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10 Data that will make you know more (and better) your private parts

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During a year, you are more likely to have more vaginal problems than colds. In fact, vaginal problems are almost as common as headaches.


The main vaginal conditions are itchiness and dryness, closely followed by vaginal odor and irritation.


It is the vaginal problem that most concerns us as women. We often see vaginal dryness as a consequence of a lack of desire with our partner.


According to a study carried out by Vagisil in Spain at the end of September 2018 on intimate health, although women know that the vagina is an area to take care of, it is the part of the body that we pay less attention to in our daily treatment routine.


Only 3 out of 10 women dare to talk to other people about their intimate health.


According to another study by Vagisil, although it is still difficult for us to talk about the vagina, in the current context of women's empowerment, little by little we are feeling more owners of this sexual organ and we increasingly feel less like hiding from it.


Our vagina experiences several "momentous" moments in its life: the first menstruation, the first sexual intercourse, pregnancies and childbirth, hormonal changes around the age of 40, menopause and, in general, when the body suffers stress for any reason.


Each generation of women relates to the vagina in a different way. The Vagisil study states that millennials are beginning to feel more confident with their vagina after an insecure adolescence. However, they still think that their vagina is something their partner must accept.


The xennials (microgeneration born between 1977 and 1983, who without being digital natives have developed their entire adult life in the digital age) have taken one more step and feel more reaffirmed in front of their partner. They take care of your vagina and know what to do to prevent problems.


Baby boomers are in an age group with hormonal changes, but at the same time, they are freeing themselves from vital obligations, such as being a mother. This context makes them experiment with their vagina and discover new sensations, but also that they suffer the disadvantages of vaginal aging: flaccidity, dryness, etc.

Do you want to improve the well-being of your vagina?

As you can see, vaginal dryness is a health problem that affects almost all women. It can occur at home from an incorrect hygiene routine, stress, excess caffeine or hormonal changes. In the same way that sometimes we have dry facial or body skin, the same happens with the vagina. And if it does not seem strange to us to use moisturizers, it should not seem strange to us to use vaginal moisturizers, that is, lubricants.

The Vagisil range of products will help us to have adequate hygiene guidelines and to hydrate the vagina whenever it is needed. These products can improve the well-being of your vagina.

External hydrating gel and internal hydrating gel

The external moisturizing gel Vagisil is ideal to provide rapid hydration mimicking the natural vaginal lubrication. Its formula relieves discomfort and irritation due to dryness. Your ideal complement? The internal moisturizing gel Vagisil . It is applied hours before the sexual moment. In fact, it is best to use it as a treatment two or three times a week. Its exclusive bio-adherent formulation is free of preservatives, perfumes and colors, so it is suitable even for the most sensitive. Both gels contain hyaluronic acid, a powerful moisturizing and anti-aging active.

Vagisil lubricant and Sensitive gel: Daily intimate hygiene Vagisil Sensitive

In the same way that we do not wash our face with the same body soap, the vaginal area also requires special care. The Sensitive cleanser : Vagisil Sensitive daily intimate hygiene provides the hygiene that our intimate area needs with a formula with 0% soaps, dyes and parabens. It is hypoallergenic and can be used daily. Vagisil lubricating gel will help us to have more pleasant sexual relations.