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15 changes in your diet to lose weight 3 kilos without realizing it

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Know the enemy …

Know the enemy …

… And join him. To do this, discover what your temptations are and make a list of those five foods that you know you miss. Answer honestly, do you think it is difficult for you to lose weight because of them? If so, think and write how you think you can control its consumption. Be careful, it is not about giving them up but about learning to moderate yourself. One way to do this is to start with half of what you usually eat.

Look for alternatives

Look for alternatives

If you usually snack between meals, forget the pastries and eat the amount of fruit that fits in the palm of your hand. You can also look for other satisfying snacks that do not make you fat like hard boiled eggs, vegetable chips, etc …

Have you tried the cocoa infusion?

Have you tried the cocoa infusion?

4 ounces of chocolate — about 25 grams — adds up to 140 calories. Not to mention what a chocolate cake represents… Did you know that cocoa shell infusion can trick your senses and leave you just as happy? You will find it in health food stores and herbalists.

If you have ice cream, let it be yogurt

If you have ice cream, let it be yogurt

Even if you opt for the smallest tub in the ice cream parlor, no one takes away the 200 calories. Instead you can substitute it for a frozen yogurt, which will be just as rich and much lighter. And if it is homemade, better than better. Too easy. For 4 people: take 300 g of skimmed yogurt, two tablespoons of agave syrup and 300 g of frozen berries. Blend the mixture and enjoy!

Sign up for the sprouted bread

Sign up for the sprouted bread

Two slices of bread, be it white or whole grain, do not go below 150-200 kcal. And above all, it is not that they take away your hunger, we say, it wakes us up! What if you join the sprouted bread trend? A single slice will fill you up much more. Do not twist the gesture, it is very rich and is made with flour made from sprouts — not grain — of cereals, such as wheat or spelled, and without yeast. And it provides half the calories!

Are you feeling capricious?

Are you feeling capricious?

Those moments when you know that you are not really hungry but you can't stop thinking about food… To avoid it, get yourself a vanilla essential oil and when the desire to treat yourself knocks on your door, enjoy its aroma. You will not need anything else, because it will satisfy you. Its aroma has the ability to alleviate that capricious hunger that strikes even after having eaten well. Of course, for it to take effect it has to be natural and pure.

Nuts in the bag

Nuts in the bag

Treat yourself and buy different types of good quality nuts, roasted without salt. Make yourself some bags of about 30 g, which represent about 150 calories. Carry one of those bags in your bag and if hunger strikes, enjoy it! Trick: Accompany them with a glass of water to achieve that its satiating effect is much greater.

A light main course

A light main course

It is a very simple rule to follow. At each meal, one of the dishes has to be light. For lunch, prepare a salad dressed with 1 tablespoon of oil and a few drops of lemon. At dinner, have a vegetable cream.

Divide and conquer

Divide and conquer

Do you have a commitment and eat out? Don't worry, the scale doesn't have to notice. When you eat away from home, separate a quarter of each food rich in protein, fat or carbohydrates (meat or fish, cheese, rice, bread) and ask the waiter to pack the leftovers (or carry a container in your bag and do it yourself). No shame, it's your right!

Pass it from dinner to breakfast

Pass it from dinner to breakfast

If you transfer some food from dinner to breakfast you will lose weight almost without realizing it. For example, the fruit-based dessert. Without reducing what you eat per day, you will burn more calories and be less hungry. You will also have more energy. Your motto: "Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess and dinner like a beggar."

Flavor the vegetables

Flavor the vegetables

Vegetables sometimes resist us because they are insipid. To go from bland to tasty, try this special dressing: Mix a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 75 ml of vegetable broth, two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, another of honey, a minced shallot, salt and Pepper. Try it and tell us!



According to the president of the Australian Society for the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity, Dr George Blair-West, most overweight people consume much of their daily calories in just 20 minutes. Come on, if you take seriously chewing each bite 20 times and learn to eat slowly, you will notice it in your silhouette a lot. Does it cost you? With these tricks to eat slowly you will get it for sure.

Not three meals, better five

Not three meals, better five

Another change to lose weight, without having to eat less and not even having to change some foods for others. It is about distributing them in another way and dividing what you eat throughout the day in 5 meals, instead of 3. Why will you lose weight eating the same? By increasing the energy available at all times, you will feel better, feel less hungry, and in the short term you will significantly reduce your total calories.

Three times with spoon

Three times with spoon

It does not fail, based on salads it becomes thin, but sadly. On the other hand, if you accompany the salad with spoon dishes you will lose more weight and with more joy. The pity is that we have lost the habit of spoon dishes when they are the healthiest! Three times a week, at noon, sign up for stews and stews that include legumes and vegetables.

