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15 Easy, Healthy, and Scrumptious Vegetable Recipes

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Zucchini spaghetti with bolognese

Zucchini spaghetti with bolognese

If you are looking for recipes to eat more vegetables but that are also delicious, you will love this. It is about substituting some pasta spaghetti for some zucchini and adding the chips and the sauce that you like the most (pesto, red pesto, carbonara, cheese, mushrooms …). In this case, a Bolognese (a sauce that we have made with a sauce of onion, minced meat and crushed tomato). Thus the vegetables are more appetizing.

  • How to cook them. Zucchini spaghetti can be eaten raw, blanched or sautéed in the pan. And although they sell them already made, you can make them yourself with a vegetable spiralizer, a potato peeler or by making strips with a knife.

Vegetable lasagna

Vegetable lasagna

One of the most delicious and irresistible vegetable recipes is vegetable lasagna. The basic recipe calls for sautéed vegetables and greens interspersed with pasta plates that are then covered with béchamel and au gratin. But there are endless versions: with ratatouille, with spinach and cottage cheese, with zucchini plates instead of pasta and without béchamel to make it a vegan recipe, or like this light vegetable lasagna that is much lighter than the traditional one because it is stuffed with carrots. and mushrooms, which is one of the most filling and lightest foods.

  • If you want to try them, take note of the basic recipe for vegetable lasagna and other versions.

Pasta bows with vegetables

Pasta bows with vegetables

Another way to eat more vegetables is to strain it into other dishes that do not normally have it (such as pasta, which is usually accompanied by heavy sauces), and thus you win twice. On the one hand, you manage to eat more vegetables. And on the other, you lighten the paste.

  • In this case, we have made some pasta bows and combined them with a ratatouille (see step-by-step recipe). Thus you add the energy of pasta and the benefits and satiating power of vegetables. And since they are delicious both freshly made and cold, they can be left ready for when you don't have time to cook or take food to take to work.

Vegetable Pizza

Vegetable Pizza

One more proof that vegetables don't have to be bland or unappetizing is vegetable pizza. You can make the dough yourself (it is much easier than you think), or use the one they sell already precooked that only has to be stretched and covered with the filling that you like the most, as we have done here.

  • It has three-colored pepper strips, asparagus tips, black olives and a few slices of fresh mozzarella. And once it's done (but still hot), we've added some arugula leaves on top so they don't get too soft during baking and give it a fresh touch at the same time.

Discover more super easy (and great) recipes so you can make your favorite pizza at home, and if you are worried about the line, we have the recipe for low calorie pizza.

Rice with vegetables

Rice with vegetables

In our compilation of recipes with vegetables, a rice could not be missing, of course. Besides being delicious, rice with vegetables is a dish that gives a lot of play: you can make it with seasonal vegetables, paella-type entourage or more broth, with some protein to serve as a single dish (chicken, rabbit, shrimp, tofu …).

  • Discover here how to make rice with vegetables step by step and the most sought after versions, as well as all the tricks to take advantage of it.

Grilled vegetables

Grilled vegetables

If you are looking for a recipe to eat more vegetables that is light, tasty, easy to make and inexpensive, the barbecue of vegetables is what you are looking for. It is a delicious vegetarian and vegan recipe that has become a classic in many diets because it is much more appetizing to eat vegetables so boiled or steamed.

  • You can give it a special and sophisticated touch with a vinaigrette. And in addition to as a starter, it goes very well with fried or boiled eggs, grilled meat and fish, seafood … See step-by-step recipe.

Vegetable tortillas

Vegetable tortillas

Another trick to strain or camouflage the vegetables when you want to increase their consumption without being the protagonist or not being seen in excess is to cook them in an omelette. In this tortilla cake, for example, the first one is made with zucchini, the next one with pepper and aubergine and the one below is made with cauliflower and peas (see step-by-step recipe). But there are endless options: artichokes, spinach, green peppers …

  • The essential trick to making vegetable tortillas is to drain them very well before mixing them with the beaten egg so that they set well and it does not cost too much to turn them.

