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Books to eat healthier and more delicious

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A thousand and one ideas for you

A thousand and one ideas for you

We make you 10 very varied proposals to cook and eat healthy. As you will see, nutritionists opt for a diet in which vegetables have more and more prominence, but in these books you will find all kinds of proposals that will adjust to your needs. Shall we start?

More vegetables, less animals

More vegetables, less animals

Basulto and Cáceres do not cheat. Already on the first page they make clear their objective: that you eat "more vegetables, fewer animals and no or almost no processed meats and superfluous foods."

What we liked the most. Clear arguments, easy to understand and with a point of humor that will make you read the 340 pages of the book with a smile on your face.

More vegetables, less animals.

Julio Basulto and Juanjo Cáceres

(Debolsillo, 2016). € 9.95.

The plate method

The plate method

The Alicia Foundation makes it easy for you to organize healthy menus for day to day: a 23 cm plate and how to distribute vegetables, cereals and proteins (meat, fish, etc.) on it to control weight.

What we liked the most. The menu proposals are designed for everyone, with seasonal foods and traditional preparations.

Healthy cooking with the plate method.

Alicia Foundation

(Amat Editorial, 2016). € 11.95.

Vegetarian bible

Vegetarian bible

If you are interested in delving into vegetarian eating, this is your book, because it gives you everything, from arguments to make good decisions at the time of eating to recipes to easily put into practice what the theory says.

What we liked the most. The great variety of tasty and nutritious dishes that it proposes to follow a healthy diet.

Vegetarian Bible.


(Integral, 2016). € 25.

The diet of colors

The diet of colors

Red, for meat, fish …; orange, for fruit, bread, vegetables, rice …; brown, for oil, nuts …; green, for vegetables; and blue, for drinks. Once you have the color, Dr. Folch tells you how to combine it in your daily menus.

What we liked the most. It eats everything and can be personalized according to gender and age.

The diet of colors.

Dr. Montse Folch

(Grijalbo, 2016). € 17.90.

Slim me down, lie to me

Slim me down, lie to me

The title of the book already shows where Revenga, one of the most combative disseminators in nutrition in our country, points his darts. There is no miracle diet that resists Revenga's arguments.

What we liked the most. He not only criticizes, he also proposes a change in habits for a healthier diet.

Slim me down, lie to me.

Juan Revenga

(Editions B, 2015). € 15.00.

Vegetarians with science

Vegetarians with science

Even if you are not a vegetarian (nor do you want to be), the arguments of Lucía Martínez –author of Tell me what you eat– will convince you to incorporate more vegetables and legumes into your diet. In this book, one by one, she dismantles the arguments that often question the vegetarian diet.

What we liked the most. He is not shy about putting ill-informed vegetarians on his site.

Vegetarians with science.

Lucia Martinez Argüelles

(Arcopress, 2016). € 17.95.

My diet limps

My diet limps

If you are still not sure whether or not you can drink milk, if carbohydrates make you fat at night or if you have to eat five times a day, this will become your reference book. Sánchez is used to divulging about food on his blog My diet is limping,

What we like the most. Not what else, but we really like the prologue by Mikel López Iturriaga, from El Comidista.

My diet is limping.

Aitor Sanchez

(Paidós, 2016). € 16.00.

1,101 vegetarian recipes

1,101 vegetarian recipes

Yes "What do I do to eat?" usually comes out of your mouth frequently, with this book you will not hesitate. Salads, soups, tapas, pâtés, sauces, rice, pasta, papillotes, casseroles, sandwiches, pizzas, cakes, desserts, ice creams, breads and much more …

What we liked the most. Discover everything we can do without resorting to meat or fish.

1,101 vegetarian recipes.


(Integral, 2016). € 23.

Quinoa, seeds and cereals

Quinoa, seeds and cereals

This book offers you 68 very varied recipes to eat cereals (not just quinoa, despite the title) and other seeds and legumes, at breakfast, in soups or salads, main dishes and desserts and cakes.

What we liked the most. There are no excuses for not eating more cereals and legumes for not knowing how to get out of rice with lentils.

Quinoa, seeds and cereals.

Molly brown

(Lunwerg, 2017). € 11.95.

Quick and easy Thai recipes

Quick and easy Thai recipes

If you are a chef and you like to eat healthy, this book brings you closer to a gastronomy in which vegetables, cereals and proteins (from meat to tofu) coexist in balance.

What we liked the most. There are recipes that are made in 5 minutes and the most elaborate do not take more than half an hour.

Quick and easy Thai recipes.

Jean-Pierre Gabriel

(Phaidon, 2017). € 24.95.

Are you addicted to our food posts? Would you like to delve into a topic? Go one step further in the type of diet you are doing? We have a book for you (or more than one). If you are interested in healthy and very tasty recipe ideas and you have already put all of Clara's recipes into practice, the book proposals that we make for you in the gallery will delight you. We have a book for every need.

For kitchens

  • Quinoa, seeds and cereals. Molly Brown (Lunwerg, 2017). In this book you will find ideas for any time of the day, from breakfast to dinner, with cereals as the protagonists. Only cereals or cereals with any other food (meat, fish, fruit, vegetables …).
  • Quick and easy Thai recipes. Jean-Pierre Gabriel (Phaidon, 2017). Do you want to give an exotic touch to your menus? Do not miss this proposal of a kitchen that usually has a good proportion of vegetables, meat or fish and cereals.
  • Vegetarian Bible. VV. AA. (Integral, 2016). Everything you could want to know about vegetarian food and lots of recipes so you can put them into practice.
  • 1,101 vegetarian recipes. VV. AA. (Integral, 2016). A varied selection of the best recipes from Cuerpomente magazine, a benchmark in vegetarian and vegan food.

To organize your menus easily

  • Healthy cooking with the plate method. Alicia Foundation (Amat Editorial, 2016). Neither weigh food nor complicate your life, with the plate method eating balanced is very easy.
  • The diet of colors. Dr. Montse Folch (Grijalbo, 2016). One color for each food group, so it's easy for you to combine them in a healthy way.

To have clear ideas

  • More vegetables, less animals. Julio Basulto and Juanjo Cáceres (Debolsillo clave, 2016) . These two authors will convince you with their arguments in favor of a more vegetarian diet and you will make the title of the book your motto for healthy living.
  • My diet is limping. Aitor Sánchez (Paidós, 2016). Sánchez does not leave a myth with a head in this work that wants to end the false beliefs about food that we can still have.
  • Slim me down, lie to me. Juan Revenga (Editions B, 2015). Revenga is one of the nutritionists most fought against "miracle" diets, which he focuses on in this book.
  • Vegetarians with science. Lucía Martínez Argüelles (Arcopress, 2016). Good arguments for following a vegetarian diet or, simply, to incorporate more vegetables and legumes to the omnivorous diet.

Do you want to know if your diet is healthy?

Take our test on healthy and balanced eating and check if you need to make changes in your diet and habits.

Text: Carme del Vado