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10 Recipes with sweet potato, delicious!

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Basmati rice with sweet potato and eggplant curry

Basmati rice with sweet potato and eggplant curry

·Base. Chop onion and fry it in a wok. Add two teaspoons of curry and cook for a few minutes over medium heat. Add 400 ml of coconut milk and a glass of water, raise the heat until it boils, lower the flame and simmer for another 5 minutes.

· Cook the curry. Peel a sweet potato, cut it into cubes and add it. After a few minutes, also add a diced aubergine and a few sprigs of broccoli. Cook, stirring, until they are just right. And if you want, add cilantro.

· Assemble the plate. On a base of already cooked basmati rice, arrange the sweet potato and vegetable curry.

Sweet potato stuffed with quinoa

Sweet potato stuffed with quinoa

· A delicious idea. This is one of the stuffed vegetable recipes from our blogger Delicious Martha. Bake a sweet potato until tender, open it in half and fill it with sauteed vegetables, quinoa, rice, or some leftovers that you keep in the fridge. And for the sauce, mix yogurt with lemon juice, oil and salt.

. "Save food". If you are against throwing away your food and you are an advocate of utilization cooking, discover more recipes and tricks to take advantage of leftovers like this one.

Round with sweet potato and roasted vegetables

Round with sweet potato and roasted vegetables

· The round. Take a pork or beef tenderloin. Clean it, tie it, salt and pepper it, brown it in a pan and set it aside.

· Vegetables. Peel and chop the sweet potato and the rest of the vegetables (potato, turnip, carrot, onion, artichokes …). Salt and pepper them and put them in a refractory dish with some garlic, thyme, rosemary and a thread of oil.

·The roast. Roast the vegetables 25 min at 225 °. Remove, lower to 180 ° and put the round that you had sealed in the pan on top. Bake another 25 min and let it rest for 10 min. Serve it filleted with the vegetables and their juice.

Sweet potato and broccoli tart

Sweet potato and broccoli tart

·The cake. On the one hand, cook a few sprigs of broccoli, drain and reserve. On the other, peel some sweet potatoes and cut them with a mandolin into very thin slices. Scald them and line a mold previously greased with butter with them. Put it in a preheated 180 ° oven for 10 minutes. Add the broccoli on top, cover with bechamel sauce and grated cheese on top. Bake 10 more minutes. Add some sliced ​​almonds and gratin until golden brown. Let it temper and unmold.

· The bechamel. If you don't know how to make it, you can follow our easy bechamel recipe in 6 easy steps.

Dorada stuffed with sweet potato

Dorada stuffed with sweet potato

·Fish. Scale and cut off the gilthead's head. With the help of a knife, open it, clean it of the guts and carefully remove the central spine and the rest of the spines. Put a pan over low heat with a thread of oil, cook the bream and remove.

· The filling. In the same pan, sauté the sweet potato cut in julienne and, when it is ready, use it to fill the bream.

·The garrison. As a side, you can make a minced onion and tomato sautéed.

Sweet potato, pumpkin and carrot cream

Sweet potato, pumpkin and carrot cream

·The cream. 300 g of sweet potato, 200 g of pumpkin, 150 g of carrot and 150 g of leek are cleaned and peeled. They are chopped, cooked for 25 minutes in half a liter of water and crushed until obtaining a fine cream. Add 100 ml of heavy cream, ginger powder and sea salt, and decorate with watercress leaves and flaked wheat germ.

· Other decorations. It is also very rich with chopped dried fruits or a few flakes of Parmesan cheese.

Chicken skewers with sweet potato

Chicken skewers with sweet potato

· Prepare the skewers. Take washed chicken breast and dice it. Season and drizzle with lemon juice. Insert them on skewers and set aside.

· Roast the sweet potato. Peel it, wash it, dry it and cut it into cubes too. Arrange them on the plate and water them with a drizzle of oil. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 200 °.

· Assemble the plate. Grill the skewers on a griddle greased with a few drops of oil for about 10 minutes. And serve them with the sweet potato and a sautéed onion and chopped or whole mushrooms.

Vegetable bundles and steamed sweet potato

Vegetable bundles and steamed sweet potato

·The preparation. Put a pot on the fire with three fingers of water. Prepare some peeled sweet potato, potato, carrot sticks and green beans, and tie them with a strip of chives or kitchen string. Place them all in the steamer basket and place it on the pot when the water is boiling. Cover and cook for 5-10 minutes to crisp up, or 15 minutes if you prefer them more tender.

· Plating. Divide the bunches on plates and serve with a yogurt sauce or one of our light sauces and vinaigrettes that are super easy to make!

Couscous with sweet potato and roasted vegetables

Couscous with sweet potato and roasted vegetables

· Roast the vegetables. Peel, clean and chop sweet potato, beet, carrot and onion. Put everything on the oven tray greased with oil. Salt and pepper and sprinkle with aromatic herbs. And roast it in the oven preheated to 180 °.

· Make the couscous. Bring vegetable broth (the same amount as couscous) to boil. Pour it over the couscous and wait 10 minutes until all the liquid is absorbed. Add a little butter and stir until integrated

· Assemble the plate. With the help of a kitchen ring, make a small pile of couscous and cover it with the roasted vegetables.

Sweet potato chips and other vegetables

Sweet potato chips and other vegetables

·Ingredients. You need 1 sweet potato, 1 parsnip, 1 beet, 1 potato, and ½ zucchini.

·Preparation. Peel the sweet potato, potato, parsnip, and beetroot, and top off the zucchini. Wash them all, dry them well and cut into very thin slices with the help of a kitchen mandolin or a potato peeler. Fry the vegetables in batches, in plenty of hot oil. Remove them with a slotted spoon, let them drain on kitchen paper, season them slightly and let them cool.

·Accompaniment. One possibility, for example, is to serve it alongside our super light hummus.

Beyond the classic roasted sweet potato, which is usually eaten in many places around All Saints' Day, this autumn tuber can be used for many dishes. Making a cream or a puree with which to accompany meats or treating them like potatoes and frying them or adding them to stews are some of the possibilities that you can find in these sweet potato recipes.

Keys when it comes to sweet potatoes and cooking them

  • How to choose them. You should choose those that are firm, with the skin as smooth as possible and without marks or bruises, because if it has begun to deteriorate, even if the damaged part is healed, the rest can also take on a bad taste.
  • Store them properly. Do not keep them in plastic bags. Leave them in a ventilated place, without stacking and without direct light, nor in the refrigerator. Thus they can last from 2 to 3 weeks. The longer they are kept, the sweeter they will be.
  • Clean them well. In many recipes, sweet potatoes are used with their skins. To clean them properly, you can do it under running water with a stiff bristle brush or a nylon scrubber, taking care not to break the skin.
  • If you want to freeze them, you have to cook them. It cannot be made raw because its pulp and texture are altered in the freezing process.
  • If you cut them with a mandolin or a potato peeler, in addition to making the typical vegetable chips, you can also use them to make cannelloni, lasagna, ravioli, spaghetti or even a cake like the one we have proposed with sweet potato and broccoli.