The rest we do induced by advertising, by sales techniques or because it seems cheap. Remember that nothing is as expensive as what we buy and then we do not consume or we do not wear. Repeat this to yourself whenever you go shopping.

13. Online discounts and other offers

13. Online discounts and other offers

When it comes to saving, discounts or gift vouchers are always welcome, but how do you get them? In Oportunista, for example, you can download discount coupons. In private sales clubs and online outlets you can find offers in fashion and accessories; and portals like Atrápalo and Restopolitan, you have discounts on entertainment, travel, restaurants …

14. Take advantage of

14. Take advantage of

These can be an extra expense or a good investment. Focus on what you need or may need in a few months. To equip your wardrobe, bet on basic pieces, with classic cuts and neutral colors that serve as a wardrobe background. Invest less amount of money in the pieces of rabid trend.

15. And have a good time without spending a single euro

15. And have a good time without spending a single euro

Don't forget that you can enjoy many activities without spending a single euro. From walking to meditating, passing through exhibitions, concerts and free activities organized by municipalities and cultural associations.

If you want your accounts to be balanced and the red numbers not assaulted periodically , do not miss the 15 tricks to make ends meet that we propose in the image gallery.

And don't forget the following basic principles when it comes to saving and.

Set yourself a monthly expense amount

Follow the same strategy as companies with domestic accounts:

  • Make a realistic but demanding forecast on what you can save on household bills, leisure, shopping basket …
  • Set yourself a monthly figure that you should not spend under any circumstances.
  • And set an amount to save that you must withdraw right after collecting. So you will not leave expenses to chance, and you will always have a cushion to lean on if something unforeseen arises.

And follow these basic rules when it comes to

In the act of buying, many factors intervene that can manipulate our primary intention . To avoid spending more than you owe, try:

  • alone. It is proven, when we go to the supermarket alone we spend less than if we go as a family. And, above all, avoid going with children, they control impulses worse and encourage unnecessary purchases.
  • Go on a full stomach. If you go to the supermarket hungry, you will unconsciously try to alleviate it by putting everything that looks appetizing in your cart, even if you don't need it.
  • Use basket instead of trolley. The latter is more comfortable, but also larger and less reliable when it comes to getting an idea of ​​the purchase volume we are making.
  • Control the time. Define the purchase time by marking a margin that is not very wide. The more time you spend inside a large area, the more you spend.
  • Avoid rush hours. Whenever possible, do your shopping at times of low crowds. When we shop in a crowded establishment, the impulse to buy increases because we tend to imitate.