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Fluid retention: 10 habits that will help you eliminate it

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Fluid retention  (which is actually called edema ) is a much more common problem than you might think. It can be due to multiple causes, such as poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes or cardiovascular problems. It is usually seen especially in the legs, arms and abdomen , and things as they are: fluid retention is very uncomfortable. Whatever the cause, if it is a minor problem, it could be reduced if you change some habits of your diet. Find out how to combat this problem once and for all! 

Fluid retention  (which is actually called edema ) is a much more common problem than you might think. It can be due to multiple causes, such as poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes or cardiovascular problems. It is usually seen especially in the legs, arms and abdomen , and things as they are: fluid retention is very uncomfortable. Whatever the cause, if it is a minor problem, it could be reduced if you change some habits of your diet. Find out how to combat this problem once and for all! 

Say goodbye to salt

Say goodbye to salt

Yes, it adds more flavor to meals but, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), "salt attracts water and the more salt you consume, the more water will be retained." Avoid it whenever you can! There are other condiments and spices to "enrich" your dishes.

Drink water

Drink water

Drink two liters of water a day. Doing it regularly will decrease fluid retention. Of course, do not go overboard (we recommend that you do not exceed four liters a day), as this can lead to the opposite and further promote retention.

Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol

Better avoid alcoholic beverages. Being rich in sugars and being diluted with difficulty, they cause fluid retention and impair the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Eat more fish

Eat more fish

Avoid cold cuts, as they contain high amounts of salt. Reduce the consumption of red meat and instead opt for low-fat meat (such as turkey or chicken breast) or fish . Do not put that face and discover the best recipes with fish, surely you will love some!

Say yes to dandelion infusion

Say yes to dandelion infusion

Dandelion will help you eliminate toxins. If you don't like the taste, you can also take capsules with extract of this plant.

Don't forget the raspberries!

Don't forget the raspberries!

Raspberries , rich in natural antioxidants, will become your best ally. This fruit favors the expulsion of urine and prevents fluid retention. In addition, its consumption is ideal to treat and prevent cystitis.

Magnesium and potassium

Magnesium and potassium

Magnesium is perfect for reducing the impact of swelling, as well as reducing inflammation. For its part, potassium helps regulate excess sodium in our body. Foods like asparagus, bananas, avocados or kiwis should not be missing from your daily menu.

Cold shower

Cold shower

Yes, that finishing the shower with a jet of cold water makes the hair shine more, but it also works wonders for the correct drainage of liquids. With a jet of cold water on your legs and a body cream that promotes circulation, you will feel much better.

Legs up!

Legs up!

Do you sit all day? So remember to get up every hour to stretch your legs. If you put your legs up, you will get better circulation and help prevent fluid retention.

move on

move on

We already know that now it is a little more difficult, but if you do not like to do sports, dare to dance Zumba, Ballet Fit … An active life helps prevent fluid retention. Also, when we finally can, you can adopt a routine of walking every day for about 20-30 minutes.