Do you need that much coffee?

Do you need that much coffee?

Do not take more than two a day. Think that with a couple of single coffees with sugar you get 50 calories as a gift. If you do the math, you get 3,000 in two months. And if you take it with milk, cream … add up and continue without remission. If you need an extra cup that is an infusion or a tea with spices such as vanilla, cinnamon or berries, which do not require sugar.

Do you want to lose weight?

Do you want to lose weight?

Do not miss these 14 tricks to be smarter than hunger.

In addition to eating a balanced diet and avoiding excesses, these 15 small changes in your diet can help you lose 3 kilos almost without being aware of it and with minimal effort. Take note:

1. Your five temptations

Make a list of the five foods that are most tempting to you. Could weight loss be complicating you? If the answer is yes, think and write a specific strategy to control the consumption of each one of them so that it does not unbalance it.

An idea. Don't completely give up on anything. For example, start by cutting your consumption in half.

2. Alternative snacks

If you need to eat between meals, forget the pastries and eat the amount of fruit that will fit in the palm of your hand.

Other possibility. Substitute a slice of hard-boiled egg for the croissant.

3. Cocoa instead of chocolate

A quarter of a bar of chocolate - about 25 grams - may seem like a moderate amount, but it represents about 140 calories. Replace it with a cocoa shell infusion, whose flavor will leave you just as happy.

Medicinal. You will find it in dietetics and herbalists, where they sell it for its therapeutic properties.

4. Frozen yogurt

Even if you choose the smallest ice cream tub, you will load yourself with 200 calories. You can substitute it for a frozen yogurt that will be just as rich and much lighter.

Preparation for 4 people: Take 300 g of natural skimmed yogurt, two tablespoons of agave syrup and 300 g of frozen berries. Blend the mixture and enjoy!

5. Taste the sprouted bread

A couple of slices of white or whole wheat bread adds 200 calories and doesn't really make you feel very full. Try to replace them at breakfast or lunch with a single sprouted bread, more nutritious.

What is it? Sprouted or Essene bread is made with flour made from sprouts - not grain - of cereals, such as wheat or spelled, and without yeast. Provides half the calories.

6. Vanilla aroma

Get vanilla essential oil and when hunger strikes you and threatens to blow your calorie count, enjoy its aroma. You will not need anything else, because it will satisfy you.

Warning. The oil has to be natural and pure.

7. A light main course

For lunch, make a salad and add pasta or rice. At dinner, add turkey tacos, shrimp, or another protein food.

Seasoning: two tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice are enough.

8. Nuts to go

Buy different quality nuts, mix them and prepare bags of about 30 g. Each one provides 150 calories, or about half that of a ham and cheese sandwich. Carry them in your bag and turn to them when you're hungry.

Tip: Accompany them with a glass of water to achieve that their satiating effect is much greater.

9. Divide by four

When you eat out, separate a quarter of each food rich in protein, fat or carbohydrates (meat or fish, cheese, rice, bread).

Ready: Ask the waiter to pack the leftovers or carry a container in your bag and make it yourself.

10. From dinner to breakfast

Think of something you are going to have for dinner and pass it on to breakfast. For example, the fruit-based dessert. Without reducing your daily intake, you will burn more calories and be less hungry. You will also have more energy.

Your motto: "Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess and dinner like a supermodel."

11. Flavored vegetables

One reason you may be reluctant to eat dishes with vegetables as the main ingredients is that you find them bland. Then you need a special seasoning.

Recipe. Mix a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 75 ml of vegetable broth, two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, another of honey, a minced shallot, salt and pepper.

12. Five instead of three

Another measure that does not imply eating less, or even substituting some foods for others. Just spread them over five takes instead of three.

The explanation. By increasing the energy available at all times, you will feel better, have less hunger and in the short term you will significantly reduce the total amount of calories.

13. Slower

Dr George Blair-West, president of the Australian Society for the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity, says that many overweight people consume the majority of their daily calories in 20 minutes.

Trick. She sits at the table for 40 minutes and chews each bite very well.

14. Three times with a spoon

Every day fewer dishes are eaten with a spoon: soups and stews that include legumes and vegetables. However, they are very nutritious and satisfying, providing fewer calories than solid dishes.

Three noon. Make sure that three noon a week the main dish is spooned.

15. The coffee you don't need

Do not exceed two a day. It's loaded with at least a couple teaspoons of sugar, which adds up to a gift of 50 calories. If you do the math, you get 3,000 in two months.

If you need a cup. Make it from an infusion or tea with spices with a sweet flavor (such as vanilla, cinnamon or berries) that does not need sugar.