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10 home remedies to drive away mosquitoes

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If you want to scare off mosquitoes and you don't want to resort to insecticides or toxic products for health, the environment or pets, here is the solution. There are tons of tricks and homemade cleaning products to repel or keep them away easily, inexpensively and without taking any risk.

Home remedies to drive away mosquitoes

  1. Put a fan. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, something as simple as putting on a fan reduces their presence. And it turns out that they are not very good flyers and flee from the air currents because they destabilize them.
  2. Put mosquito nets on windows or beds. It is one of the oldest tricks and one of the most innocuous. It is simply a matter of putting up a barrier so that they do not enter the house or cannot get to bed. This way you keep them away without having to eliminate them.
  3. Poner bolsas con agua junto a puertas y ventanas. Se trata de un truco de toda la vida que se basa en la teoría de que tanto los mosquitos como las moscas se ven reflejados de forma deformada en estas bolsas, lo interpretan como si estuvieran frente a un depredador y huyen despavoridos.
  4. Ahuyentarlos con agua y vinagre. Otro sistema inocuo para ahuyentar los mosquitos consiste en poner junto a puertas y ventanas recipientes con agua y vinagre, uno de los productos de limpieza caseros más eficaces. Al parecer, no les gusta nada su olor y desisten de entrar.
  5. Usar velas, incienso y aceites. Los inciensos, velas y difusores elaborados a base de plantas o aceites esenciales de citronella, limón, lavanda, eucalipto, laurel, romero y albahaca son muy efectivos para combatir los mosquitos.
  6. Make a lemon and clove repeller. It is one of the oldest tricks. It consists of putting half a lemon in the room where you sleep with a few cloves stuck in its pulp. It is also one of the tricks so that your house always smells clean.
  7. Put aromatic plants. The smell of basil, mint or lavender repels mosquitoes.
  8. Eat foods rich in vitamin B. Yes, legumes, nuts and other foods that stand out for their vitamin B content produce enzymes that are unpleasant for mosquitoes.
  9. Eat garlic, onion, and clove oil. They don't like their smell.
  10. Create homemade traps with plastic bottles. It's as simple as cutting a plastic bottle in half. Then, you fill the part of the base with a mixture of 20 cl of water with 50 g of sugar, and sprinkle 1 g of baking powder on top. And finally you place the other half on top in an inverted way, that is, with the mouth and neck down, as if it were a funnel. Attracted by the sweet smell of the mixture, the mosquitoes enter the trap, then they do not know how to get out and are trapped.

Natural mosquito repellent

Another solution is to make your own homemade mosquito repellent.

  • Chamomile repellent. Mix 250 grams of chamomile flowers with water. Wash the chamomile well and rub it into the skin. Repeat every two hours.
  • Almond repellent. Make a mixture with 100 ml of almond oil, 20 drops of geranium essence and 20 drops of basil essence, and apply it on the skin.
  • Peppermint and clove repellent. Mix 25 drops of peppermint oil, 15 drops of clove essence, 5 drops of lemon essence, and 2 teaspoons of degreasing soap. And use it like a cream so they don't come close to stinging you.

Recommendations not to attract them and reduce their presence

  • Do not leave glasses or bottles with open water or containers with stagnant water, such as the dishes under the plants, because it is the ideal medium for them to raise their larvae.
  • Avoid having the light on with the doors and windows open, as they go towards the light.
  • Avoid cosmetic products with sweet smells and floral perfumes, as they attract them, and opt for neutral perfumes or those with a citrus or mint smell, which they do not like at all.