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10 easy tricks to lose weight fast and without rebound effect

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When we think of losing weight fast, we usually think of a super drastic diet that almost starves us for a few days. But it is more effective to incorporate good habits into our life. First, because fast weight loss diets usually cause us to lose water, but not to burn fat, so the lost weight is regained in a jiffy. And second, because they are easy habits to follow that not only help you lose weight fast but also keep you at the new weight without suffering. 

Do not miss this video and other tips to lose weight below,

When we think of losing weight fast, we usually think of a super drastic diet that almost starves us for a few days. But it is more effective to incorporate good habits into our life. First, because fast weight loss diets usually cause us to lose water, but not to burn fat, so the lost weight is regained in a jiffy. And second, because they are easy habits to follow that not only help you lose weight fast but also keep you at the new weight without suffering. 

Do not miss this video and other tips to lose weight below,

Sunbathe (yes, it is "shed pounds")

Sunbathe (yes, it is "shed pounds")

It seems silly, but sunlight is "shed kilos." On the one hand, the vitamin D that we synthesize when sunbathing, along with calcium from food (dairy, green leafy vegetables, sardines with thorn …), helps burn fat. On the other hand, by having to constantly regulate the body temperature due to heat, the body also burns more. In addition, an investigation by the Hospital of Los Angeles (USA) has shown that there is a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of obesity So if you are one of the lucky ones with a garden, patio, terrace, balcony … take advantage of it.

Eat with slow music

Eat with slow music

Eating fast makes us eat more, even too much. And there are studies that claim that 80% of people devour more than we eat. So this is usually one of the most difficult habits to adopt, but one of the most effective. Take half an hour to cook your meal in a relaxed environment and to make it easy for yourself, put on slow music to help you slow down. Another trick that can help you chew slowly is to sit next to the person who eats the slowest in your environment - the one who is always the last to get up from the table - and follow their rhythm. And if you need more tricks to eat slowly and fill up earlier, we have more.

A good dose of vitamin C daily

A good dose of vitamin C daily

An orange juice two or three times a week, fruit rich in vitamin C (kiwis, citrus fruits, strawberries), red pepper and watercress in your salads, parsley and a splash of lemon for fish … All this reinforces the vitamin C contribution of your diet and has a slimming effect thanks to the ascorbic acid in these foods, which helps reduce lipids (fats) in the body. And just as important as getting a sufficient dose of vitamin C is avoiding what can "steal" it.

Imitate the Japanese

Imitate the Japanese

Have you seen how thin the Japanese tend to be in the face of the obesity epidemic that plagues Americans? Have you ever considered that it could be a matter of how they serve food? The Japanese usually do it in small containers, while the Americans do it in large trays (and there is so much left over that they take for granted that they will take some home). Adopt the Japanese small container system to adjust the size of your servings.

Move (a lot, a lot) every day

Move (a lot, a lot) every day

Sports and an active life are essential to lose weight fast. If you already walk 10,000 steps a day, raise them to 15,000 (now with confinement it is complicated, but if your house allows it, give it a try). If you train 3 times a week, raise it to 4 or better to 5. If you dance, give it your all for longer and more days. Increasing the amount of exercise you already do is the best way to lower the needle on your scale. And if you can, combine cardiovascular exercise (walking fast at home, running on the spot, dancing …) with toning (weights, isometric exercises …), but don't worry, you can lose weight without stepping into the gym.

  • This downloadable plan with weekly exercises and routines will help you get in shape.

A menu on a plate or three bowls

A menu on a plate or three bowls

These is the best way to organize your diet without breaking your mind. It allows you to easily apply the Harvard dish, one of the best formulas to know how to eat in a balanced way without the hassle of counting calories. Use a large bowl for the vegetables (salad, cooked vegetables, vegetable cream …) and two small bowls, one for cereals and legumes (it is a garnish size) and another for protein (egg, meat, fish …) . And if you don't want to put it in bowls, you can use a medium plate (about 20 centimeters). For dessert, always fruit or natural yogurt without sugar.

  • Every week we send easy and light weekly menus in our SUNDAY MAIL, are you already signed up?

Much more attractive and tasty vegetables

Much more attractive and tasty vegetables

They have to be the basis of our diet, so it is very important that we feel "tempted" to eat them, that they are very attractive and succulent. And the secret to making it that way are seasonings (and although it was not a great secret, there is a study by American scientists that corroborates it). Use light dressings such as citrus or mustard vinaigrette and other natural dressings such as bay leaf, thyme, curry, turmeric … Let's not forget that presentation is also important.

Eat (more) legumes

Eat (more) legumes

At least twice a week and, ideally, between 3 and 4. Legumes are very satiating because their carbohydrates are slowly assimilated, making it take us much longer to feel hungry. Instead of fats like chorizo, bacon…, accompany them with spinach, broccoli, cabbage or chard. They are foods rich in lipoic acid, a substance that influences metabolic activity. It has been seen that this combination - legumes and green vegetables - helps you lose weight faster as long as the whole diet is balanced. If you need ideas to eat more legumes, here are seven.

Don't stop having tapas, making vermouth

Don't stop having tapas, making vermouth

You lose weight faster if the method you choose to do it doesn't break with your lifestyle. Therefore, if you are in the habit of having tapas or making vermouth with friends (now by video call), keep up that habit and enjoy the “vitamin S”, that of having good bonds of friendship. Of course, choose light tapas (grilled artichokes, mussels, cockles, flags …), do not have more than one glass of wine or beer, or choose the non-alcoholic version and skip the meal later. If after a couple of hours you feel hungry, have a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts.

Take back the nap

Take back the nap

Depending on how you live, you may have to regain this healthy habit. If you sleep between 6.30 and 7 hours at night, a short 20-minute nap after eating can complete your rest and make you feel more active throughout the day. And if you are less tired, you eat less, you have fewer cravings … And bear in mind that in the afternoon we are more hungry precisely because our energy level decreases.