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If you want to sleep well and have a good face in the morning you need this

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You do not sleep well? Do you find it difficult to fall asleep and you spend the night tossing and turning in bed? We understand you well. This is a much more common problem than you might think. So, if you want to fall asleep in record time and wake up more beautiful than when you went to sleep, take a look at these products that we have selected for you. Fight insomnia with us! Getting a good night's sleep has never been easier.

You do not sleep well? Do you find it difficult to fall asleep and you spend the night tossing and turning in bed? We understand you well. This is a much more common problem than you might think. So, if you want to fall asleep in record time and wake up more beautiful than when you went to sleep, take a look at these products that we have selected for you. Fight insomnia with us! Getting a good night's sleep has never been easier.

Quiet because you are not the only one …

Quiet because you are not the only one …

According to the barometer of the Sociological Research Center of 2018, 10.6% of Spaniards sleep less than 6 hours a day . If you also find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep poorly, do not miss these 15 products that can help you.

Relaxing oil

Relaxing oil

After showering and before going to sleep, apply a soothing oil to your skin. This product contains essential oil of Greek lavender, known for its relaxing properties, almond oil that nourishes and protects the skin, and lauryl olivate that provides an immediate calming effect.

Apivita Caring Lavender, € 16.09

White noise machine

White noise machine

White noise machines produce sounds that calm and relax us and attenuate the noises that can bother us (as long as they are not of a great sound force).

Conor White Noise Machine, € 24.99



Sleeping with an eye mask can reduce insomnia and eye inflammation. If you wake up with puffy eyes or even if you suffer from migraines, invest in a gel mask that will deflate the dark circles overnight.

Grace & Stella eye mask, € 13.99

Pillow mist

Pillow mist

How does it work? Pillow mists have to do with aromatherapy: they incite certain stimuli and even emotions in us (in this case they help us to relax). This product contains essential oils of lavender, vetiver and chamomile that will help you fall asleep faster.

This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, € 19.95



You have before your eyes a luminous metronome to teach you to fall asleep naturally. How? By synchronizing abdominal breathing with the rhythm of light! Dodow casts a light on the ceiling that turns on and off rhythmically and gradually. You just have to synchronize your breathing with the rhythm of the light!

Dodow, € 49.90



Melatonin regulates our body's biological clock and helps keep hormonal levels in balance. It is responsible for controlling the body's sleep cycles and helps us rest better. Taking a capsule 30 minutes before bed helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

Aquilea dream 30 tablets of Uriach, € 10.30

Blue light

Blue light

Okay, they are not as pretty as the new Prada sunglasses, but they have many advantages. Blue light (yes, the same light emitted, for example, by your mobile) inhibits melatonin secretion and can cause eye strain, dryness or headaches. Therefore, if you want to block the blue light and rest better, get these glasses.

KLIM glasses, € 39.90

Bath salts

Bath salts

Bath salts are a perfect option to relax and relieve stress. In addition, they improve the texture of the skin! How about a relaxing bath tonight?

Aromatika Orange Bath Salt, € 9.99

Natural balm

Natural balm

This balm with lavender oil will help you relax before going to sleep. In addition, it hydrates and protects the skin. Apply a little of the product on the wrists, temples and behind the ears. 100% natural.

This Works Sleep Balm, € 16.03

Headphones … to sleep!

Headphones … to sleep!

If you can't fall asleep because noise bothers you, buy yourself headphones designed exclusively for sleeping. They play soothing sounds and block out unwanted noises so you can fall asleep faster.

AcousticSheep Headphones, € 44.99



Valerian has a calming and calming effect, so it will help you fall asleep. Also, unlike sleeping pills, it is not addictive.

120 SimplySupplements Valerian Tablets, € 18.95

Ideal pillow

Ideal pillow

Your pillow has a great effect on the quality of your sleep and this one that we present to you is designed to ensure that you get a good night's rest. Provides comfort regardless of your position and neither squashes nor loses its shape.

Casper pillow, € 85



Take an infusion before bed. This product contains fennel, peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, linden, and lavender. Calm the mind and relax the body.

Higher Living Organic Sweet Dreams, € 11.96

For snoring

For snoring

Nasal dilators are perfect for people who suffer from snoring and nasal congestion. Open the nostrils to facilitate breathing and eliminate snoring during sleep.

SleepDreamz Nasal Dilators, € 11.99

Relaxing mask

Relaxing mask

And if you feel like you need a more professional product, check out this eye mask. Sensors track your brain waves and measure the state you are in. When you're ready to fall asleep, the mask plays soothing music. When you're sleepy, the volume is controlled automatically so the sound doesn't interrupt you. And if you fall asleep, the music fades out and the sound from outside is blocked.

Naptime mask, € 129

How to sleep well

How to sleep well

And if you need more information on how to fall asleep faster, here are 30 tips, tricks and remedies to get back to sleep well.

Are you always tired? Is it hard for you to fall asleep? Don't be overwhelmed, we are here to help you! This time, we have compiled the best products with which you will be able to fall asleep in record time (and fight insomnia). Ready to sleep like a baby?

With these products you will sleep well again

  • If, in addition to poor sleep, you are worried about puffy eyes, bags and dark circles, invest in a gel mask that will deflate the dark circles during the night. And discover here the 10 effective ways to end your dark circles.
  • Be careful with your mobile! Blue light (yes, the same light emitted, for example, by your mobile or your tablet) inhibits the secretion of melatonin and can cause eye fatigue, dryness or headaches. So if you want to block blue light and rest better, get yourself some glasses designed to block blue light.
  • It is very important that you relax. Soothing bath salts and oils are a perfect option for stress relief. And discover the pillow mists that incite certain stimuli and even emotions in us (in this case they help us relax).
  • Does noise bother you? Then buy yourself headphones designed exclusively for sleep or a white noise machine.
  • Find out what melatonin can do for you. Regulates the biological clock of our body and helps keep hormonal levels in balance. Taking one capsule 20 minutes before bed helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Valerian also has a calming and calming effect.
  • If you feel like you need to go for a more "professional" product, take a look at the eye mask we've found for you. Sensors track your brain waves and measure the state you are in to help you rest better.