Vegetable stew

Vegetable stew

Nor can a good stew in recipes with vegetables. It is a dish in which various cooked vegetables and greens are mixed, and it is usually served without broth and accompanied by meat, ham, egg, tuna … But because it is healthy and suitable for losing weight, it does not have why be bland or unappetizing.

  • In our step by step to make vegetable stew, you have tricks to make it much tastier and more delicious, as well as multiple versions.

vegetables cream

vegetables cream

Vegetable purees and creams are another of the infallible dishes to camouflage vegetables and thus sneak it to those who do not like it. The main difference between purees and creams is that the latter usually have some dairy in their composition (milk, cream, cheese …). But there are no hard and fast rules and you can improvise recipes based on your tastes or whatever you have on hand.

  • If you want ideas to make vegetable creams: zucchini cream, pumpkin cream, leek cream, carrot cream, spinach cream, chickpea cream, tender bean cream … here you have it.

Vegetable Quiche

Vegetable Quiche

You can also hide the vegetables in a quiche. Traditionally, it is a savory cake with a shortcrust pastry base and filled with a mixture of eggs, liquid cream and various ingredients, which is usually quite caloric. However, it doesn't have to be this way. In this vegetable quiche we have dispensed with the cream, butter and bacon (which are very greasy). And in its place, we have put cottage cheese, light cheese, oil and vegetables.

Fish with vegetables

Fish with vegetables

The vegetables also fit perfectly as a garnish for meat and fish, as in this mackerel with vegetables (see step-by-step recipe). When you cut the vegetables in julienne, they enter much better by sight. And since we have cooked it in papillote (instead of a frying pan with oil) we manage to make it a light recipe with much fewer calories than in the traditional versions.

  • If you are not convinced about cooking it in papillote (or you don't have parchment paper at hand), you can also do it the same with a silicone case in the microwave.

Vegetables with curry and mustard

Vegetables with curry and mustard

Many people think that eating vegetables is synonymous with bland and boring. But nothing further from reality. If cooked properly and accompanied by a good sauce like in this Vegetable Casserole with Curry and Mustard (see step-by-step recipe), vegetables can be a real feast of flavors.

  • Another possibility is to do without the sauce and add a little bechamel on top or just grated cheese and gratin them. Irresistible.

Tartlets with vegetables

Tartlets with vegetables

If you want a very colorful recipe with vegetables, you can make this one: puff pastry tartlets filled with sauteed pepper strips. If you don't have time, you can use tartlets that come ready-made, but if you dare, here are all the steps to make them yourself.

How to do them step by step

  1. Spread the puff pastry with a rolling pin and make four circles of about 10 cm in diameter with the help of a kitchen ring.
  2. Cut several strips about 1 1/2 cm wide, and then paint the edges of the circles with the beaten egg yolk.
  3. Place the strips forming a double-decker edge in each circle, and paint the surface with the yolk and prick the base with a fork.
  4. Bake at 200º until they rise and turn golden, spread the peppers in the puff pastry and add a touch of pepper.

Quinoa with Vegetables

Quinoa with Vegetables

As with pasta and rice, vegetables go very well with quinoa, a food with a lot of fiber, rich in calcium and vegetable protein and low in fat that, as it is gluten-free, is perfect as a substitute for pasta for pasta. celiac people.

  • Here we have sautéed it with chicken strips and vegetables (see step by step recipe). But there are many more recipes with quinoa.

Vegetable pie

Vegetable pie

Empanadas are another of the ideal recipes to eat more vegetables. You can make the classic tuna or other versions like this with chard and boiled egg.

How to do it step by step

  1. On the one hand, cook some chard and drain it, and on the other, make a sauce of onion, garlic and bacon. Put it all together and add some grated cheese.
  2. Line a mold greased with oil with 1 sheet of shortcrust pastry or puff pastry; puncture the bottom and pour the preparation.
  3. Make some holes in the filling, crack an egg in each one and season them.
  4. Cover with the other sheet of dough, brush the edges with beaten egg yolk and seal them.
  5. Also brush the surface, make a few cuts and bake for 40 minutes at 180º.

And if you want more ideas to eat more vegetables, don't miss our recipes with chard, with broccoli, with spinach, with artichokes, with cauliflower, with aubergines, with zucchini, with pumpkin, with green peppers …