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15 Ideas to create super beautiful vertical gardens

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15 ideas to create vertical gardens

15 ideas to create vertical gardens

Vertical gardens are the perfect option to give our home a green lung. We have less and less space at home (and less time to take care of the plants) for this reason, vertical gardens are presented as a perfect alternative for those who enjoy having plants at home: they take up little, require less maintenance and are also one of those ideas great for getting a cozy and happy home.

charming vertical gardens

charming vertical gardens

We start with a simple but effective and beautiful vertical garden idea. It is a wooden structure with three levels to place your pots in an orderly and charming way. Ideal for that dead corner you have on the terrace.

Vertical frame for pots, € 46

Photo: Amazon

suspended vertical gardens

suspended vertical gardens

If your style is minimalism and you like Nordic decoration, this suspended vertical garden option is yours. You can make this structure yourself with wood and hang it from the ceiling. Suitable for indoors and outdoors. You dare?

Photo: Survival Life

modular vertical gardens

modular vertical gardens

If you have a small and boring terrace but want to give it a twist and create an oasis of peace in the city, a good idea is to do it with a vertical, modular and extendable support to hang on the wall like this one where you can plant, take care of and enjoy of 9 different plants. Take a look at these tips to decorate your deck like an Instagrammer.

Modular vertical garden, € 59.95

Vertical gardens with pallets

Vertical gardens with pallets

For several years now, we have lived in the rage of pallets and it is incredible the wonders that can be done with well-arranged pieces of wood. Creating vertical gardens with pallets is a trend and it is also very simple! All you need is to recycle a pallet, get a polyethylene for greenhouses, burlap cloth, soil and the plants that you like the most. Bet on flowers and fill your house with color.


Vertical gardens with pots

Vertical gardens with pots

Even easier is to use a pallet as a support to hang your pots . In this way you will not have to worry about water or earth leaks and you will have your vertical garden well organized and beautiful.

Photo: @verticalgreengarden

ikea vertical gardens

ikea vertical gardens

Ikea is always a good place to find what we need to redecorate our lives and it was not going to be less when it comes to vertical gardens. This plant stand is ideal for setting up a vertical garden at home.

SALLADSKÅL, Ikea outdoor plant stand, € 49.99

climbing vertical gardens

climbing vertical gardens

If we want our vertical garden to be made up of traps, this trellis is a perfect option for outdoors. Ideal if you don't like the wall, you want to cover something or even gain a little privacy. Vertical gardens have it all!

ASKHOLMEN, Ikea trellis, € 20

vertical gardens type urban garden

vertical gardens type urban garden

Urban gardens are a trend that allows you to eat healthy and save on purchases. Many people think that they do not have space in the city to grow their own food, but by creating vertical gardens that problem disappears. You dare?

vertical gardens with aromatic herbs

vertical gardens with aromatic herbs

You can also choose to grow your own aromatic herbs to flavor your dishes, infusions or drinks, or even to use them to create natural cosmetic products! Its uses are infinite and also on a decorative level they look great. With this kit you will become a professional as it includes its own drip irrigation.

Modular Vertical Garden for 24 Plants, € 149.95

vertical gardens in your workspace

vertical gardens in your workspace

Having indoor plants always brings peace and harmony. How about creating a vertical garden in your workspace? With these structures to hang on the wall it is easier than it seems.

Vertical Minigarden for 9 Plants, € 59.95

indoor vertical gardens

indoor vertical gardens

If you are tired of plants dying but you really want to have a vertical garden at home, you should know which are the 20 most resistant (and suitable for denied) indoor plants that you should bet on.

Photo: @

outdoor vertical gardens

outdoor vertical gardens

Undoubtedly, the best place to have a vertical garden is outdoors: balconies, terraces, gardens, facades … Bet on modular structures that are intuitive and include irrigation and drainage systems that facilitate maintenance.

Vertical garden structure for 9 Plants € 59.95

Vertical gardens for denied

Vertical gardens for denied

Ikea always offers us solutions to make our lives easier. And if you think that you don't have enough hand or time to take care of your vertical garden but still don't want to give it up, you can always choose to use artificial plants. These already come in plates designed to hang on the wall and give color to your spaces.

FEJKA Ikea wall mount artificial plant, € 3

artificial vertical gardens

artificial vertical gardens

And as you can see, it is not necessary to use Ikea artificial plants to cover the entire wall, with a single iron you can give a touch of green to your terrace without having to strain to take care of the plants.

FEJKA wall mount artificial plant from Ikea, € 3

Trompe l'oeil vertical gardens

Trompe l'oeil vertical gardens

Whoever does not have a vertical garden at home is because he does not want to. With this decorative vinyl, neither the lack of space, the little time or the null hand with the plants will deprive you of enjoying a small vertical oasis at home.

Vertical garden decorative vinyl, € 29.95

If you have come this far, you are thinking of creating a vertical garden for your home. !! Congratulations!! We can't think of a better option to give this touch of nature to your home even if you don't have enough space. Or maybe, if you have enough square meters but what you want is to decorate a corner with life, cover a wall that you dislike or gain a little privacy.

We give you 15 super nice ideas to create vertical gardens:

If you want to see inspiring photos of each of them, don't miss our gallery!

  1. With charm : using a beautiful wooden structure with your favorite pots.
  2. Suspended: instead of leaning on a wall, they are hung from the ceiling or from some structure.
  3. Modular: you can combine different types of plants and arrange them on a wall.
  4. With pallets: with beautiful and sustainable, ideal for small decorative corners.
  5. Using pots: they are very easy to make and will give your home a different touch.
  6. From Ikea: in the big Swedish there are always interesting solutions.
  7. Climbers: using a trellis or lattice and climbing plants.
  8. Urban garden : turn your vertical garden into a perfect place to plant your fruits and vegetables.
  9. Aromatic herbs: If you prefer, grow aromatic herbs that you can enjoy with all your senses.
  10. Workspace: a vertical garden will restore balance to your office, office or work area.
  11. Indoor: who said you can't have a vertical garden indoors? They are decorative and inspiring.
  12. Outdoors: create a magical and lively environment by arranging your plants vertically.
  13. For denied: bet on artificial plants to create your vertical garden and forget about its maintenance.
  14. Decorative: with a piece of artificial plants you can create a small, small and beautiful vertical garden.
  15. Trompe l'oeil : neither natural nor artificial. There are stickers that can give a very real feeling.

And if you do not know what to put in them because you fear you do not know how to take care of it, you can choose one of the resistant indoor plants (and suitable for denied).