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Avoid risks: 12 things you should get out of the bathroom right away

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1. Toothbrushes

1. Toothbrushes

Oddly enough, leaving your toothbrush in a glass on the sink can have disastrous consequences. According to some studies, in 60% of the toothbrushes that we leave in sight there are fecal remains and bacteria. And it is that, if you do not keep it, it can suffer splashes of all kinds, and not dry completely due to the persistent humidity. The best thing to do after use is to dry it and store it in a closed, dry place or in a toothbrush case.

2. Bars of soap

2. Bars of soap

Although they are super aesthetic and have a special charm, bars of soap are not highly recommended. Liquid soap dispensers are much more hygienic, since they do not accumulate the remains of dirt every time you wash.

3. Towels

3. Towels

Yes, it is not highly recommended to store towels in the bathroom either. The presence of constant humidity can cause mold and other unwanted pathogens to proliferate. Ideally, store them in a dry and airy place. And if you have no choice but to store them in the bathroom, ventilate it periodically.

4. Medications

4. Medications

Putting the medicine cabinet in the bathroom is a classic that would not be a bad thing to abandon once and for all. The good preservation of medicines requires dry environments and moderate temperatures.

5. Perfume

5. Perfume

The heat and humidity in the bathroom accelerate the oxidation process of the perfume, causing its aroma to vary and even spoil. Where to put it, then? In the bedroom vanity or in the dressing room, two dry areas with a more uniform temperature.

6. Makeup

6. Makeup

Three quarters of the same. Like perfume, makeup and other cosmetic products can be damaged by humidity and sudden changes in temperature.

7. Jewelry and costume jewelery

7. Jewelry and costume jewelery

Having jewelery and costume jewelery in the bathroom is a practice as common as it is harmful. Once again, abundant and recurring moisture can rust metals or warp other materials in your favorite jewelry. The ideal is to have a special box to store them so that they are not exposed to these dangers.

8. Razor blades

8. Razor blades

Being a metal utensil, razor blades or other tools for shaving or epilating can suffer the same fate as jewelry and costume jewelery: they rust. And in this case, the aesthetic damage would be added the possibility of cutting badly and causing injuries. So out of the bathroom or kept safely.

9. Manicure tools

9. Manicure tools

Nail polish and manicure supplies shouldn't be in the bathroom, either. Enamels, like makeup and perfumes, can be damaged by changes in humidity and temperature. And metal utensils, rust and deform. In the dressing room or bedroom they will be safe and sound.

10. Non-waterproof appliances

10. Non-waterproof appliances

Radio transistors and other appliances that cannot get wet, better banish them from the bathroom. Not only can they be damaged if they get wet, but they could also cause a dangerous accident if they have cables and they fall into the bathtub while they are connected to the power, for example.

11. Magazines

11. Magazines

Although many like to use the bathroom as a reading room, parking magazines next to the toilet is not a great idea if you want to avoid the unwanted effects of humidity.

12. And books

12. And books

Like magazines, books should not be left in the bathroom. The combination of moisture and paper can not only make reading difficult, but also be a haven for insects and the ideal place for mold to grow.

Without knowing it, we are storing products and utensils in the bathroom that should only enter this room on rare occasions. If you want to know what they are and how to combat the dangers posed by their presence in the bathroom, read on.

To fight dirt and mold

  • The tooth brush. Yes. Oddly enough, leaving your toothbrush in a glass on the sink can have disastrous consequences. According to some studies, in 60% of the toothbrushes that we leave in sight there are fecal remains and bacteria. And it is that, if you do not keep it, it can suffer splashes of all kinds, and never dry out completely due to persistent humidity. The best thing to do after use is to drain it well and store it in a closed, dry place, or in a toothbrush case.
  • The bars of soap. Although they are super aesthetic and have a special charm, bars of soap are not highly recommended. Liquid soap dispensers are much more hygienic, since they do not accumulate the remains of dirt every time you wash.
  • The towels. It is also not highly recommended to store them in the bathroom. Constant humidity can cause mold and other unwanted pathogens to grow. Ideally, store them in a dry and airy place. And if you have no choice but to store them in the bathroom, ventilate it well daily.

To avoid constant humidity and temperature changes

  • The drugs. Putting the medicine cabinet in the bathroom is a classic that would not be a bad thing to abandon once and for all. Sometimes, they can lose their properties or spoil before the indicated expiration date. The good preservation of medicines requires dry environments and moderate temperatures.
  • Perfume. The heat and humidity in the bathroom accelerate the oxidation process of the perfume, causing its aroma to vary and even spoil. Where to put it, then? In the bedroom vanity or in the dressing room, two dry areas with a much more uniform temperature.
  • The makeup. Three quarters of the same. Like perfume, makeup and other cosmetic products can be damaged and degraded by humidity and sudden changes in temperature. Also, some bacteria can be installed in these products so richly. Get out of the bathroom!

To flee the rust at full speed

  • Jewels and costume jewelery. Having them in the bathroom is a practice as common as it is harmful. Once again, the abundant and recurring humidity can rust metals or warp other materials of your favorite jewelry, such as leather or fabric, for example. The ideal is to have a special box to store them so that they are not exposed to this danger.
  • The razor blades. As metal utensils, razor blades or other tools for shaving or epilating can suffer the same fate as jewelry and costume jewelery: they rust (even before use). And in this case, the aesthetic damage would be added the possibility of cutting badly and causing injuries. So to keep them safely away from the bathroom.
  • Manicure utensils. Nail polish and manicure supplies shouldn't be in this room either. Enamels, like makeup and perfumes, can be damaged by changes in humidity and temperature. And metal utensils, rust and deform. In the dressing room or bedroom they will be safe and sound.

And to avoid other unforeseen dangers …

  • Non-waterproof appliances. Radio transistors and other appliances that cannot get wet can not only be damaged if they get wet, but they could also cause dangerous accidents. For example, if they have cables and they fall into the bathtub while they are connected to the current.
  • Books and magazines. Although many like to use the bathroom as a reading room, parking books and magazines next to the bathtub or toilet is not a great idea. The combination of moisture and paper can not only make reading difficult, but also be a haven for insects and the ideal place for mold to grow.

If you want to discover more techniques to clean easy and effective, do not miss all our cleaning and order tricks.